Popup Items
From CometWiki
Choose the "P" option in CTMAINT to create or maintain a popup menu. A menu consists of two sections:
- a popup heading
- popup items (subheadings)
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Line#,(A)dd,(D)elete,(I)nsert,(S)eperator,(E)nd
- To edit an existing popup heading, type its line number and press Enter.
- To add a popup heading, choose the A option.
- To delete an existing popup heading, choose the D option.
- To insert a popup heading (between two existing headings), choose the I option.
- To add a seperator between popup headings, choose the S option.
- To return to the CTMAINT main menu, choose the E option.
The Popup Maintenance Screen
The following prompt is displayed:
Popup Heading: ____________________________
Enter the text for the popup heading. If the heading already exists, the following prompt is displayed: Enter Line#,(A)dd,(D)elete,(I)nsert,(S)eperator,(E)nd
- To edit an existing popup item, type its line number and press Enter.
- To add a popup item, choose the A option.
- To delete an existing popup item, choose the D option.
- To insert a popup item (between two existing items), choose the I option.
- To add a seperator line between popup items, choose the S option.
- To return to the previous prompt, choose the E option.
Note: If you include an ampersand character (&) in the popup heading, you can access the popup heading via a keyboard shortcut. There are two rules for such shortcuts: . The ampersand may be placed anywhere in the heading name, immediately prior to the character that will be used for the shortcut. The shortcut consists of the Alt key and the shortcut character. For example, assume you have a popup heading named "File". To make a keyboard shortcut, add the apersand as follows: "&File". When the popup is displayed, the letter "F" will be underlined, and the keyboard shortcut will be: Alt+F
The popup maintenance screen is divided into two sections: Nova settings and Windows settings.
- The Nova settings specify the action that will be taken when the popup item is selected.
- The Windows settings specify what information is displayed on the screen, and (optionally) information for Windows-enabled MTB programs.
Nova settings
The following information is organized by the type of action for each popup item:
To define a popup that will launch the Comet Help System, provide the following information:
Prompt | Response |
Action: | H |
To define a popup that will ENTER a Comet subprogram, provide the following information:
Prompt | Response |
Action: | E |
Program to run: | The name of the Comet subprogram. |
Text or Message: | A text message to be passed to the subprogram. |
Force Transmit? | Type Y to add a transmit to the end of any data stream sent back by the Comet subprogram. Otherwise, type N. |
Save Screen? | Type Y if you want Comet to save the screen before entering the subprogram, and to restore the screen upon exiting from the subprogram. Otherwise, type N. |
Pass Msg in COMMON? | Type Y if you want to pass the message in COMMON to the subprogram. Type N if you want to pass the message using the system buffer (#), or if there is no message to pass. |
To define a popup that will replay a text string, provide the following information:
Prompt | Response |
Action: | T |
Text or Message: | The text to be replayed. |
Force Transmit? | You can specify whether or not the replayed text will be followed by a forced transmit. Type Y for a forced transmit, or type N to replay the text string without appending a forced transmit. |
To define a popup that will launch a Windows document/application, provide the following information:
Prompt | Response |
Action: | L |
Program to run: | The name of the Windows application or document to be launched. |
Text or Message: | Characters to be appended to the application or document name (optional). |
To define a popup that will invoke a "system" tool, provide the following information: Prompt Response
Action: | Y |
Enter Selection (1-14): | The number associated with the system tool.
1 New session |
To define a popup that will be intercepted by the MTB program (not the NOVA program), provide the following information:
Prompt | Response |
Action: | N
The "no action" code represents an event that your Windows-enabled MTB program will intercept directly. |
Windows Settings
Prompt | Response | ||
Menu Description: | Type the description for the popup item. This description is displayed when the associated popup heading is chosen.
Note: If you include an ampersand character (&) in the menu description, you can access the popup heading via a keyboard shortcut. There are two rules for such shortcuts: 1 The ampersand may be placed anywhere in the description, immediately prior to the character that will be used for the shortcut. 2 The shortcut is available by pressing the shortcut key when the popup heading is selected. For example, assume you have a popup description named "Catalog". and the letter "C" in "Catalog" will be underlined, making it the keyboard shortcut. | Hint: | Type the text that will appear on the status line when the popup item is highlighted. |
Tool Variable: | Optional. This field is for Windows-enabled MTB programs only, and contains the name of the variable to be associated with the tool.
Tool I.D. Display only. Contains the Windows identification number of the tool. |
The following prompt is displayed:
Correct? (Yes/No)
If the Nova and Windows entries are corrent, type Y or press Enter. Otherwise, type N and enter the correct values