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Mnemonics "A"
(Allow Maximize)
Mnemonic: (Allow Maximize=state) Discussion: This mnemonic disables/enables the maximize controls on the COSW window. Use this mnemonic to prevent the user from maximizing the COSW window. State is a flag indicating which function is to be performed:
0 Disable the maximize controls 1 Enable the maximize controls
Example: ! Disable the maximize controls
Print (Allow Maximize=0)
! Enable the maximize controls
Print (Allow Maximize=1)
Archive mnemonics
Mnemonic Description (Document=longfilename,dir) Specifies a name for a copy of an archive document (SpoolMessage=DocumentName) Specifies the filename to be used for a document stored in an archive.
(Auto Metafile)
Mnemonic: (AutoMetafile = State) Discussion: Enables/disables the automatic use of un-named metafiles. AutoMetafile is ON by default. When disabled, the existing metafile (if present) will be executed. Where State is:
AMF.DISABLE = 0 ! Disables automatic metafiles AMF.ENABLE = 1 ! Enables automatic metafiles
(Auto Tab Off)
Mnemonic: (Auto TAB Off) Hex equivalent: "@0E0004@" Discussion: This mnemonic turns off the "automatic tab mode." Also see (Auto TAB On).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Auto TAB Off)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Auto TAB Off)
(Auto Tab On)
Mnemonic: (Auto TAB On) Hex equivalent: "@0E0003@" Discussion: This mnemonic turns on the "automatic tab mode." In this mode, the cursor automatically advances to the next input field when it reaches the last character of the current input field. Also see (Auto TAB Off).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Auto TAB On)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Auto TAB On)
Mnemonic: (AutoCROff) Discussion: The (AutoCROff) mnemonic turns off the extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed with a (TR). The mnemonic is in effect until either the printer is closed or the (AutoCROn) mnemonic is sent. The effect will persist over an EXIT, so a subprogram may issue the mnemonic for a printer opened by the parent program. History: Support for this mnemonic was added in Comet 2004. Example: a. 100 FORMAT (AutoCROff)
. OPEN (1) "LP1" . PRINT (1,100)
b. OPEN (1) "LP1"
. PRINT (1) (AutoCROff)
Mnemonic: (AutoCROn) Discussion: The (AutoCROn) mnemonic turns on the extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed with a (TR). The mnemonic is in effect until either the printer is closed or the (AutoCROff) mnemonic is sent. The effect will persist over an EXIT, so a subprogram may issue the mnemonic for a printer opened by the parent program. History: Support for this mnemonic was added in Comet 2004. Example: a. 100 FORMAT (AutoCROn)
. OPEN (1) "LP1" . PRINT (1,100)
b. OPEN (1) "LP1"
. PRINT (1) (AutoCROn)
Email Mnemonic: (BCC=string-argument) Discussion: The (BCC) mnemonic may be used to specify "blind carbon copy" recipients of your email message. Example: OPEN (1) "LEH" PRINT (1) (BCC="")
(Begin Metafile)
Mnemonic: (BeginMetafile = FileName) Discussion: Initiates the collecting of GDI functions into a virtual memory block (Metafile) that is passed to COSW in a single write rather than one function at a time enhancing performance. If FileName is non-blank the file can be saved to disk and recalled at a later time (see ExecuteMetafile).
Read about other Email Mnemonics
Mnemonic: (BeginWaitCursor) Discussion: This mnemonic turns on the hourglass cursor. See (EndWaitCursor) and (RestoreWaitCursor).
Example: Print (BeginWaitCursor) . . . Print (EndWaitCursor)
Mnemonic: (BF) Hex equivalent: "@0406@" Discussion: Blank fill. The (BF) control code replaces all characters from the cursor position to the end of the line with blanks. The current mode -- foreground, background, or invisible (suppressed background) -- determines the type of blank. When this control is complete, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the next line (or the next available foreground position on the screen).
This control code may also include a positioning statement to start the fill operation from a specific point on the screen.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (SB);(BF),@(10,0)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (SB);(BF),@(10,0)
This example sets the video mode to background (SB), and then blank fills the top row of the screen (i.e., row 0) from position 10 to the end of the line.
(BIOS Mouse On)
Mnemonic: (BIOS Mouse On) Hex equivalent: "@0E0905@" Discussion: This control opens the BIOS mouse driver (if possible). Also see (Mouse On) and (Enhanced Mouse On).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (BIOS Mouse On)
. PRINT (0,100
b. PRINT (0) (BIOS Mouse On
Mnemonic: (BF) Hex equivalent: "@0406@" Discussion: Blank fill. The (BF) control code replaces all characters from the cursor position to the end of the line with blanks. The current mode -- foreground, background, or invisible (suppressed background) -- determines the type of blank. When this control is complete, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the next line (or the next available foreground position on the screen).
This control code may also include a positioning statement to start the fill operation from a specific point on the screen.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (SB);(BF),@(10,0)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (SB);(BF),@(10,0)
This example sets the video mode to background (SB), and then blank fills the top row of the screen (i.e., row 0) from position 10 to the end of the line.
Mnemonic: (BM) Hex equivalent: "@0405@" Discussion: Blind mode. The (BM) control code establishes "blind mode" -- an attribute where characters entered from the keyboard do not appear on the screen. Up to 32 characters can be entered with the video device in blind mode. This control code is typically used for entering invisible passwords.
This example shows how to set the blind mode input buffer. The (BM) control code is written and the data is entered into the variable named PASSWORD$. This data will not be visible on the screen as it is entered.
Note: As of Comet version 504, this mnemonic is no longer supported. Mnemonic: (Blink) Hex equivalent: "@0E0001@" Discussion: This mnemonic displays blinking characters on the Comet console. Blinking works only on "bright" characters that are defined as the "background color" of a field (i.e., the first character in the color definition). Blinking works on all of the "bright" characters on the screen, including foreground fields, background fields, invisible fields, and data entry fields. To blink all "bright" characters on the screen, use the following instruction:
PRINT (0) (Blink)
To display "bright" characters, and stop the blinking, use the following instruction:
PRINT (0) (Bright)
The 16 VGA colors are shown below, with the "bright" characters shown at the right-hand side:
Regular colors Bright colors (blinking works here) ========================================================== 0 black 8 gray 1 blue 9 light blue 2 green A light green 3 cyan B light cyan 4 red C light red 5 magenta D light magenta 6 brown E yellow 7 white F bright white
Color Definition Will it blink? ============================================================== 17 blue background, white characters no 97 light blue background, white characters yes 1F blue background, bright white characters no 9F light blue background, bright white characters yes
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Blink)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Blink)
Mnemonic: (BM) Hex equivalent: "@0405@" Discussion: Blind mode. The (BM) control code establishes "blind mode" -- an attribute where characters entered from the keyboard do not appear on the screen. Up to 32 characters can be entered with the video device in blind mode. This control code is typically used for entering invisible passwords.
This example shows how to set the blind mode input buffer. The (BM) control code is written and the data is entered into the variable named PASSWORD$. This data will not be visible on the screen as it is entered.
Note: As of Comet version 504, this mnemonic is no longer supported. Mnemonic: (Bright) Hex equivalent: "@0E0002@" Discussion: This mnemonic displays bright characters on the Comet console. Bright characters that are defined as the "background color" of a field (i.e., the first character in the color definition). To display "bright" characters, use the following instruction:
PRINT (0) (Bright)
Note: The (Bright) mnemonic also turns off blinking fields that have been previously set with the (Blink) mnemonic.
The 16 VGA colors are shown below, with the "bright" characters shown at the right-hand side:
Regular colors Bright colors ========================================= 0 black 8 gray 1 blue 9 light blue 2 green A light green 3 cyan B light cyan 4 red C light red 5 magenta D light magenta 6 brown E yellow 7 white F bright white
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Bright)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Bright)
(CA Sessions)
Mnemonic: (CA Sessions=maximum-number-of-sessions) Discussion: This mnemonic sets a limit on the number of CometAnywhere sessions. The maximum-number-of-sessions is a decimal value. To get information on the current setting, set the argument to 0 and follow the mnemonic with an INPUT (see example 2).
Example 1: Print (CA Sessions=3)
This example sets the maximum number of CometAnywhere sessions to 3.
Example 2: Print (CA Sessions=0) Input A$
This example sets the argument to 0.
As a result, the current setting is returned to the string variable contained in the next INPUT statement following the mnemonic. The return value is a one-byte hex string. For example, if the current maximum-number-of-sessions is 3, the hex value "@03@" is assigned to A$.
Mnemonic: (CapsOff) Discussion: This mnemonic turns the Caps Lock keyboard function off. See (CapsOn).
Example: Print (CapsOff)
Mnemonic: (CapsOn) Discussion: This mnemonic turns the Caps Lock keyboard function on. See (CapsOff).
Example: Print (CapsOn)
Email Mnemonic: (CC=string-argument) Discussion: The (CC) mnemonic may be used to specify the "carbon copy" recipients of your email message. Example: OPEN (1) "LEH" PRINT (1) (CC="")
Mnemonic: (CF) Hex equivalent: "@06@" Discussion: Clear foreground. The (CF) control code clears all foreground screen positions to foreground blanks and positions the cursor at the first foreground position on the screen (the upper left corner). This control does not affect background or invisible (suppressed background) screen positions.
This control code is typically used to clear input data from a formatted screen after it is entered in order to prepare for the next set of input data.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CF)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CF)
This example shows how to clear all foreground screen positions.
Read about other Email Mnemonics
Mnemonic: (CFLD) Hex equivalent: "@0407@" Discussion: Clear field. The (CFLD) control code clears all foreground characters in a field in which the cursor is located and replaces them with foreground blanks. It then positions the cursor in the first position of the field (left-most position for alphanumeric fields and right-most position for right-justified numeric fields). The control code does not affect background or invisible (suppressed background) fields.
This control code may also include a positioning statement to start the clearing operation at a specific point on the screen.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CFLD),@(10,0)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CFLD),@(10,0)
This example demonstrates the "clear field" control code. The positioning statement puts the control into action at column 10, row 0. If this location is a foreground field, it will be cleared to foreground blanks (if not, the control code will do nothing).
Mnemonic: (CH) Hex equivalent: Discussion: Cursor home. The (CH) control code moves the cursor to the "home" position on the screen. Home position is the upper left foreground location of the screen. Since the cursor will land only in a foreground area, "home" may be something other than the upper left corner.
For example, if the upper left corner of the screen contains background or invisible (suppressed background) characters, the cursor will search to the right and to the next line(s) if necessary for the first available foreground position.
Once a foreground field is located, the cursor will be positioned at the first location in that field (left-most position for alphanumeric fields and right-most position for right-justified numeric fields).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CH)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CH)
This example shows how to move the cursor to the home position.
(Change Color)
Mnemonic: (Change Color=ARG1$) Hex equivalent: "@0E0E0Bxx00@" where: xx = the foreground color
Discussion: This mnemonic changes the foreground color attribute on the Comet console, and is effective only for the current write operation. ARG1$ is the foreground color; it may be a string constant or a string variable containing the hex representation of the screen color.
See Screen Colors for a list of color codes.
Also see (Change Colors) for a way to change all of the screen colors.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Change Color="@07@")
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Change Color="@07@")
(Change Colors)
Mnemonic: (Change Colors=ARG1$,ARG2$,ARG3$,ARG4$,ARG5$) Hex equivalent: "@0E0E0Evvwwxxyyzz@" where: vv = the foreground color ww = the background color xx = the invisible color (for TM's, TP's, and RJ's) yy = the border color zz = the entry field color
Discussion: The mnemonic changes all of the screen colors on the Comet console, or within the current Comet window.
ARG1$ is the foreground color
ARG2$ is the background color
ARG3$ is the invisible color (for TM's, TP's, and RJ's)
ARG4$ is the border color
ARG5$ is the entry field color
All of these arguments are in hex and may be string constants or a string variable containing the hex representation of the screen color.
See Screen Colors for a list of color codes.
Also see (Change Color) for a way to change the foreground color only.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Change colors="@0F@","@A0@","@00@","@C0@","@0F@")
. PRINT (0,100)
b. Print (0) (Change colors="@0F@","@A0@","@00@","@C0@","@0F@")
Mnemonic: (CPL132) Hex equivalent: "@040009@" Discussion: This mnemonic sets the video display mode to 132 characters per line. Also see (Screen), (CPL64), (CPL80), and (DE).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CPL132)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CPL132)
(CPL64) Mnemonic: (CPL64) Hex equivalent: "@0402@" Discussion: The (CPL64) control code sets the screen display mode to 64 characters per line by 27 lines. The screen is cleared to foreground blanks and the cursor is moved to the "home" position. (Note: In normal mode, the cursor will be moved to the upper left corner of the screen. If typewriter mode is in effect, the cursor will be moved to the lower left corner of the screen.) This control code may be overridden by the system configuration (if the configuration forces the screen display to 80 columns, for example).
Also see (Screen), (CPL132), (CPL80), and (DE).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CPL64)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CPL64)
Mnemonic: (CPL80) Hex equivalent: "@0403@" Discussion: The (CPL80) control code sets the screen display mode to 80 characters per line by 24 lines. The screen is cleared to foreground blanks and the cursor is moved to the "home" position. (Note: In normal mode, the cursor will be moved to the upper left corner of the screen. If typewriter mode is in effect, the cursor will be moved to the lower left corner of the screen.) Also see (Screen), (CPL132), (CPL64), and (DE).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (CPL80)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (CPL80)
(Check Box Off)
Note: This feature is not supported beyond Comet 504. Mnemonic: (Check Box Off) Hex equivalent: "@CAC6B6@" Discussion: This mnemonic draws a graphical check box on the screen. The check box is in the "off" position (i.e., no check mark appears in the box), as shown here:
The check box symbol occupies 3 spaces on the screen.
Note: The (Enhanced Characters On) mnemonic must be used before the (Check Box Off) mnemonic us used.
Also see (Check Box On).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Check Box Off)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Check Box Off)
(Check Box On)
Note: This feature is not supported beyond Comet 504. Mnemonic: (Check Box On) Hex equivalent: "@CACEB6@" Discussion: This mnemonic draws a graphical check box on the screen. The check box is in the "on" position (i.e., a check mark appears in the box), as shown here:
The check box symbol occupies 3 spaces on the screen.
Note: The (Enhanced Characters On) mnemonic must be used before the (Check Box On) mnemonic us used.
Also see (Check Box Off).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Check Box On)
. PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Check Box On)