Mnemonics "N"

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NLM mnemonics

(Force Close=server-number, filename, directory)  
(Force Logout=server-number, node-name)  
(Get Connection Info=server-number, node-name)  
(Get Extract Info=server-number, extracted-key, filename, directory)  
(Get Server Time=server-number)  
(Who Has File=server-number, filename, directory)  

(Normal Input)

Mnemonic:   (Normal Input)  
Discussion:  This mnemonic turns off (Upper Case Input).  
History:  This mnemonic was added in Comet 504.  
Example:  PRINT (0) (Normal Input)


100 FORMAT (Normal Input)
PRINT (0,100)

Normal Mode (EN)

Mnemonic:   (EN)  
Hex equivalent:  "@0E06@"  
Discussion:  Enter normal mode. 
The (EN) control code sets the video display in normal mode. The location of displayed information, the placement of the cursor, and the places where data is transmitted are determined by the FORMAT statements in the program. 

The alternative to normal mode is typewriter mode. 
Example:  a. 100 FORMAT (EN);(SB);"CUSTOMER INQUIRY",@(10,0)
   PRINT (0,100)

b. PRINT (0) (EN);(SB);"CUSTOMER INQUIRY",@(10,0)

This example shows how to set normal mode, either at the beginning of a FORMAT statement or within a PRINT statement. The additional controls set background mode and display a heading at column 10, row 0.  
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