CosW.ini settings
From CometWiki
COSW.ini Settings These are some COSW.INI settings that may be useful to some installations.
COSW.INI Sections/Keys/Values
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Contents |
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ExclusiveIni = 1 / 0 (0) Do not use COSW.INI or COSWGLOB.INI (COSW.INI is checked first)
SaveSettings = 1 / 0 (1) Save changes to COSW.INI
PrintScreenClient = 1 / 0 (0) Print only the client part of the screen (View)
CaptionPrefix = ("Comet") Set main COSW window caption prefix
IncludeStdCaption = 1 / 0 (0) When setting main COSW window caption from IB append "- "
ShowStatusTerm = 1 / 0 (0) Include on status line
MenuState = 1 / 0 (1) Show / Hide menu
SetCapsLock = 1 / 0 Force CapsLock
MaxRemSessions = Maximum number of concurrent CA sessions this system
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EasyMouseDown = 1 / 0 (0) Non-zero will cause mouse to trigger on down
KeepAlive = (30) Interval for sending keepalive packets
EditKeys = 1 / 0 (1) Enable/disable Windows field-editing keys
InsertLock = 1 / 0 (0) Windows-like behavior
Insert = 1/ 0 (0) Default insert/overwrite
WinInsertMode = 1 / 0 (0) All of the above (EditKeys + InsertLock + Insert)
HyperLinkColor = ,,,,, ("0,0,255,255,0,69") Defines colors for all hyperlinks
ShowIDs = 1 / 0 Show ToolContext ID's on status line
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CAPort = (11751) Selects an alternate CometAnywhere port for host/client
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AutoFlush = 1 / 0 (1) Flush RAW job after 2 seconds of inactivity
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