Mnemonics "M"

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(Map Mode)

Mnemonic: (MapMode = Mode)

Discussion: Sets the current coordinate mapping mode.<br. This function determines how GDI functions are mapped into the QCRT display area.
The default uses pixels relative to the view area of the window.

Where Mode is:

  • MM.PIXEL = 0  ! Coords. = pixels
  • MM.PIXEL.MARG = 1  ! Coords. = pixels + margin offset
  • MM.COSWUNIT = 2  ! Coords. = COSW units
  • MM.COSWUNIT.MARG = 3 ! Coords. = COSW units + margin offset
  • MM.QCRTROWCOL = 4  ! Coords. = QCRT row/cols + margin offset

Note: QCRT coordinates are always relative to the margins


Mnemonic: (MC)

Hex equivalent: "@0401@"

Discussion: Remember cursor.
The (MC) control code saves the current location of the cursor for subsequent use with the "restore cursor" control code.

See Restore Cursor (RC). 

Example: a. 100 FORMAT (MC)

  PRINT (0,100)

Example b.

  PRINT (0) (MC)

This example shows how to use the remember cursor control code.
When the PRINT statement is executed, the current position of the cursor will be saved by Comet.
Subsequently, the cursor can be repositioned to this location with the (RC) control code.

(Mouse Off)

Mnemonic: (Mouse Off)

Hex equivalent: "@0E0904@"

Discussion: This control closes the mouse driver.

Also see (Mouse On).

Example: a.

 100 FORMAT (Mouse Off)
  PRINT (0,100)

Example b.

PRINT (0) (Mouse Off)

(Move To)

Mnemonic: (Move To = x,y)

Discussion: Moves the current location pointer to the location specified by x, y.
Returns: The x and y coordinates of the previous position in LoResult and HiResult (respectivly).

History: This mnemonic is valid in Comet98 and greater.

Printer mnemonics for generic printers

Mnemonic Description
(CR) Carriage return to the beginning of the next line
(Flush) When sent to a RAW printer, causes any pending data retained by the spooler to be sent to the printer.
(FF) Form feed to the top of the next page
(LF) Line feed
(LS) Linefeed suppress
(SL=n) Skip n lines
(TR) Set transparent printing mode

Mouse driver mnemonics

Mnemonic Hex equivalent
(BIOS Mouse On) "@0E0905@"
(Easy Scan) "@0E0000@"
(Enhanced Characters On) "@0E0907@"
(Enhanced Characters Off) "@0E0908@"
(Enhanced Mouse On) "@0E0906@"
(Hide Mouse Cursor) "@0E0902@"
(Mouse Off) "@0E0904@"
(Mouse On) "@0E0900@"
Read Mouse) "@0E0903@"
(Show Mouse Cursor) "@0E0901@"

NLM mnemonics


(Force Close=server-number, filename, directory)

(Force Logout=server-number, node-name)

(Get Connection Info=server-number, node-name)

(Get Extract Info=server-number, extracted-key, filename, directory)

(Get Server Time=server-number)

(Who Has File=server-number, filename, directory)

(Spool Message)

Mnemonic:   (Spool Message=string-argument)  
Discussion:  For legacy spool jobs (QSPOOL) the (Spool Message) mnemonic appends an identification message to a job in the Comet print spooler. 
Beginning in Comet 2005, it may be used with pdf, htm, or txt printers to specify the name of the document file for type "X" archives.

The string-argument is a string constant or variable with a maximum length of 50 bytes. 
History:  This mnemonic was added in Comet version 504.208 and requires an up-to-date version of the MTB50 file.  
Example:  OPEN (1) "SP1"
PRINT (1) (SPOOL MESSAGE="Sales Report")

Video mnemonics

Mnemonic  Description  Hex equivalent  
@(column,row)  position cursor  "@01xxyy@"
xx = row + 1
yy = column  
(Auto TAB Off)  auto Tab off  "@0E0004@"  
(Auto TAB On)  auto Tab on  "@0E0003@"  
(BeginWaitCursor)  turns on hourglass cursor  
(BF)  blank fill  "@0406@"  
(BM)  blind mode  "@0405@"  
(CapsOff)  turns the Caps Lock key off  
(CapsOn)  turns the Caps Lock key on  
(CA Sessions=number)  sets a limit on the number of CometAnywhere sessions  
(CF)  clear foreground  "@06@"  
(CFLD)  clear field  "@0407@"  
(CH)  cursor home  
(Change Color=ARG1$)  change foreground color  "@0E0E0Bxx00@"  
(Change Colors=ARG1$,ARG2$,ARG3$,ARG4$,ARG5$) 
ARG1$ = foreground
ARG2$ = background
ARG3$ = invisible
ARG4$ = border
ARG5$ = entry
(all in hex) 
 change screen colors  "@0E0E0Evvwwxxyyzz@"  
(CPL132)  set 132-column mode  "@040009@"  
(CPL64)  set 64-column mode  "@0402@"  
(CPL80)  set 80-column mode  "@0403@"  
(CR)  cursor return  "@0D@"  
a = upper left column
b = upper left row
c = lower right column
d = lower right row
(all values are decimal)

 create legacy window  "@0E0D00wwxxyyzz@"  
(CreateWindowEx=column,row,width,height,style,flags,caption$)  create extended window  
(CrMode=mode)  Set CR mode  
(CS)  clear screen  "@05@"  
(DE)  set default characters per line  "@0404@"  
(DeleteWindow)  delete legacy window  "@0E0D01@"  
(DeleteWindowEx=handle$)  delete extended window  
(Draw box=a,b,c,d) 
a = upper left column
b = upper left row
c = lower right column
d = lower right row
(all values are decimal) 
 draw box  
(Easy Scan)  set easy scan mode  
(EN)  enter normal mode  "@0E06@"  
(EndWaitCursor)  turns off hourglass cursor  
(ET)  enter typewriter mode  "@0E05@"  
(FT)  force transmit  "@0408@"  
(Full Scan Codes Passed)  send all scan codes  "@0E000E@"  
(Get Session ID)  get session ID and session instance  
(Hide Cursor)  makes cursor invisible  
(HyperLink=text$,action$,style)  creates a Comet hyperlink  
(HyperLinkColor=R,G,B,r,g,b)  establishes colors for a Comet hyperlink  
(Ignore Windows)  write to any screen location, disregarding windows  
(InitInputData)  display initial data with new INPUT statement  
(Insert Off)  turns Insert key off  
(Insert On)  turns Insert key on  
(Invoke HELP)  set auto help mode  "@0E01@"  
(Kill Session)  kill a Comet session without displaying a dialog  
(Launch=string$)  launch a Windows application or document  
(LD)  line delete  "@040A@"  
(LI)  line insert  "@040B@"  
(MC)  remember cursor  "@0401@"  
(Normal Input)  turns off (Upper Case Input)  
(Partial Scan Codes Off)  turn partial scan codes off  "@0E0008@"  
(Partial Scan Codes On)  turn partial scan codes  "@0E0007@"  
(RB)  ring bell  "@07@"  
(RC)  restore cursor  "@09@"  
(RD)  roll down  "@040B@"  
(Redraw Notify)  redraw notify  
(Request ID)  request workstation ID  "@040001@"  
(Reset Screen)  clears all windows and dialog boxes from the screen  
(Restore Screen)  restore screen display  "@040004@"  
(RestoreWaitCursor)  restores hourglass cursor if it was previously on  
(RJ)  right justify mark  "@0B@"  
(RU)  roll up  "@040A@"  
(SatisfyInput=data$)  provides input data to INPUT statement from an event handling subroutine  
(Save Screen)  save screen display  "@040003@"  
(SB)  start background  "@08@"  
(Scan Codes Off)  turn full scan codes off  "@0E000F@"  
(Screen=columns,rows)  set screen size  
(SelectWindowEx=handle$,flags)  select extended window  
(Set Window Caption)  set window caption  
(SF)  start foreground  "@0A@"  
(Shell Execute)  shell execute (launch Windows program/document)  
(Shell Execute Wait)  shell execute and wait for Windows program to finish  
(Shell to DOS=ARG1$) 
ARG1$ is a valid DOS command (it may be null). 
 shell to DOS  "@0E0E0A00@"  
(Show cursor)  make cursor visible  
(Single Key Transmit)  single key transmit mode  "@040002@"  
(SSB)  start suppressed background  "@040C@"  
(Std Keyboard Off)  standard keyboard off  "@0E0006@"  
(Std Keyboard On)  standard keyboard on  "@000E05@"  
(Switch Session=numeric-argument)  switch Comet session  "@0E0Cxx@"  
(TM)  transmit mark  "@0C@"  
(Upper Case Input)  automatically converts all input to upper case  
(TP)  transmit stop mark  "@0409@"  
(WC)  write to control line  "@0E07@"  
(Window Title Background=ARG1$,ARG2) 
ARG1$ = window title
ARG2 = position 
 display window title as background characters  
(Window Title Foreground=ARG1$,ARG2) 
ARG1$ = window title
ARG2 = position 
 display window title as foreground characters  

Windows printer mnemonics

Text and font functions 
Mnemonic  Description  
(GetBkColor)  Returns the current background color  
(GetBkMode)  Returns the current background mode  
(GetFontInfo = item-code)  Returns font information  
(GetFuncResult)  Requests the 4-byte result of the last printer function  
(GetTextAlign)  Returns the current text alignment mode  
(GetTextColor)  Returns the current text color  
(GetTextExtent); printable-text  Measures the size (width and height) of the specified text  
(Pop Font)   
(Push Font)   
(Rectangle=left, top, right, bottom)  Draws a rectangle  
(RoundRect=left, top, right, bottom, corner-width, corner-height)  Draws a rectangle with rounded corners  
(SelectFont); log-font-data  Selects the specified font  
(SelectSysFont=font-number)  Selects the specified SYSTEM font  
(SetBkColor=red, green, blue)  Sets the current background color  
(SetBkMode=mode)  Sets the background mode  
(SetTextAlign=flags)  Sets the text alignment mode  
(SetTextColor=red, green, blue)  Sets the current text color  
(TextOut = X, Y); printable-text  Prints the specified text at the specified location  

Graphics and drawing functions 
Mnemonic  Description  
(Draw Bit Map=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags); filename  Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors  
(Draw Image=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags, filename)  Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors  
(Draw Text=left, top, right, bottom, flags); printable-text  Prints the specified text into the rectangle at the specified location, using the specified format codes  
(Ellipse=left, top, right, bottom)  Draws an ellipse  
(Line To = X, Y)  Draws a line using the currently selected pen from the current location pointer to the location specified  
(Move To = X, Y)  Moves the current location pointer to the specified location  
(SelectHatchBrush=style, red, green, blue)  Selects the hatched brush  
(SelectPen=style, width, red, green, blue)  Selects the specified pen  
(SelectSolidBrush=red, green, blue)  Selects the solid brush  

Printer control functions 
Mnemonic  Description  
(GetPageInfo = item-code)  Returns page information  
(SetOrientation=mode)  Sets the paper orientation  
(SetPaperSize)  Sets the paper size  
(SetPrinterInfo)  Sets printer information  
(LineSpacing=LinesPerInch)  Overrides the default font-based line spacing to the desired lines-per-inch  
(AutoCrOn)  Turns on extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).  
(AutoCrOff)  Turns off extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).  

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