IB enhancements for Comet32
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Comet32 Numeric Processing
- Comet32 provides much enhanced numeric handling over Comet16. These Specs may change prior to official release.
- Numeric variables can be as long as 32 decimal places. This is twice the length of Comet16.
- Expression results are calculated to length 64.32 so that partial results of expressions are preserved.
- The following Comet16 Functionality is supported::
Add, z = x + y Subtract, z = x - y Multiply, z = x * y Divide, z = x / y Negate, z = - x Abs, z = abs(x) -- Return the absolute value of x Int, z = int(x) -- Return the integer portion of x Fpt, z = abs(x) -- Return the fractional portion of x Sgn, z = abs(x) -- Return the sign of x (-1,0,+1) Num, z = num(a$,err) -- Return the string a$ converted to a number. Asc, z = asc(a$) -- Return the ascii equivalent of the first character in a$. Len, z = len(a$) -- Return the length of string a$. BitwiseAnd, z = x and y BitwiseOr, z = x or y BitwiseXor, z = x xor y BitwiseNot, z = not(x) Mod, z = x mod y -- Divides int(x) by int(y) and return the remainder Sqrt, z = sqrt(x) -- Return the Square Root of x Rnd, z = rnd() -- Return a "random number" between 0 and 1
Many additional math functions are supported in Comet32:
Cbrt, z = cbrt(x) -- Return the Cube Root of x Log, z = log(x) -- Return the base-e logarithm of x, so x==exp(z) Log10, z = log10(x) -- Return the base-10 logarithm of x, so x==pow(10,z) Exp, z = exp(x) -- Return e raised to the power x, so x==log(z) Pow, z = pow(x,y) -- Return x raised to the power y Sin, z = sin(x) -- Return the sine of x, with x in radians Cos, z = cos(x) -- Return the cosine of x, with x in radians Tan, z = tan(x) -- Return the tangent of x, with x in radians Asin, z = asin(x) -- Return the inverse sine of x, in radians Acos, z = acos(x) -- Return the inverse cosine of x, in radians Atan, z = atan(x) -- Return the inverse tangent of x, in radians Atan2, z = atan2(y,x) -- Return the 4 quadrant inverse tangent of y/x Sinh, z = sinh(x) -- Return the hyperbolic sine of x Cosh, z = cosh(x) -- Return the hyperbolic cosine of x Tanh, z = tanh(x) -- Return the hyperbolic tangent of x Asinh, z = asinh(x) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x Acosh, z = acosh(x) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x Atanh, z = atanh(x) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x Factorial, z = factorial(x)-- Return the factorial of x Floor, z = floor(x) -- Return the floor (next lowest integer value) of x. Ceil, z = ceil(x) -- Return the ceil (next highest integer value) of x. Gcd, z = gcd(x,y) -- Return the GCD (greatest common divisor) of x, y. Lcm, z = lcm(x,y) -- Return the LCM (least common multiple) of x, y.
Beware! The following code will not work the same for Comet32 as it did for Comet16:
For I = 0 to 99 A$ = "T" + sub(str(i+100),15,2) Next i
Because the result of the addition is in the accumulator which has changed.
The following code will ALWAYS work for both Comet16 and Comet32:
For I = 0 to 99 A$ = `T' + sub(strip(str(i+100)),2,2) Next I