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Table of Contents
ABS function
Absolute value
ACCESS statement
Accessing InternetBasic directories
ACTIVATE statement
Activating background partitions
ADJUSTL function
ADJUSTR function
AGAIN statement
(Allow Maximize) mnemonic
Alphanumeric data types
Alphanumeric statement labels
Archive mnemonics
Arrays (subscripted variables)
ASC function
ASCHEX function
ASCII chart
ASCII conversion function (ASC)
Assignment statement
(Auto Metafile) mnemonic
(Auto Tab Off) mnemonic
(Auto Tab On) mnemonic
(AutoCROff) mnemonic
(AutoCROn) mnemonic
AUTOINPUT statement
Automatic help
Background processing
Background screen display (SB)
BASE256 function
BASE64 function
(BCC) mnemonic
(Begin Metafile) mnemonic
(BeginWaitCursor) mnemonic
(BF) mnemonic
BINARY function
(BIOS Mouse On) mnemonic
Blank fill (BF)
Blank if zero (BZ)
Blank stripping
Blind mode (BM)
(Blink) mnemonic
(BM) mnemonic
Branching statement, GOTO
Branching statement, ON/GOTO
BREAK statement
(Bright) mnemonic
Byte-align COMMON
(BZ) modifier
(CA Sessions) mnemonic
(CapsOff) mnemonic
(CapsOn) mnemonic
Carriage return (CR)
CASE statement
Case structure

SELECT statement
CASE statement (in SELECT structure)
ANY MATCH statement (in SELECT structure)
ELSE (in SELECT structure)
FROM parameter (in SELECT structure)
IS parameter (in SELECT structure)
MATCH parameter (in SELECT structure)
THRU parameter (in SELECT structure)

(CC) mnemonic
(CF) mnemonic
(CFLD) mnemonic
(CH) mnemonic
(Change Color) mnemonic
(Change Colors) mnemonic
Change current directory
Characters per line, 132
Characters per line, 64
Characters per line, 80
(Check Box Off) mnemonic
(Check Box On) mnemonic
Checksum function
CHKSUM function
CHR function
Clear field (CFLD)
Clear foreground (CF)
Clear screen (CS)
CLEAR statement
CLEARFILE statement
ClearFormat statement
CLEARLOCAL statement
Close DOS file handle
( Close Icon) mnemonic
Close InternetBasic data file
CLOSE statement
Close the mouse
Colors, screen
Comet Exception Messages
Comet Hyperlinks
Comet Startup Options
Comet Windows
Comet32 User Defined Procedures and Functions
Comma delimited files
Command Mode (compiler)
Comment Character
Common data fields
Common Parameters
COMMON statement
Compiler commands
Compiler Directives
Compiler Directives

.ELSE directive
.ENDIF directive
.IF directive
.IFDEF directive
.IFNDEF directive

Compiler Error Messages
Compiling programs
Conditional compilation
Continuation of a statement
CONTINUE statement
Control line
CONTROL statement


Copy a file
(Copy from Clipboard) mnemonic
(Copy to Clipboard) mnemonic
(CopyFile) mnemonic
Copyright notice
(CPL132) mnemonic
(CPL64) mnemonic
(CPL80) mnemonic
(CR) mnemonic
Create DOS file
Create DOS subdirectory
Create InternetBasic file
CREATE statement
Create sub key for InternetBasic file
(Create Window) mnemonic
CREATEKEY statement
(CreateWindowEx) mnemonic
Creating IB Source Programs
Creating legacy windows
(CrMode) mnemonic
Cross reference file
(CS) mnemonic
CSV Files
CURPOS$ system variable
Cursor home (CH)
Cursor position
Cursor return (CR)
Data Division Statements
Data Division
Data Initialization statement
Data Types
DATE system variable
DATE$ system variable
DATE2NUM function
DATETONUM function
DAY$ system variable
(DE) mnemonic
DECHEX function
DECIHEX function
Decimal to hex conversion
Decision statements

IF statement
ELSE (in IF structure)
THEN parameter (in IF statement)

DECRYPT statement
Default characters per line (DE)
DELETE statement
(Delete Window) mnemonic
(DeleteWindowEx) mnemonic
Deleting legacy windows
Deleting records
Detecting mouse clicks
Device status
DIR= parameter
Directives (compiler)
Directory access
Directory Aliases Overview
DO loop

DO (in DO/LOOP structure)
UNTIL parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)
WHILE parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)
LOOP (in DO/LOOP structure)

(Document) mnemonic
(Domain) mnemonic
DOS Calls Background Discussion
DOS date
DOS Direct Calls
DOS Function Calls
DOSFC function
DOSMS function
DOSRW function
(Draw Bit Map) mnemonic
(Draw box) mnemonic
(Draw Image) mnemonic
(Draw Text) mnemonic
DSTAT function

DSTAT of the console
DSTAT of remote terminals
DSTAT of a local printer
DSTAT of a remote printer
DSTAT of a spooler
DSTAT of the system device (X00)
DSTAT of a gateway
DSTAT of a directory
DSTAT of the clock

(Easy Scan) mnemonic
Edit masks

Edit mask elements
Edit mask examples
Additional Edit Mask Examples

Editing source programs
Editor line numbers
eInternetBasic Tutorial
(Ellipse) mnemonic
Email printer mnemonics
(EmailDocument) mnemonic
(EN) mnemonic
ENCRYPT statement
(End Metafile) mnemonic
END statement
ENDIF statement
ENDSELECT statement
ENDUSE directive
(EndWaitCursor) mnemonic
Enhanced Character Set

(Enhanced Characters Off) mnemonic
(Enhanced Characters On) mnemonic

(Enhanced Mouse On) mnemonic
Enter normal mode (EN)
ENTER statement
Enter typewriter mode (ET)
ENTERLEVEL system variable
Erase DOS file
Erase InternetBasic file
ERASE statement
(EraseFile) mnemonic
Error messages (IB compiler)
ERROR statement
ERRORSUB statement
ERRORTO statement
ESCAPESUB statement
ESCAPETO statement
(ET) mnemonic
EVENTSUB statement
EVENTWAIT statement
Exception Handling
Exception messages
EXCP parameter
EXCP system variable
(Execute Metafile) mnemonic
EXIT statement
EXITALL statement
EXITTO statement
EXTRACT statement
Fast copy
Fax gateway
(FF) mnemonic
File BOF parameter
File BUF parameter
File Buffer size
File CTL parameter
File Delimiter string
File DLM parameter
File EOF parameter
File FORWARD (file direction)
File handles function
File I/O Operations
File locking
File statement


File status
File system overview
File Tab-delimted fields in text files
File types
(FileStatus) mnemonic
Find a string -- reverse
Find a string
(FindFirstFile) mnemonic
(FindNextFile) mnemonic
FIRST function
(Flush) mnemonic
FOR statement

TO parameter (in FOR statement)
NEXT statement

(Force Close) mnemonic
(Force Logout) mnemonic
Force transmit (FT)
Foreground screen display
Form feed (FF)
Format item
Format objects
FORMAT statement
FPT function
Fractional portion
(From) mnemonic
FSTAT function
(FT) mnemonic
(Full Scan Codes Passed) mnemonic
(Get Connection Info) mnemonic
Get DOS date
Get DOS time
(Get Extract Info) mnemonic
Get Handles function
(Get ROP2) mnemonic
(Get Server Time) mnemonic
(Get Session ID) mnemonic
(GetBkColor) mnemonic
(GetBkMode) mnemonic
(GetDirAlias) mnemonic
(GetFontInfo) mnemonic
GetFormat statement
(GetFuncResult) mnemonic
GetGlobal statement
(GetPageInfo) mnemonic
(GetSessionPrinter) mnemonic
(GetSystemTime) mnemonic
(GetTextAlign) mnemonic
(GetTextColor) mnemonic
(GetTextExtent) mnemonic
GOSUB statement
GOTO statement
Graphics Device Interface (GDI) mnemonics
Handles (file)
Help messages
Help system
HELPKEY$ system variable
HEX constants
HEXASC function
HEXDEC function
(Hide Cursor) mnemonic
(Hide Mouse Cursor) mnemonic
(HyperLink) mnemonic
(HyperLinkColor) mnemonic
I/O Format Division
IB compiler error messages
(Ignore Windows) mnemonic
IHEXDEC function
INCLUDE directive
Include files
Indexed Sequential files
(Init Input Data) mnemonic
Initiating terminal
INPUT statement (without Transmit Marks)
INPUT statement
INPUTFILE statement
INQUIRE statement
(Insert Off) mnemonic
(Insert On) mnemonic
INSERT statement
INT function
Integer portion
INTEL function
INTELD function
Inter-partition communications
Interactive Mode (compiler)
Internet Basic Applications
Internet Basic statements
Internet Basic: Reference Guide
Internet Basic
Internet date format
InternetBasic Electronic Mail
InternetBasic exception messages
InternetBasic file system
InternetBasic help system (NOVA)
InternetBasic Startup Options
InternetBasic windows
INTERRUPT statement
Interrupting another partition
Introduction to Internet Basic
(Invoke HELP) mnemonic
ITERM$ system variable
KEY function
Key-only files
KEY= parameter
Keyed files
KeyStat Function
(Kill Session) mnemonic
KILL statement
Killing another job
Language Structure
LAST function
Last key
(Launch) mnemonic
Launching a program or document
LCASE function
(LD) mnemonic
Leading minus sign
Left justify function
Legacy Compiler options
LEN function
Length override
LENGTH statement
LET statement
(LF) mnemonic
(LI) mnemonic
Line delete (LD)
Line feed (LF)
Line feed suppress (LS)
Line insert (LI)
Line Numbers vs. Labels
(Line To) mnemonic
(LineSpacing) mnemonic
LIST command
(LM) modifier
(LoadControl) mnemonic
LOCAL statement
Lock data record
Lock InternetBasic data file
LOCK statement
LockDabs statement
LOG statement
(Log) mnemonic
Logical unit number (lun)
LONGYEAR system variable
LONGYEAR$ system variable
Lookup programs
LOOP statement
Lower case conversion
(LS) mnemonic
LSEEK function
Machine ID number
(Map Mode) mnemonic
(MC) mnemonic
Message sending to all terminals
Message sending to another terminal
MESSAGE$ system variable
MESSAGESUB statement
Metafiles overview
MID function
Mnemonics, mouse driver
Mnemonics, spooler
Mnemonics, System driver
Mnemonics, Video
Mnemonics, Windows printer
Mouse driver

Mouse demo program
Mouse driver mnemonics
Mouse on via (Easy Scan)
Mouse sample programs

Mouse Enhanced Character Set
(Mouse Off) mnemonic
Mouse Pseudocode
Move a file
Move DOS file read/write pointer
MOVE statement
Move string field
(Move To) mnemonic
MSGBOX function
MSGBOX statement
Multiple parameters
Multiple Statements on a Line
(Normal Input) mnemonic
Normal mode (EN)
NOT function
Notation Conventions
NOVA Function Keys
NOVA help system control file
NOVA help system
NOVA Linking Methods
NUM function
NUM2DATE function
Numeric Operators
NUMTODATE function
OBJECT command
ODBC gateway
ON/GOTO statement
Open DOS file
Open InternetBasic data file
OPEN statement
Open the mouse

AND operator
Logical Operations
OR operator
MOD operator
Modulo operation
Numeric Operations
Contains Operator
Relational Operations
SoundsLike Operator
String Operations

Other examples
Overview of the InternetBasic File System
PAD function
(Partial Scan Codes Off) mnemonic
(Partial Scan Codes On) mnemonic
Partial Scan Codes
Partition COMMON data
Partition control
Partition priority
Partition status
PARTITION$ system variable
PASSWORD function
Password security system
PATH function
PAUSE statement
PCOMM function
(Play Sound) mnemonic
Polling the mouse
(Pop Font) mnemonic
POP statement
POPALL statement
Ports used by Signature Products
POS function
Position file pointer
POSITION statement
PREV function
Previous key
PRINT statement
Printer formatting
Printer mnemonics
PRINTFILE statement
PRIORITY$ system variable
Procedure Division
Pseudo DOS Functions
Pseudocode for in-memory sort
Pseudocode for sort/merge
PSTAT function
(Push Font) mnemonic
(Query Clipboard) mnemonic
Quick reference guide
(Radio Button Off) mnemonic
(Radio Button On) mnemonic
(RB) mnemonic
(RC) mnemonic
(RD) mnemonic
Read from a DOS file
Read from a InternetBasic file
(Read Mouse) mnemonic
READ statement
Reading the mouse
RECNUM function
Record locking
(Rectangle) mnemonic
(Redraw Notify) mnemonic
Regular cursor display
Relational Operators
Remember cursor position (MC)
Remove DOS subdirectory
Rename a InternetBasic file
RENAME statement
(RenameFile) mnemonic
(Request ID) mnemonic
(Reset Screen) mnemonic
Restore cursor position (RC)
(Restore Screen) mnemonic
(RestoreWaitCursor) mnemonic
Retrieving web pages via HTTP
RETURN statement
REWRITE statement
Right justify function
Right justify mark (RJ)
Ring bell (RB)
(RJ) mnemonic
RND function
Roll down (RD)
Roll up (RU)
ROUND statement
Rounding data fields
(RoundRect) mnemonic
RPOS function
RSUB function
(RU) mnemonic
RUN compiler command
RUN statement
Running a program overlay
Running a subprogram
RUNSTATE system variable
Sample mouse open program
Sample window program
(SatisfyInput) mnemonic
(Save Screen) mnemonic
(SB) mnemonic
(Scan Codes Off) mnemonic
Scan Codes
Screen Colors
Screen formatting
(Screen) mnemonic
SearchFile statement
SECURE statement
(SelectFont) mnemonic
(SelectHatchBrush) mnemonic
(SelectPen) mnemonic
(SelectSolidBrush) mnemonic
(SelectSysFont) mnemonic
(SelectWindowEx) mnemonic
Sending a message to all terminals
Sending a message to another terminal
Sending e-mail via SMTP
Sequential file
Serial gateway
(Server) mnemonic
(SessionTimeout) Mnemonic
SET directive
(Set Printer Info) mnemonic
(Set ROP2) mnemonic
(Set Window Caption) mnemonic
SETBIT function
(SetBkColor) mnemonic
(SetBkMode) mnemonic
(SetDirAlias) mnemonic
SetFormat statement
SetGlobal statement
(SetOrientation) mnemonic
(SetPaperSize) mnemonic
(SetSessionPrinter) mnemonic
(SetTextAlign) mnemonic
(SetTextColor) mnemonic
Setting window colors (legacy windows)
(SF) mnemonic
SGN function
(Shell to DOS) mnemonic
(ShellExecute) mnemonic
(ShellExecuteWait) mnemonic
(Show Cursor) mnemonic
(Show Mouse Cursor) mnemonic
Show/hide the mouse cursor
(Single Key Transmit) mnemonic
Skip n lines
(SL=n) mnemonic
Sort descending sort/merge
SOURCE command
Source Program Divisions
Special characters (compiler)
Special Characters (in IB source code)

Ampersand (&)
Asterisk (*)
At sign (@)
Comma (,)
Decimal point (.)
Dollar sign ($)
Equal sign (=)
Exclamation mark (!)
Greater than sign (>)
Less than sign (<)
Minus sign (-)
Number sign (#)
Plus sign (+)
Quotation marks
Semicolon (;)
Division sign (/)
Slash sign (/)
Underline character

(Spool Message) mnemonic
SQRT function
Square root
(SSB) mnemonic
SSL Relay
Start background (SB)
Start foreground (SF)
Start suppressed background (SSB)
Statement Continuation
Statement labels
Statement Summary
Status function (STS)
(Std Keyboard Off) mnemonic
(Std Keyboard On) mnemonic
STOP statement
(StoreControl) mnemonic
STR function
STRING function
String Manipulation
String Operator
STRIP function
STRIPL function
STRIPR function
STS function (Winsock gateway)
STS function
SUB function
(Subject) mnemonic
Subscripted variables (arrays)
SWAP function
(Switch Session) mnemonic
Symbolic constants
SYSPART$ system variable
System date
System Symbolic Constants
System time
System variables (chart)
System variables
TCP/IP Ports used by Signature Products
TERM$ system variable
Terminal identification
Terminate a partition
TERMINATE statement
TESTBIT function
Text files
(Text) mnemonic
(TextOut) mnemonic
TIME$ system variable
(TM) mnemonic
(To) mnemonic
Touch-sensitive screens
(TP) mnemonic
(TR) mnemonic
Transmit mark (TM)
Transmit stop mark (TP)
(Transparent Color) mnemonic
Transparent printing mode
Typewriter mode
UCASE function
Underscore and ampersand
UNLOCK statement
Unlocking a InternetBasic file
UNSET directive
UPDATE statement
Updating data records
Upper case conversion
(Upper Case Input) mnemonic
USE directive
Using the Automatic Help Feature
Using the IB Compiler
Variable classification
Variable length
Variable names
Variable types
(Verify File) mnemonic
Version number
VERSION$ system variable
Video Control Codes
Video Screen Formatting Overview
WAIT statement
WAKEUP statement
(Wallpaper Bitmap) mnemonic
(Wallpaper Clear) mnemonic
(Wallpaper Color) mnemonic
(Wallpaper Remove) mnemonic
(WC) mnemonic
(Who Has File) mnemonic
Window memory (legacy windows)
(Window Title Background) mnemonic
(Window Title Foreground) mnemonic
Windows file mnemonics
Windows printer mnemonics
Windows printing
Windows Sockets Error Codes
Windows title line
Winsock Gateway Subroutine
Winsock Gateway
WRITE statement
Write to a DOS file
Write to a InternetBasic file
Write to control line (WC)
XAP gateway (eComet)
Year (system variable)

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