Mnemonics "A"

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(Allow Maximize)

Mnemonic: (Allow Maximize=state)

Discussion: This mnemonic disables/enables the maximize controls on the COSW window. Use this mnemonic to prevent the user from maximizing the COSW window. State is a flag indicating which function is to be performed:

0 Disable the maximize controls
1 Enable the maximize controls

! Disable the maximize controls 
     Print (Allow Maximize=0) . . . 
! Enable the maximize controls 
    Print (Allow Maximize=1) 

Archive mnemonics

Description (Document=longfilename,dir) Specifies a name for a copy of an archive document

(SpoolMessage=DocumentName) Specifies the filename to be used for a document stored in an archive. 

(Auto Metafile)

Mnemonic: (AutoMetafile = State)

Discussion: Enables/disables the automatic use of un-named metafiles. AutoMetafile is ON by default. When disabled, the existing metafile (if present) will be executed. Where State is:

AMF.DISABLE = 0 ! Disables automatic metafiles 
AMF.ENABLE = 1 ! Enables automatic metafiles 

(Auto Tab Off)

Mnemonic: (Auto TAB Off) Hex equivalent: "@0E0004@"

Discussion: This mnemonic turns off the "automatic tab mode." Also see (Auto TAB On).

a. 100 FORMAT (Auto TAB Off) 
  PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Auto TAB Off) 

(Auto Tab On)

Mnemonic: (Auto TAB On) Hex equivalent: "@0E0003@"

Discussion: This mnemonic turns on the "automatic tab mode." In this mode, the cursor automatically advances to the next input field when it reaches the last character of the current input field. Also see #(Auto TAB Off).

a. 100 FORMAT (Auto TAB On) 
  PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Auto TAB On) 


Mnemonic: (AutoCROff)

Discussion: The (AutoCROff) mnemonic turns off the extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed with a (TR). The mnemonic is in effect until either the printer is closed or the #(AutoCROn) mnemonic is sent. The effect will persist over an EXIT, so a subprogram may issue the mnemonic for a printer opened by the parent program.

This Mnemonic is especially usefull for those programs that use the email printer. All of the mnemonics that specify such info as to, from, subject, etc should be surrounded by (AutoCROff)/(AutoCROn) mnemonics.

a. 100 FORMAT (AutoCROff) 
  OPEN (1) "LP1"
  PRINT (1,100)

b. OPEN (1) "LP1" 
   PRINT (1) (AutoCROff)


Mnemonic: (AutoCROn)

Discussion: The (AutoCROn) mnemonic turns on the extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed with a (TR). The mnemonic is in effect until either the printer is closed or the #(AutoCROff) mnemonic is sent. The effect will persist over an EXIT, so a subprogram may issue the mnemonic for a printer opened by the parent program.

This Mnemonic is especially usefull for those programs that use the email printer. All of the mnemonics that specify such info as to, from, subject, etc should be surrounded by (AutoCROff)/(AutoCROn) mnemonics.

Example: a. 100 FORMAT (AutoCROn) 
  OPEN (1) "LP1"
  PRINT (1,100)
b. OPEN (1) "LP1" 
  PRINT (1) (AutoCROn)
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