IB Statements/control
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CONTROL statement
Syntax: result-string = CONTROL(lun,control-string [,EXCP=statement-label])
Discussion: The CONTROL statement is a general-purpose control statement for the Winsock gateway, XAP gateway, ODBC gateway, serial gateway, and "universal gateway" (for example, the Comet fax driver).
The CONTROL statement sends the specified control-string to the specified logical unit number.
The CONTROL statement also reads the result field from the input buffer and places it in the result-string. A plus sign (+) in the first byte of the result-string indicates that the control function was performed successfully. A minus sign (-) in the first byte indicates that the control was not performed successfully. The remaining bytes of the result-string contain text describing the success or failure of the control function.
The control statement can be used in any situation where a file control results in a return code being automatically placed in the user's buffer. If a file control does not place a result code or string in the buffer, the second part of the control statement will road-block the program waiting for the next input from the driver.
For example, the CONTROL statement performs the same function as the following statements:
FILE (lun) CTL=control-string INPUT (lun) result-string
History: This statement was added to Comet98 in Build 266.
Winsock Examples:
A$ = CONTROL(lun,"CLOSE") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"CONNECT server port") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"CRLF flag") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"DISCONNECT") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"GETERROR") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"LISTEN [port]") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"OPEN server port") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"QUIT") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"TIMEOUT value") A$ = CONTROL(lun,"WEOL flag")
XAP Examples:
A$ = CONTROL(0, "COOKIE CART=EMPTY") A$ = CONTROL(0, "LOGFILE c:\test\cgilog.txt") A$ = CONTROL(0, "MERGE C:\MILLION.HTM") A$ = CONTROL(0, "SEND C:\SAMPLE.HTM") A$ = CONTROL(0, "REDIR http://www.signature.net") A$ = CONTROL(0, "TYPE 3")