IB Statements/dstat

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DSTAT function

Syntax: DSTAT(device-name [,EXCP=statement-label])

Discussion: The DSTAT function returns the current status of system devices.

The device-name is the name of the device to be checked. The device-name may be a string constant, a single-element string variable, a string array element, a string expression, or a string function.

Detailed information: DSTAT of the console

DSTAT of remote terminals
DSTAT of a local printer
DSTAT of a remote printer
DSTAT of a spooler
DSTAT of the system driver (X00)
DSTAT of a gateway
DSTAT of a directory
DSTAT of the clock

DSTAT of the console:

Position  Length    Description/Values
1         3         Partition
4         1         Type
                    0 = Monochrome
                    1 = Color
                    2 = Monochrome with flicker-free adapter
                    3 = Color with flicker-free adapter
                    4 = EGA/VGA/MCGA Monochrome
                    5 = EGA/VGA/MCGA Color
                    6 = TeleVideo
                    7 = AT&T
5         1         Option
                    01H = Force 80-column mode
                    02H = Force CR the same as Qantel
                    04H = Auto increment cursor
                    08H = FAST option enabled for all files
                    10H = Insert key is the same as Qantel
                    20H = Use expanded memory for all partitions
                    40H = Standard I/O for keyboard
6         1         Status
7         1         Foreground attribute (color)
8         1         Background attribute (color)
9         1         Invisible attribute (color)
10        1         Border attribute (color)
11        1         Entry attribute (color)
12        2         Base address
14        2         Current column and row
16        1         BIOS mode for 132-column
17        1         Current number of columns on screen
21        1         Returns "@01@" if the session is CometAnywhere

DSTAT of remote terminals:

Position  Length    Description/Values
1         3         Partition
4         1         Type
                    80H = dumb terminal
                    81H = TeleVideo terminal
                    82H = Ampex terminal
                    83H = Qantel VT3 terminal
                    84H = Qantel VT6 terminal
                    86H = QTerm workstation
                    F0H = Intermec bar code reader
                    FEH = RDI printer
                    FFH = ignored terminal
5         1         not used
6         1         Status
7         1         UART
8         1         Poll address
9         1         Terminal flag
                    80H  OBP Terminal Lockout (Signal to PC that FG
                         processing loop is active on this terminal
                         and effectively locks out PC from changing
                         anything in the term table.)
                    20H  Status Poll Hold Request (PC signals don't
                         do status poll on this terminal.)
                    10H  Select Request (OBP should initiate a
                         select poll (data is in the buffer)
                    08H  Buffer In Use Flag (OBP should not
                         initiate a data poll)
                    04H  Data Poll Ack Request (PC has received the
                         data and the buffer is clear)
                    02H  Reset Request (user has hit Escape)
                    01H  Data Poll Request
10        1         Terminal process
                    Foreground Attention Needed
                    0  = IDLE - Dead terminal
                    1  = IDLE - Active terminal
                    2  = Status Poll Complete
                    8  = Waiting to send buffer to PC
                    9  = Finished select - OK
                    A  = Finished select - NG
                    B  = Data poll complete (ACK included)
                    UART is Working on this one
                    10H  = Doing status poll
                    11H  = Receiving data from terminal
                    12H  = Sending data to terminal
                    13H  = Retransmitting to terminal (1st
                    14H  = Retransmitting to terminal (2nd
                    15H  = Terminal reset in progress

DSTAT of a local printer (effective with build 319):

Position  Length    Description
1         3         owning partition, if any
4         1         printer type in hex: 0=Local; 4=Windows
5         1         spool type in hex
                    To convert the type, take the HEXASC of the byte.
                    Look at the first character returned by HEXASC:
                    '6'=Auto-spool; 'A'=Exception spool; '2'=Non-spool
6         12        spooler alias name
18        237       pathname associated with the printer

DSTAT of a remote printer:

Position  Length    Description
1         3         Partition
4         1         Type
5         1         Spool Type
6         1         Status
7         1         UART
8         1         Poll Address
9         1         Terminal Flag
10        1         Terminal Process
11        1         ROM Version

DSTAT of a spooler:

Position  Length    Description
1         64        DOS path name

DSTAT of the system driver (X00):Position Length Description

1         32        (reserved)
33        16        Network node name
49         2        Number of the of first partiton
                    on the node (byte-reversed hex)
51         2        Total number of partitions on
                    the node (byte-reversed hex)
53         1        "@01@" if the user has a COM license; "@00@" otherwise

DSTAT of a gateway:

Position  Length    Description
1         3         Controlling partition
4         1         Gateway type (hex)
5         1         Gateway subtype (hex)

DSTAT of a directory:

Position  Length    Description
1         3         Directory name
4         64        DOS path name

DSTAT of the clock:

Position  Length    Description
1         3         Clock name
4         10        Number of milliseconds since windows startup
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