CosW.ini settings

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COSW.ini Settings These are some COSW.INI settings that may be useful to some installations.

COSW.INI Sections/Keys/Values





ExclusiveIni = 1 / 0 (0) Do not use COSW.INI or COSWGLOB.INI (COSW.INI is checked first)

SaveSettings = 1 / 0 (1) Save changes to COSW.INI

PrintScreenClient = 1 / 0 (0) Print only the client part of the screen (View)

CaptionPrefix = ("Comet") Set main COSW window caption prefix

IncludeStdCaption = 1 / 0 (0) When setting main COSW window caption from IB append "- "

ShowStatusTerm = 1 / 0 (0) Include on status line

MenuState = 1 / 0 (1) Show / Hide menu

SetCapsLock = 1 / 0 Force CapsLock

MaxRemSessions = Maximum number of concurrent CA sessions this system

ForceC32 = 1 / 0 (0) For use in CosWGlob.ini to force all clients to run Comet32

UseControlThemes = 1 / 0 (0) This will allow existing dialog programs to automatically take on the current Windows theme. In some cases this may actually change your program’s appearance in a negative way hence the Cosw.ini control flag.




EasyMouseDown = 1 / 0 (0) Non-zero will cause mouse to trigger on down

KeepAlive = (30) Interval for sending keepalive packets

EditKeys = 1 / 0 (1) Enable/disable Windows field-editing keys

InsertLock = 1 / 0 (0) Windows-like behavior

Insert = 1/ 0 (0) Default insert/overwrite

WinInsertMode = 1 / 0 (0) All of the above (EditKeys + InsertLock + Insert)

HyperLinkColor = ,,,,, ("0,0,255,255,0,69") Defines colors for all hyperlinks

ShowIDs = 1 / 0 Show ToolContext ID's on status line




CAPort = (11751) Selects an alternate CometAnywhere port for host/client




AutoFlush = 1 / 0 (1) Flush RAW job after 2 seconds of inactivity

Log = 1 Turns on activity logging. The file is called CosP.log and will be in your $(LOGS) folder.

PDFDocWait = X (X is number of seconds; default is 45) Specifies wait time for PDF document to close

ShareCosp = 1 / 0 (0) Causes one instance of Cosp to be shared for all print jobs. Makes debugging easier.

MaxJobs = X (X is the maximum number of concurrent print jobs; default is 10) This is only meaningful if ShareCosp = 1. On some systems too many print jobs may cause problems due to unruly printer drivers. If you suspect this type of problem problem, then setting ShareCosp to 1 and adjusting the MaxJobs value will provide a way to throttle down your concurrent print jobs. Pending printer opens will suspend until Cosp can accept another job.

Debug = 1 / 0 (0) Causes Cosp to show its debug window at startup (recommend ShareCosp = 1)




FullDump = 1 / 0 (0) Causes Cos32.exe to produce a crash-dump that includes all program memory. The resulting file will be very large but makes debugging easier.

TraceTabs=3 // Sets the tabs spacing used when displaying source code containing tab characters

The following sets the default features/options that will be used with the IB Trace feature. These features/options can be change at runtime using the IB Trace <Option> statement:

TraceFeatures=<FeatureValue> // Defaut = 59 - Enables/disables default trace features as follows

- TraceNone = 0

- TraceLabels = 1 // Trace Labels ON/OFF

- TraceSource = 2 // Trace Source ON/OFF

- TraceTime = 4 // Trace Time ON/OFF

- TraceEvents = 8 // Trace Events ON/OFF

- TraceExceptions = 16 // Trace Exceptions ON/OFF

- TracePartition = 32 // Includes partition name in output

Example: TraceFeatures=59 // TraceLabels+TraceSource+TraceEvents+TraceExceptions+TracePartition = 1+2+8+16+32 = 59

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