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C:\My Documents\ABS\EnhPrint.htm
<a href="TOC.HTM">                                Table of Contents</a><br>
'''Enhanced Printing Reference'''
<a href="abs.htm">                              ABS function</a><br>
<a href="abs.htm">                              Absolute value</a><br>
<a href="access.htm">                            ACCESS statement</a><br>
'''Introduction to concepts and terms'''
<a href="access.htm">                            Accessing InternetBasic directories</a><br>
<a href="activate.htm">                          ACTIVATE statement</a><br>
<a href="activate.htm">                          Activating background partitions</a><br>
<a href="adjust.htm">                            ADJUSTL function</a><br>
Regardless of the nature of the printer being addressed, the pixel resolution used by the windows printer driver is in TWIPS. 1 TWIP is equal to 1/20th of a printer's POINT. 1 POINT is equal to 1/72nd of an inch. Therefore there are 1440 TWIPS per inch or 567 TWIPS per centimeter.  Unless otherwise stated, ALL functions contained herein use TWIPS as the unit of measure.
<a href="adjust.htm">                            ADJUSTR function</a><br>
<a href="again.htm">                            AGAIN statement</a><br>
<a href="ALLOWMAXIMIZE.HTM">                    (Allow Maximize) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="vartypes.htm">                          Alphanumeric data types</a><br>
<a href="linelabl.htm">                          Alphanumeric statement labels</a><br>
<a href="APPLICATIONS.HTM">                      Applications</a><br>
When calculating the dimensions of a printer page, keep in mind that in many cases the entire page is not always printable (HP Laser printers have a 1/4" unprintable area on all four sides).  Therefore, it may be necessary to inquire as to not just the page size, but also the offset from the physical page boundary to the printable page boundary.  See GetPageInfo for additional info.
<a href="ARCHIVEMNEMONICS.HTM">                  Archive mnemonics</a><br>
<a href="arrays.htm">                            Arrays (subscripted variables)</a><br>
<a href="asc.htm">                              ASC function</a><br>
<a href="aschex.htm">                            ASCHEX function</a><br>
<a href="ascii.htm">                            ASCII chart</a><br>
<a href="asc.htm">                              ASCII conversion function (ASC)</a><br>
Font sizes are requested in tenth's of a point. This does not guarantee that the font created is exactly the requested size.  It is important to inquire AFTER selecting a font as to the actual size the font mapper created. Also, when printing text there is usually some additional space (external leading) added between lines. This space is specified by the font designer and should be combined with the font height to determine the height of a line.  See GetFontInfo for additional information.
<a href="let.htm">                              Assignment statement</a><br>
<a href="AUTOMETAFILE.HTM">                    (Auto Metafile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="autotaboff.htm">                      (Auto Tab Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="autotabon.htm">                        (Auto Tab On) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="AUTOCROFF.HTM">                        (AutoCROff) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="AUTOCRON.HTM">                        (AutoCROn) mnemonic</a><br>
Commands are issued to a Windows printer using IB mnemonics. These commands can be issued directly in the form of a PRINT (list) statement or through a PRINT (format) statement. If the PRINT (list) method is used a (TR) mnemonic must precede all commands in the list. For example:
<a href="AUTOINPUT.HTM">                        AUTOINPUT statement</a><br>
<a href="invokehelp.htm">                        Automatic help</a><br>
<a href="activate.htm">                          Background processing</a><br>
            Using the PRINT (list) method
<a href="sb.htm">                                Background screen display (SB)</a><br>
                         PRINT (Lun) (TR);(Move To = X1, Y1);(Line To = X2, Y2)
<a href="BASE256.HTM">                          BASE256 function</a><br>
<a href="BASE64.HTM">                            BASE64 function</a><br>
<a href="EMAILBCC.HTM">                         (BCC) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="BEGINMETAFILE.HTM">                    (Begin Metafile) mnemonic</a><br>
            Using a Format statement
<a href="BEGINWAITCURSOR.HTM">                  (BeginWaitCursor) mnemonic</a><br>
                        FmtLineAt: Format (Move To = X1, Y1) ;(Line To = X2, Y2)
<a href="bf.htm">                              (BF) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="binary.htm">                            BINARY function</a><br>
<a href="biosmouseon.htm">                      (BIOS Mouse On) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="bf.htm">                                Blank fill (BF)</a><br>
<a href="fmtmod.htm">                            Blank if zero (BZ)</a><br>
            PRINT (Lun, FmtLineAt)
<a href="strip.htm">                            Blank stripping</a><br>
<a href="bm.htm">                                Blind mode (BM)</a><br>
<a href="blink.htm">                            (Blink) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="bm.htm">                              (BM) mnemonic</a><br>
'''USE FILES:'''
<a href="goto.htm">                              Branching statement, GOTO</a><br>
<a href="ongoto.htm">                            Branching statement, ON/GOTO</a><br>
            The following files are normally stored in the WDL directory. They are Hyperlinked here for ease of understanding.
<a href="break.htm">                            BREAK statement</a><br>
<a href="bright.htm">                          (Bright) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="intmode.htm#compileroptions">          Byte-align COMMON</a><br>
<a href="fmtmod.htm">                          (BZ) modifier</a><br>
* COSUTLD.INC          Constants and variables commonly used by other USE files and applications for parameter passing (TRUE, FALSE, NULL, etc).
<a href="CASESSIONS.HTM">                      (CA Sessions) mnemonic</a><br>
* PTRCTLD.INC          Printer driver function constants (paper sizes, bins, etc.)
<a href="CAPSOFF.HTM">                          (CapsOff) mnemonic</a><br>
* LOGFNT.IBS            Functions used to manipulate fonts
<a href="CAPSON.HTM">                          (CapsOn) mnemonic</a><br>
* LOGFNT.INC Constants and variables used by #LOGFNT
<a href="cr.htm">                                Carriage return (CR)</a><br>
* FILFND.IBS              Contains routine for finding DOS filenames for files living in Comet directories
<a href="case.htm">                              CASE statement</a><br>
* FILFND.INC              Constants and variables used by #FILFND
<a href="select.htm">                            Case structure</a><br><menu> <a href="select.htm">SELECT statement</a><br><a href="select.htm">CASE statement (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">ANY MATCH statement (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">ELSE (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">FROM parameter (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">IS parameter (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">MATCH parameter (in SELECT structure)</a><br><a href="select.htm">THRU parameter (in SELECT structure)</a><br></menu>
* DESERVE.INC        Declaratives for Driver Event Server programs
<a href="EMAILCC.HTM">                          (CC) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cf.htm">                              (CF) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cfld.htm">                            (CFLD) mnemonic</a><br>
Hyperlinks to detailed explanation of Enhanced Printing Functions
<a href="ch.htm">                              (CH) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="changecolor.htm">                      (Change Color) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="changecolors.htm">                    (Change Colors) mnemonic</a><br>
'''(Draw Bitmap)'''
<a href="doschdir.htm">                          Change current directory</a><br>
<a href="cpl132.htm">                            Characters per line, 132</a><br>
Draws the bitmap contained in the file (.BMP/.JPG) specified in <FileName> in the rectangle specified by  <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the format codes contained in <Flags>. Scaling factors can be specified in <ScaleX>, <ScaleY>.
<a href="cpl64.htm">                            Characters per line, 64</a><br>
<a href="cpl80.htm">                            Characters per line, 80</a><br>
<a href="checkboxoff.htm">                      (Check Box Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="checkboxon.htm">                      (Check Box On) mnemonic</a><br>
Prints the specified text <Printable Text> into the rectangle specified by the coordinates <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the format codes specified in <Flags>.
<a href="chksum.htm">                            Checksum function</a><br>
<a href="chksum.htm">                            CHKSUM function</a><br>
<a href="chr.htm">                              CHR function</a><br>
<a href="cfld.htm">                              Clear field (CFLD)</a><br>
Draws an ellipse bound by the rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the currently selected pen and brush.
<a href="cf.htm">                                Clear foreground (CF)</a><br>
<a href="cs.htm">                                Clear screen (CS)</a><br>
<a href="clear.htm">                            CLEAR statement</a><br>
<a href="clear.htm">                            CLEARCOMMON statement</a><br>
<a href="CLEARFILE.HTM">                         CLEARFILE statement</a><br>
Returns the current background color.
<a href="CLEARFMT.HTM">                          ClearFormat statement</a><br>
<a href="clear.htm">                            CLEARLOCAL statement</a><br>
<a href="dosclose.htm">                          Close DOS file handle</a><br>
<a href="closeicon.htm">      (                 Close Icon) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="close.htm">                            Close InternetBasic data file</a><br>
Returns the current background mode.
<a href="close.htm">                            CLOSE statement</a><br>
<a href="CLOSEMOUSE.HTM">                        Close the mouse</a><br>
'''(GetFontInfo''' )
<a href="screencolors.htm">                     Colors, screen</a><br>
<a href="EXCEPTIONMESSAGES.HTM">                Comet Exception Messages</a><br>
<a href="COMETHYPERLINKS.HTM">                  Comet Hyperlinks</a><br>
Returns the font information specified by <ItemCode>.
<a href="STARTUPOPTIONS.HTM">                    Comet Startup Options</a><br>
<a href="COMETWINDOWS.HTM">                     Comet Windows</a><br>
<a href="C32Procs.htm">                         Comet32 User Defined Procedures and Functions</a><br>
<a href="csv.htm">                              Comma delimited files</a><br>
<a href="cmdmode.htm">                          Command Mode (compiler)</a><br>
Request the 4 byte result of the last printer function.
<a href="comment.htm">                          Comment Character</a><br>
<a href="common.htm">                            Common data fields</a><br>
<a href="COMPARAM.HTM">                         Common Parameters</a><br>
<a href="common.htm">                            COMMON statement</a><br>
<a href="cmdmode.htm">                          Compiler commands</a><br>
Returns the information specified in <ItemCode> Exactly what information is entered in <ItemCode> and in what format is a mystery.
<a href="directiv.htm">                          Compiler Directives</a><br>
<a href="Compilerdirectives.htm">               Compiler Directives</a><br> <menu><a href="DOTELSE.HTM">.ELSE directive</a><br><a href="DOTENDIF.HTM">.ENDIF directive</a><br><a href="DOTIF.HTM">.IF directive</a><br><a href="DOTIFDEF.HTM">.IFDEF directive</a><br><a href="DOTIFNDEF.HTM">.IFNDEF directive</a><br></menu>
<a href="compilererrormessages.htm">            Compiler Error Messages</a><br>
<a href="compiler.htm">                          Compiler</a><br>
<a href="compile.htm">                          Compiling programs</a><br>
Returns the current foreground mix mode.
<a href="conditionalcompilation.htm">            Conditional compilation</a><br>
<a href="stmtcont.htm">                         Continuation of a statement</a><br>
<a href="continue.htm">                         CONTINUE statement</a><br>
<a href="wc.htm">                                Control line</a><br>
<a href="control.htm">                          CONTROL statement</a><br> <menu>
Returns the current text alignment mode.
  <a href="CONTROL_CLOSE.HTM">                  CONTROL_CLOSE</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_CONNECT.HTM">                CONTROL_CONNECT</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_CRLF.HTM">                    CONTROL_CRLF.htm</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_DISCONNECT.HTM">             CONTROL_DISCONNECT</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_GETERROR.HTM">                CONTROL_GETERROR</a><br>
Returns the current text color.
  <a href="CONTROL_LISTEN.HTM">                  CONTROL_LISTEN</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_OPEN.HTM">                    CONTROL_OPEN</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_QUIT.HTM">                    CONTROL_QUIT</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_TIMEOUT.HTM">                CONTROL_TIMEOUT</a><br>
  <a href="CONTROL_WEOL.HTM">                   CONTROL_WEOL.htm</a><br></menu>
Measures the size (width and height) of the specified <Printable Text>.
<a href="doscopy.htm">                          Copy a file</a><br>
<a href="COPYFROMCLIPBOARD.HTM">                (Copy from Clipboard) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="COPYTOCLIPBOARD.HTM">                 (Copy to Clipboard) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="COPYFILE.HTM">                        (CopyFile) mnemonic</a><br>
Draws a line using the currently selected pen from the current location pointer to the location specified by <X, Y>.
<a href="copyright.htm">                        Copyright notice</a><br>
<a href="cpl132.htm">                          (CPL132) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cpl64.htm">                            (CPL64) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cpl80.htm">                            (CPL80) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cr.htm">                              (CR) mnemonic</a><br>
Moves the current location pointer to the location specified by <X> and  <Y>.
<a href="doscreate.htm">                        Create DOS file</a><br>
<a href="dosmkdir.htm">                          Create DOS subdirectory</a><br>
<a href="create.htm">                           Create InternetBasic file</a><br>
<a href="create.htm">                            CREATE statement</a><br>
<a href="createkey.htm">                        Create sub key for InternetBasic file</a><br>
Draws a the rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the currently selected pen and brush.
<a href="createwindow.htm">                    (Create Window) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="createkey.htm">                        CREATEKEY statement</a><br>
<a href="CREATEWINDOWEX.HTM">                  (CreateWindowEx) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="crsource.htm">                         Creating IB Source Programs</a><br>
<a href="CREATINGWINDOWS.HTM">                  Creating legacy windows</a><br>
Draws a rectangle with corners rounded using the ellipse specified by  <CornerWidth> and <CornerHeight> at the location specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the currently selected pen and brush.
<a href="CRMODE.HTM">                          (CrMode) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="intmode.htm#compileroptions">           Cross reference file</a><br>
<a href="cs.htm">                              (CS) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="csv.htm#comma">                         CSV Files</a><br>
<a href="curpos.htm">                            CURPOS$ system variable</a><br>
Selects the font specified by the <LogFont> structure.
<a href="ch.htm">                                Cursor home (CH)</a><br>
<a href="curpos.htm">                            Cursor position</a><br>
<a href="cr.htm">                                Cursor return (CR)</a><br>
<a href="ddstmts.htm">                          Data Division Statements</a><br>
<a href="datadiv.htm">                          Data Division</a><br>
Selects the hatched brush described <Style> and <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="clear.htm">                            Data Initialization statement</a><br>
<a href="datatype.htm">                          Data Types</a><br>
<a href="date.htm">                              DATE system variable</a><br>
<a href="date.htm">                              DATE$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="date2num.htm">                          DATE2NUM function</a><br>
Selects the pen described by <Style>, <Width> and <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="datetonum.htm">                        DATETONUM function</a><br>
<a href="day.htm">                              DAY$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="de.htm">                              (DE) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="dechex.htm">                           DECHEX function</a><br>
<a href="DECIHEX.HTM">                          DECIHEX function</a><br>
Selects the solid brush described <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="dechex.htm">                            Decimal to hex conversion</a><br>
<a href="if.htm">                                Decision statements</a><br><menu><a href="if.htm">IF statement</a><br><a href="if.htm">ELSE (in IF structure)</a><br><a href="if.htm">THEN parameter (in IF statement)</a><br></menu>
<a href="DECPASS.HTM">                          DECPASS</a><br>
<a href="decrypt.htm">                          DECRYPT statement</a><br>
<a href="de.htm">                                Default characters per line (DE)</a><br>
Selects the SYSTEM font specified by <FontNumber>.
<a href="delete.htm">                            DELETE statement</a><br>
<a href="deletewindow.htm">                    (Delete Window) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="DELETEWINDOWEX.HTM">                  (DeleteWindowEx) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="DELETINGWINDOWS.HTM">                  Deleting legacy windows</a><br>
<a href="delete.htm">                            Deleting records</a><br>
Sets the current background color as specified by <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="detectingclicks.htm">                  Detecting mouse clicks</a><br>
<a href="dstat.htm">                            Device status</a><br>
'''(SetBkMode )'''
<a href="dir.htm">                              DIR= parameter</a><br>
<a href="compilerdirectives.htm">                Directives (compiler)</a><br>
<a href="access.htm">                            Directory access</a><br>
Sets the background mode specified by <Mode>.
<a href="DIRECTORYALIASES.HTM">                  Directory Aliases Overview</a><br>
<a href="do.htm">                               DO loop</a><br><menu> <a href="do.htm">DO (in DO/LOOP structure)</a><br> <a href="do.htm">UNTIL parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)</a><br>  <a href="do.htm">WHILE parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)</a><br> <a href="do.htm">LOOP (in DO/LOOP structure)</a><br> </menu>
<a href="DOCUMENT.HTM">                        (Document) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="EMAILDOMAIN.HTM">                      (Domain) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="DOSCALLSBACKGROUND.HTM">                DOS Calls Background Discussion</a><br>
Sets the paper orientation contained in <Mode>.
<a href="dosgetdate.htm">                        DOS date</a><br>
<a href="dosdirectcalls.htm">                    DOS Direct Calls</a> <br>
'''(SetROP2 )'''
<a href="dosfcalls.htm">                        DOS Function Calls</a><br>
<a href="dosfc.htm">                            DOSFC function</a><br>
<a href="dosms.htm">                             DOSMS function</a><br>
Sets the current foreground mix mode.
<a href="dosrw.htm">                            DOSRW function</a><br>
<a href="drawbitmap.htm">                      (Draw Bit Map) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="drawbox.htm">                          (Draw box) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="DRAWIMAGE.HTM">                        (Draw Image) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="drawtext.htm">                        (Draw Text) mnemonic</a><br>
Sets the text alignment mode to that specified by <Flags>.
<a href="dstat.htm">                            DSTAT function</a><br>  <menu>  <a href="dstat.htm#console">DSTAT of the console</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#remoteterminals">DSTAT of remote terminals</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#localprinter">DSTAT of a local printer</a><br> <a href="dstat.htm#remoteprinter">DSTAT of a remote printer</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#spooler">DSTAT of a spooler</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#x00">DSTAT of the system device (X00)</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#gateway">DSTAT of a gateway</a><br>  <a href="dstat.htm#directory">DSTAT of a directory</a><br> <a href="dstat.htm#clock">DSTAT of the clock</a><br> </menu>
<a href="easyscan.htm">                        (Easy Scan) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="editmask.htm">                          Edit masks</a><br><menu><a href="EDITMASKELEMENTS.HTM">Edit mask elements</a><br><a href="editmaskexamples.htm">Edit mask examples</a><br><a href="EDITMSK2.HTM">Additional Edit Mask Examples</a><br></menu>
<a href="creating.htm">                          Editing source programs</a><br>
<a href="linelabl.htm">                          Editor line numbers</a><br>
Sets the current text color as specified by <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="">eInternetBasic Tutorial</a><br>
<a href="ellipse.htm">                         (Ellipse) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="EMAILMNEMONICS.HTM">                   Email printer mnemonics</a><br>
<a href="Emaildoc.HTM">                        (EmailDocument) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="en.htm">                              (EN) mnemonic</a><br>
Prints the specified <Printable Text> at the location specified by <X> and <Y>.
<a href="encrypt.htm">                          ENCRYPT statement</a><br>
<a href="ENDMETAFILE.HTM">                     (End Metafile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="end.htm">                              END statement</a><br>
<a href="endif.htm">                             ENDIF statement</a><br>
<a href="endselect.htm">                        ENDSELECT statement</a><br>
Adjusts the line spacing for the current font to <LinesPerInch>. Due to differences in font design, when you select a font you may get the desired font but not the desired spacing (external leading may have been applied). This function provides a line spacing override that will adjust the font to fit your page requirements.
<a href="enduse.htm">                            ENDUSE directive</a><br>
<a href="ENDWAITCURSOR.HTM">                    (EndWaitCursor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="enhancedcharacterset.htm">              Enhanced Character Set</a><br>  <menu>  <a href="enhancedcharactersoff.htm">(Enhanced Characters Off) mnemonic</a><br>  <a href="enhancedcharacterson.htm">(Enhanced Characters On) mnemonic</a><br> </menu>
<a href="enhancedmouseon.htm">                  (Enhanced Mouse On) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="en.htm">                                Enter normal mode (EN)</a><br>
Restores a font previously saved with a PushFont. (See PushFont).
<a href="enter.htm">                            ENTER statement</a><br>
<a href="et.htm">                                Enter typewriter mode (ET)</a><br>
<a href="enterlevel.htm">                        ENTERLEVEL system variable</a><br>
<a href="doserase.htm">                          Erase DOS file</a><br>
<a href="erase.htm">                            Erase InternetBasic file</a><br>
Saves the current font on a stack so it can be restored with a corresponding PopFont. This feature allows a programmer to modify the printer font for a specific purpose and then restore the previous font without knowing how it was selected.
<a href="erase.htm">                            ERASE statement</a><br>
<a href="ERASEFILE.HTM">                        (EraseFile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="compilererrormessages.htm">            Error messages (IB compiler)</a><br>
<a href="error.htm">                            ERROR statement</a><br>
<a href="errorsub.htm">                          ERRORSUB statement</a><br>
<a href="errorto.htm">                          ERRORTO statement</a><br>
<a href="escapesub.htm">                        ESCAPESUB statement</a><br>
<a href="escapeto.htm">                          ESCAPETO statement</a><br>
<a href="et.htm">                              (ET) mnemonic</a><br>
            Selects the font specified by the <LogFont> structure.
<a href="EVENTSUB.HTM">                          EVENTSUB statement</a><br>
<a href="EVENTWAIT.HTM">                        EVENTWAIT statement</a><br>
<a href="excphndl.htm">                          Exception Handling</a><br>
<a href="exceptionmessages.htm">                Exception messages</a><br>
Typically, a user will call GDI.InitLogFont first to set all font fields to their default values, and then modify whichever field needs changing.
<a href="excpparm.htm">                          EXCP parameter</a><br>
<a href="excp.htm">                              EXCP system variable</a><br>
<a href="excpparm.htm">                          EXCP=</a><br>
Because the font structure consists of MTB strings, the INTEL/INTELD functions must be used to effect any modifications. For an example see the GDI.InitLogFont function in the USE file #LOGFNT.
<a href="excpsub.htm">                          EXCPSUB=</a><br>
<a href="EXECUTEMETAFILE.HTM">                 (Execute Metafile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="EXEPASS.HTM">                          EXEPASS</a><br>
<a href="exit.htm">                              EXIT statement</a><br>
Some commonly modified fields are:
<a href="exitall.htm">                          EXITALL statement</a><br>
<a href="EXITTO.HTM">                            EXITTO statement</a><br>
'''lfHeight$'''        Font size in 10th's of a point (inch/72). The font mapper looks for the largest font that does not exceed the requested size; if there is no such font, it looks for the smallest font available.
<a href="extract.htm">                          EXTRACT statement</a><br>
<a href="FALSE.HTM">                            FALSE</a><br>
<a href="doscopy.htm">                          Fast copy</a><br>
<a href="FAX.HTM">                              Fax gateway</a><br>
'''lfWidth$'''          Specifies the average width, in logical units, of characters in the font.(/cr) If lfWidth is zero, the aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference.
<a href="ff.htm">                              (FF) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="filepos.htm">                          File BOF parameter</a><br>
'''lfEscapement$'''  Specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, of each line
<a href="filebuf.htm">                          File BUF parameter</a><br>
<a href="filebuf.htm">                          File Buffer size</a><br>
of text written in the font (relative to the bottom of the page).
<a href="filectl.htm">                          File CTL parameter</a><br>
<a href="filedlm.htm">                          File Delimiter string</a><br>
lfWeight$        Darkness (or lightness) of the characters
<a href="filedlm.htm">                          File DLM parameter</a><br>
<a href="filepos.htm">                          File EOF parameter</a><br>
lfItalic$            Specifies an italic font if set to TRUE.
<a href="filectl.htm">                          File FLUSH</a><br>
<a href="fileforward.htm">                      File FORWARD (file direction)</a><br>
lfUnderline$    Specifies an underlined font if set to TRUE.
<a href="dosgethandles.htm">                    File handles function</a><br>
<a href="fileops.htm">                          File I/O Operations</a><br>
lfStrikeOut$    Specifies a strikeout font if set to TRUE.
<a href="lock.htm">                              File locking</a><br>
<a href="filereverse.htm">                      File REVERSE (file direction)</a><br></menu>
lfFaceName$    Desired font face ("Arial", "Courier New", etc.)
<a href="file.htm">                              File statement</a><br> <menu> <a href="filebuf.htm">FILE BUF</a><br<a href="filectl.htm">FILE CTL</a><br> <a href="filedlm.htm">FILE DLM</a><br> <a href="fileforward.htm">FILE FORWARD</a><br><a href="filepos.htm">FILE POS</a><br>  <a href="filereverse.htm">FILE REVERSE</a><br> <a href="csv.htm">FILE CSV</a><br> </menu>
<a href="fstat.htm">                            File status</a><br>
<a href="filesyst.htm">                          File system overview</a><br>
<a href="filectl.htm">                          File Tab-delimted fields in text files</a><br>
(SelectSysFont = <FontNumber>)
<a href="filesyst.htm">                          File types</a><br>
<a href="FILESTATUS.HTM">                      (FileStatus) mnemonic</a><br>
            Selects the SYSTEM font specified by <FontNumber>.
<a href="dosfindreverse.htm">                    Find a string -- reverse</a><br>
<a href="dosfind.htm">                          Find a string</a><br>
<a href="FINDFIRSTFILE.HTM">                   (FindFirstFile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="FINDNEXTFILE.HTM">                    (FindNextFile) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="first.htm">                            FIRST function</a><br>
<a href="FLUSH.HTM">                            (Flush) mnemonic</a><br>
            <FontNumber>         A Number from 0 to 2, corresponding to an entry
<a href="for.htm">                              FOR statement</a><br><menu><a href="for.htm">TO parameter (in FOR statement)</a><br><a href="next.htm">NEXT statement</a><br></menu>
<a href="forceclose.htm">                      (Force Close) mnemonic</a><br>
                                                in the COSW.INI [Printer Fonts] section.
<a href="forcelogout.htm">                     (Force Logout) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="ft.htm">                                Force transmit (FT)</a><br>
<a href="sf.htm">                                Foreground screen display</a><br>
<a href="ff.htm">                                Form feed (FF)</a><br>
Provides a system dependent method for assuring compatible printer output
<a href="FMTITEM.HTM">                          Format item</a><br>
<a href="fmtobj.htm">                            Format objects</a><br>
by allowing the user to choose the system fonts according to what is available on her system.
<a href="format.htm">                            FORMAT statement</a><br>
<a href="fpt.htm">                              FPT function</a><br>
<a href="fpt.htm">                              Fractional portion</a><br>
<a href="EMAILFROM.HTM">                        (From) mnemonic</a><br>
Font numbers are defined as follows:
<a href="fstat.htm">                            FSTAT function</a><br>
<a href="ft.htm">                              (FT) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="fullscancodespassed.htm">              (Full Scan Codes Passed) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getconnectioninfo.htm">                (Get Connection Info) mnemonic</a><br>
0                    Used for normal printing
<a href="dosgetdate.htm">                        Get DOS date</a><br>
<a href="dosgettime.htm">                       Get DOS time</a><br>
1                    Used for compact (compressed) printing
<a href="getextractinfo.htm">                  (Get Extract Info) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="dosgethandles.htm">                    Get Handles function</a><br>
2                    Used for wide (expanded) printing
<a href="GETROP2.HTM">                          (Get ROP2) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getservertime.htm">                    (Get Server Time) mnemonic</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="GETSESSIONID.HTM">                    (Get Session ID) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getbkcolor.htm">                       (GetBkColor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getbkmode.htm">                        (GetBkMode) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="GETDIRALIAS.HTM">                      (GetDirAlias) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getfontinfo.htm">                      (GetFontInfo) mnemonic</a><br>
(GetFontInfo = <ItemCode>)
<a href="GetFmt.htm">                            GetFormat statement</a><br>
<a href="getfuncresult.htm">                    (GetFuncResult) mnemonic</a><br>
            Returns the font information specified by <ItemCode>.
<a href="GetGlobal.htm">                        GetGlobal statement</a><br>
<a href="getpageinfo.htm">                     (GetPageInfo) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="GETSESSIONPRINTER.HTM">                (GetSessionPrinter) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="getsystemtime.htm">                   (GetSystemTime) mnemonic</a><br>
Where <ItemCode> is:
<a href="gettextalign.htm">                     (GetTextAlign) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="gettextcolor.htm">                    (GetTextColor) mnemonic</a><br>
PTR.FONT.HEIGHT - Specifies the height (ascent + descent) of characters
<a href="gettextextent.htm">                    (GetTextExtent) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="gosub.htm">                            GOSUB statement</a><br>
<a href="goto.htm">                              GOTO statement</a><br>
<a href="GDIMNEMONICS.HTM">                     Graphics Device Interface (GDI) mnemonics</a><br>
PTR.FONT.EXTLEADING - Specifies the amount of extra leading (space) that
<a href="dosgethandles.htm">                    Handles (file)</a><br>
<a href="helpmessages.htm">                      Help messages</a><br>
the application adds between rows. Since this area
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm">                   Help system</a><br>
<a href="helpkey.htm">                          HELPKEY$ system variable</a><br>
is outside the font, it contains no marks and is
<a href="HEXCONS.HTM">                          HEX constants</a><br>
<a href="hexasc.htm">                            HEXASC function</a><br>
not altered by text output calls in either OPAQUE
<a href="hexdec.htm">                            HEXDEC function</a><br>
<a href="hidecursor.htm">                      (Hide Cursor) mnemonic</a><br>
or TRANSPARENT mode. May be 0.
<a href="hidemousecursor.htm">                 (Hide Mouse Cursor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="HYPERLINK.HTM">                        (HyperLink) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="HYPERLINKCOLOR.HTM">                  (HyperLinkColor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="formatdiv.htm">                        I/O Format Division</a><br>
PTR.FONT.AVECHARWIDTH - Specifies the average width of characters in the
<a href="compilererrormessages.htm">             IB compiler error messages</a><br>
<a href="ignorewindows.htm">                    (Ignore Windows) mnemonic</a><br>
font (generally defined as the width of the letter x). This value
<a href="IHEXDEC.HTM">                          IHEXDEC function</a><br>
<a href="INCLUDE.HTM">                          INCLUDE directive</a><br>
does not include the overhang required for bold or italic characters.
<a href="INCLUDEFILE.HTM">                      Include files</a><br>
<a href="INDENT.HTM">                            Indentation</a><br>
<a href="sequent.htm">                          Indexed Sequential files</a><br>
<a href="INITINPUTDATA.HTM">                    (Init Input Data) mnemonic</a><br>
PTR.FONT.MAXCHARWIDTH - Specifies the width of the widest character in the font.
<a href="iterm.htm">                            Initiating terminal</a><br>
<a href="input2.htm">                           INPUT statement (without Transmit Marks)</a><br>
<a href="input.htm">                            INPUT statement</a><br>
<a href="InputPrintFile.htm">                    INPUTFILE statement</a><br>
PTR.FONT.WEIGHT - Specifies the weight of the font.
<a href="inquire.htm">                          INQUIRE statement</a><br>
<a href="insertoff.htm">                        (Insert Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="inserton.htm">                        (Insert On) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="insert.htm">                            INSERT statement</a><br>
<a href="int.htm">                              INT function</a><br>
<a href="int.htm">                              Integer portion</a><br>
<a href="intel.htm">                            INTEL function</a><br>
<a href="inteld.htm">                            INTELD function</a><br>
(SetTextColor = <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>)
<a href="interrupt.htm">                        Inter-partition communications</a><br>
<a href="intmode.htm">                          Interactive Mode (compiler)</a><br>
            Sets the current text color as specified by <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="IBAPPS.HTM">                            Internet Basic Applications</a><br>
<a href="STATEMENTS.HTM">                        Internet Basic statements</a><br>
<a href="REFGUIDE.HTM">                          Internet Basic: Reference Guide</a><br>
<a href="intro.htm">                            Internet Basic</a><br>
(SetBkColor = <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>)
<a href="NUM2DATE.HTM">                          Internet date format</a><br>
<a href="emailengine.htm">                      InternetBasic Electronic Mail</a><br>
            Sets the current background color as specified by <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="InternetBasicexceptionmessages.htm">   InternetBasic exception messages</a><br>
<a href="filesyst.htm">                          InternetBasic file system</a><br>
Colors are represented by 3 (Red, Green, Blue) color intensity values, each
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm">                    InternetBasic help system (NOVA)</a><br>
<a href="InternetBasicstartupoptions.htm">      InternetBasic Startup Options</a><br>
ranging in value from 0 (no color - black) to 255 (max color - white).
<a href="InternetBasicwindows.htm">              InternetBasic windows</a><br>
<a href="interrupt.htm">                        INTERRUPT statement</a><br>
<a href="interrupt.htm">                        Interrupting another partition</a><br>
<a href="intro.htm">                            Introduction to Internet Basic</a><br>
<Red>           ! Specifies the amount of RED
<a href="invokehelp.htm">                      (Invoke HELP) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="iterm.htm">                            ITERM$ system variable</a><br>
<Green>         ! Specifies the amount of GREEN
<a href="key.htm">                              KEY function</a><br>
<a href="keyed.htm#keyonly">                    Key-only files</a><br>
<Blue>           ! Specifies the amount of BLUE
<a href="keyparam.htm">                          KEY= parameter</a><br>
<a href="keyed.htm">                            Keyed files</a><br>
<a href="keystat.htm">                          KeyStat Function</a><br>
<a href="KILLSESSION.HTM">                      (Kill Session) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="kill.htm">                              KILL statement</a><br>
<a href="kill.htm">                              Killing another job</a><br>
            Returns the current text color.
<a href="language.htm">                          Language Structure</a><br>
<a href="last.htm">                              LAST function</a><br>
<a href="last.htm">                              Last key</a><br>
<a href="launch.htm">                          (Launch) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="LAUNCHING.HTM">                        Launching a program or document</a><br>
<a href="lcase.htm">                            LCASE function</a><br>
            Returns the current background color.
<a href="ld.htm">                              (LD) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="fmtmod.htm">                            Leading minus sign</a><br>
The return value for this function is obtained by requesting the result of the previous
<a href="adjust.htm">                            Left justify function</a><br>
<a href="LEGACYCOMPILEROPTIONS.HTM">            Legacy Compiler options</a><br>
operation with (GetFuncResult) and then performing an input of the 4 byte return value
<a href="len.htm">                              LEN function</a><br>
<a href="FMTLEN.HTM">                            Length override</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="length.htm">                            LENGTH statement</a><br>
<a href="let.htm">                              LET statement</a><br>
<a href="lf.htm">                              (LF) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="li.htm">                              (LI) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="ld.htm">                                Line delete (LD)</a><br>
(SetBkMode = <Mode>)
<a href="lf.htm">                                Line feed (LF)</a><br>
<a href="ls.htm">                                Line feed suppress (LS)</a><br>
            Sets the background mode specified by <Mode>.
<a href="li.htm">                                Line insert (LI)</a><br>
<a href="linelabl.htm">                          Line Numbers vs. Labels</a><br>
The background mode defines whether the system removes existing background colors on the drawing surface before drawing text, hatched brushes, or any pen style that is not a solid line.
<a href="lineto.htm">                          (Line To) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="LINESPACING.HTM">                      (LineSpacing) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="compilercommands.htm">                  LIST command</a><br>
<a href="fmtmod.htm">                          (LM) modifier</a><br>
Where <Mode> is:
<a href="LOADCONTROL.HTM">                      (LoadControl) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="local.htm">                            LOCAL statement</a><br>
BKM.OPAQUE        Background is filled with the current background color before the text, hatched brush, or pen is drawn. This is the default background mode.
<a href="extract.htm">                          Lock data record</a><br>
<a href="lock.htm">                              Lock InternetBasic data file</a><br>
<a href="lock.htm">                              LOCK statement</a><br>
<a href="lockdabs.htm">                          LockDabs statement</a><br>
BKM.TRANSPARENT Background is not changed before drawing.
<a href="LOG.HTM">                              LOG statement</a><br>
<a href="EMAILLOG.HTM">                        (Log) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="lun.htm">                              Logical unit number (lun)</a><br>
<a href="longyear.htm">                          LONGYEAR system variable</a><br>
<a href="longyear.htm">                          LONGYEAR$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="customlookup.htm">                      Lookup programs</a><br>
            Returns the current background mode.
<a href="loop.htm">                              LOOP statement</a><br>
<a href="lcase.htm">                            Lower case conversion</a><br>
<a href="ls.htm">                              (LS) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="doslseek.htm">                          LSEEK function</a><br>
The return value for this function is obtained by requesting the result of the previous
<a href="mid.htm">                              Machine ID number</a><br>
<a href="FRAMES.HTM">                            Main</a><br>
operation with (GetFuncResult) and then performing an input of the 4 byte return value
<a href="MAPMODE.HTM">                          (Map Mode) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="mc.htm">                              (MC) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="dosmessageall.htm">                    Message sending to all terminals</a><br>
<a href="dosmessage.htm">                        Message sending to another terminal</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="message.htm">                          MESSAGE$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="messagesub.htm">                        MESSAGESUB statement</a><br>
<a href="METAFILES.HTM">                        Metafiles overview</a><br>
Printing Text
<a href="mid.htm">                              MID function</a><br>
<a href="mousedrivermnemonics.htm">              Mnemonics, mouse driver</a><br> 
<a href="spoolmessage.htm">                      Mnemonics, spooler</a> <br> 
<a href="SYSTEMDRIVERMNEMONICS.HTM">            Mnemonics, System driver</a><br>
(SetTextAlign = <Flags>)
<a href="videomnemonics.htm">                    Mnemonics, Video</a>  <br>
<a href="windowsprintermnemonics.htm">          Mnemonics, Windows printer</a> <br>  
            Sets the text alignment mode to that specified by <Flags >.
<a href="mousedriver.htm">                      Mouse driver</a><br<menu> <a href="mousedemo.htm"> Mouse demo program</a><br><a href="mousedrivermnemonics.htm">Mouse driver mnemonics</a> <br><a href="easyscan.htm">Mouse on via (Easy Scan)</a><br><a href="mousesampleprograms.htm">Mouse sample programs</a><br></menu>
<a href="MENHANCEDCHARACTERSET.HTM">            Mouse Enhanced Character Set</a><br>
<a href="MOUSEOFF.HTM">                        (Mouse Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="MPSEUDOCODE.HTM">                      Mouse Pseudocode</a><br>
The TextOut function uses these flags when positioning a string of text on a display or device. The flags specify the relationship between a specific point and a rectangle that bounds the text. The coordinates of this point are passed as parameters to the TextOut member function. The rectangle that bounds the text is formed by the adjacent character cells in the text string.
<a href="dosmove.htm">                          Move a file</a><br>
<a href="doslseek.htm">                          Move DOS file read/write pointer</a><br>
<a href="move.htm">                              MOVE statement</a><br>
<a href="move.htm">                              Move string field</a><br>
The flags specify the relationship between a point and a rectangle that bounds the text. The point may be either the current position or the coordinates specified by a text-output function. The rectangle that bounds the text is defined by the adjacent character cells in the text string. The <Flags> parameter can be one or more flags from the following three categories. Choose only one flag from each category.
<a href="moveto.htm">                          (Move To) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="MSGBOXFUNC.HTM">                        MSGBOX function</a><br>
<a href="MSGBOX.HTM">                            MSGBOX statement</a><br>
<a href="DDLMULTIPLEPARAMETERS.HTM">            Multiple parameters</a><br>
The first category affects text alignment in the x-direction:
<a href="multstmt.htm">                          Multiple Statements on a Line</a><br>
<a href="LEFT.HTM">                              Navigation</a><br>
<a href="noexcp.htm">                            NOEXCP</a><br>
<a href="normalinput.htm">                      (Normal Input) mnemonic</a><br>
TA.CENTER              Aligns the point with the horizontal center of the bounding rectangle.
<a href="en.htm">                                Normal mode (EN)</a><br>
<a href="NOT.HTM">                              NOT function</a><br>
<a href="notation.htm">                          Notation Conventions</a><br>
<a href="FUNCTIONKEYS.HTM">                      NOVA Function Keys</a><br>
TA.LEFT                   Aligns the point with the left side of the bounding rectangle.
<a href="controlfile.htm">                      NOVA help system control file</a><br>
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm">                    NOVA help system</a><br>
This is the default setting.
<a href="LINKINGMETHODS.HTM">                    NOVA Linking Methods</a><br>
<a href="num.htm">                               NUM function</a><br>
TA.RIGHT                  Aligns the point with the right side of the bounding rectangle.
<a href="num2date.htm">                          NUM2DATE function</a><br>
<a href="NUMERICOPERATORS.HTM">                  Numeric Operators</a><br>
<a href="numtodate.htm">                        NUMTODATE function</a><br>
<a href="compilercommands.htm">                  OBJECT command</a><br>
The second category affects text alignment in the y-direction:
<a href="ODBC.HTM">                              ODBC gateway</a><br>
<a href="ongoto.htm">                            ON/GOTO statement</a><br>
<a href="dosopen.htm">                          Open DOS file</a><br>
<a href="open.htm">                              Open InternetBasic data file</a><br>
TA.BASELINE          Aligns the point with the base line of the chosen font.
<a href="open.htm">                              OPEN statement</a><br>
<a href="mouseon.htm">                          Open the mouse</a><br>
TA.BOTTOM              Aligns the point with the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
<a href="operation.htm">                        Operators</a><br><menu><a href="operation.htm#logical">AND operator</a><br><a href="operation.htm#logical">Logical Operations</a><br><a href="operation.htm#logical">OR operator</a><br><a href="operation.htm#modulo">MOD operator</a><br><a href="operation.htm#modulo">Modulo operation</a><br><a href="operation.htm#numeric">Numeric Operations</a><br><a href="operation.htm#relational">Contains Operator</a><br><a href="operation.htm#relational">Relational Operations</a><br><a href="operation.htm#relational">SoundsLike Operator</a><br><a href="operation.htm#string">String Operations</a><br><a href="operation.htm#subtraction">Subtraction</a><br></menu>
<a href="DDLOTHEREXAMPLES.HTM">                  Other examples</a><br>
TA.TOP                     Aligns the point with the top of the bounding rectangle. (default)
<a href="filesyst.htm">                         Overview of the InternetBasic File System</a><br>
<a href="PAD.HTM">                              PAD function</a><br>
<a href="partialscancodesoff.htm">              (Partial Scan Codes Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="partialscancodeson.htm">              (Partial Scan Codes On) mnemonic</a><br>
The third category determines whether the current position is updated when text is written:
<a href="scancodes.htm">                        Partial Scan Codes</a><br>
<a href="pcomm.htm">                            Partition COMMON data</a><br>
<a href="activate.htm">                          Partition control</a><br>
<a href="priority.htm">                          Partition priority</a><br>
TA.NOUPDATECP  Does not update the current position after each call to a text-output function. This is the default setting.
<a href="pstat.htm">                            Partition status</a><br>
<a href="partitio.htm">                          PARTITION$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="password.htm">                          PASSWORD function</a><br>
<a href="password.htm">                          Password security system</a><br>
TA.UPDATECP        Updates the current x-position after each call to a text-output function.
<a href="path.htm">                              PATH function</a><br>
<a href="pause.htm">                            PAUSE statement</a><br>
The new position is at the right side of the bounding rectangle for the text. When this flag is set, the coordinates specified in calls to the TextOut member function are ignored.
<a href="pcomm.htm">                            PCOMM function</a><br>
<a href="PLAYSOUND.HTM">                       (Play Sound) mnemonic</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="POLLINGMOUSE.HTM">                      Polling the mouse</a><br>
<a href="popfont.htm">                          (Pop Font) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="pop.htm">                              POP statement</a><br>
<a href="popall.htm">                            POPALL statement</a><br>
<a href="ports.htm">                            Ports used by Signature Products</a><br>
<a href="pos.htm">                              POS function</a><br>
            Returns the current text alignment Flags. The resulting flags are  returned in <LoWord>.
<a href="position.htm">                          Position file pointer</a><br>
<a href="position.htm">                          POSITION statement</a><br>
<a href="FMTPOS.HTM">                            Position</a><br>
<a href="prev.htm">                              PREV function</a><br>
(GetTextExtent);<Printable Text>
<a href="prev.htm">                              Previous key</a><br>
<a href="print.htm">                            PRINT statement</a><br>
            Measures the size (width and height) of the specified <Printable Text>.
<a href="FMTPTR.HTM">                            Printer formatting</a><br>
<a href="printermnemonics.htm">                  Printer mnemonics</a> <br>
The resulting width and height are returned in <LoWord> and <HiWord> (respecively).
<a href="InputPrintFile.htm">                    PRINTFILE statement</a></br>
<a href="priority.htm">                          PRIORITY$ system variable</a><br>
The return value for this function is obtained by requesting the result of the previous
<a href="procedure.htm">                        Procedure Division</a><br>
<a href="dospseudofunctions.htm">                Pseudo DOS Functions</a><br>
operation with (GetFuncResult) and then performing an input of the 4 byte return value
<a href="sortpseudocode.htm">                    Pseudocode for in-memory sort</a><br>
<a href="sortpseudocodemerge.htm">              Pseudocode for sort/merge</a><br>
<a href="pstat.htm">                            PSTAT function</a><br>
<a href="pushfont.htm">                        (Push Font) mnemonic</a><br>
(TextOut = <X>, <Y>); <Printable Text>
<a href="QUERYCLIPBOARD.HTM">                  (Query Clipboard) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="QUICK.HTM">                            Quick reference guide</a><br>
            Prints the specified <Printable Text> at the location specified by <X> and <Y>.
<a href="radiobuttonoff.htm">                  (Radio Button Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="radiobuttonon.htm">                    (Radio Button On) mnemonic</a><br>
Character origins are at the upper-left corner of the character cell. By
<a href="rb.htm">                              (RB) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="rc.htm">                              (RC) mnemonic</a><br>
default, the current position is not used or updated by the function.
<a href="rd.htm">                              (RD) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="dosread.htm">                          Read from a DOS file</a><br>
<a href="read.htm">                              Read from a InternetBasic file</a><br>
<a href="readmouse.htm">                        (Read Mouse) mnemonic</a><br>
If an application needs to update the current position when it calls TextOut,
<a href="read.htm">                              READ statement</a><br>
<a href="readingmouse.htm">                      Reading the mouse</a><br>
the application can call the SetTextAlign member function with Flags set to
<a href="recnum.htm">                            RECNUM function</a><br>
<a href="extract.htm">                          Record locking</a><br>
TA.UPDATECP. When this flag is set, Windows ignores the x and y parameters on
<a href="rectangle.htm">                        (Rectangle) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="REDRAWNOTIFY.HTM">                    (Redraw Notify) mnemonic</a><br>
subsequent calls to TextOut, using the current position instead.
<a href="REGULARCURSOR.HTM">                    Regular cursor display</a><br>
<a href="RELATIONALOPERATORS.HTM">              Relational Operators</a><br>
<a href="mc.htm">                                Remember cursor position (MC)</a><br>
<a href="dosrmdir.htm">                          Remove DOS subdirectory</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="rename.htm">                            Rename a InternetBasic file</a><br>
<a href="rename.htm">                            RENAME statement</a><br>
<a href="RENAMEFILE.HTM">                      (RenameFile) mnemonic</a><br>
(DrawText = <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>, <Flags>);<Printable Text>
<a href="requestid.htm">                        (Request ID) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="resetscreen.htm">                      (Reset Screen) mnemonic</a><br>
Prints the specified text <Printable Text> into the rectangle specified by the    coordinates <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the format codes specified in <Flags>.
<a href="rc.htm">                                Restore cursor position (RC)</a><br>
<a href="restorescreen.htm">                    (Restore Screen) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="RESTOREWAITCURSOR.HTM">                (RestoreWaitCursor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="HTTP_OVERVIEW.HTM">                    Retrieving web pages via HTTP</a><br>
This function is used to format text inside the specified rectangle. It formats text by expanding tabs into appropriate spaces, aligning text to the left, right, or center of the rectangle, and breaking text into lines that fit within the rectangle. The type of formatting is specified by <Flags>. The formatting codes can be combined and are specified in <Flags>.
<a href="return.htm">                            RETURN statement</a><br>
<a href="rewrite.htm">                          REWRITE statement</a><br>
<a href="adjust.htm">                            Right justify function</a><br>
<a href="rj.htm">                                Right justify mark (RJ)</a><br>
DT.TOP                     Specifies top-justified text (single line only).
<a href="rb.htm">                                Ring bell (RB)</a><br>
<a href="rj.htm">                              (RJ) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.LEFT                   Aligns text flush-left.
<a href="RND.HTM">                              RND function</a><br>
<a href="rd.htm">                                Roll down (RD)</a><br>
DT.CENTER              Centers text horizontally.
<a href="ru.htm">                                Roll up (RU)</a><br>
<a href="round.htm">                            ROUND statement</a><br>
DT.RIGHT                 Aligns text flush-right.
<a href="round.htm">                            Rounding data fields</a><br>
<a href="roundrect.htm">                        (RoundRect) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.VCENTER          Specifies vertically centered text (single line only).
<a href="RPOS.HTM">                              RPOS function</a><br>
<a href="rsub.htm">                              RSUB function</a><br>
DT.BOTTOM             Specifies bottom-justified text. This value must be combined with DT.SINGLELINE.
<a href="ru.htm">                              (RU) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="cmdmode.htm">                          RUN compiler command</a><br>
DT.WORDBREAK    Specifies word-breaking. Lines are automatically
<a href="run.htm">                              RUN statement</a><br>
<a href="run.htm">                              Running a program overlay</a><br>
broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>. A carriage return-line feed sequence will also break the line.
<a href="enter.htm">                            Running a subprogram</a><br>
<a href="runstate.htm">                          RUNSTATE system variable</a><br>
DT.SINGLELINE      Specifies single line only. Carriage returns and linefeeds do not break the line.
<a href="SAMPLEMOUSEOPEN.HTM">                  Sample mouse open program</a><br>
<a href="WINDOWSAMPLE.HTM">                      Sample window program</a><br>
DT.EXPANDTABS  Expands tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight.
<a href="SATISFYINPUT.HTM">                    (SatisfyInput) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="savescreen.htm">                      (Save Screen) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.TABSTOP          Sets tab stops. The high-order byte of <PtrFlags> is the number of characters for each tab. The default number of characters per tab is eight.
<a href="sb.htm">                              (SB) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="scancodesoff.htm">                    (Scan Codes Off) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.NOCLIP              Draws without clipping. DrawText is somewhat faster when DT.NOCLIP is used.
<a href="scancodes.htm">                        Scan Codes</a><br>
<a href="screencolors.htm">                      Screen Colors</a><br>
DT.EXTERNALLEADING   Includes the font's external leading in the line height. Normally, external leading is not included in the height of a line of text.
<a href="fmtvideo.htm">                          Screen formatting</a><br>
<a href="screen.htm">                          (Screen) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.CALCRECT        returns the height of the formatted text, but does not draw the text.
<a href="searchfile.htm">                        SearchFile statement</a><br>
<a href="secure.htm">                            SECURE statement</a><br>
DT.NOPREFIX          Turns off processing of prefix characters. Normally, DrawText interprets the ampersand (&) mnemonic-prefix character as a directive to underscore the character that follows, and the two-ampersand (&&) mnemonic-prefix characters as a directive to print a single
<a href="secure.htm">                            Security</a><br>
<a href="selectfont.htm">                      (SelectFont) mnemonic</a><br>
ampersand. By specifying DT.NOPREFIX, this processing is turned off.
<a href="selecthatchbrush.htm">                (SelectHatchBrush) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="selectpen.htm">                        (SelectPen) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.INTERNAL          Uses the system font to calculate text metrics.
<a href="selectsolidbrush.htm">                (SelectSolidBrush) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="selectsysfont.htm">                    (SelectSysFont) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.EDITCONTROL Duplicates the text-displaying characteristics of a
<a href="SELECTWINDOWEX.HTM">                  (SelectWindowEx) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="dosmessageall.htm">                    Sending a message to all terminals</a><br>
multiline edit control. Specifically, the average
<a href="dosmessage.htm">                        Sending a message to another terminal</a><br>
<a href="SMTP_SMTPCOMMANDS.HTM">                Sending e-mail via SMTP</a><br>
character width is calculated in the same manner as
<a href="sequent.htm">                          Sequential file</a><br>
<a href="SERIAL.HTM">                            Serial gateway</a><br>
for an edit control, and the function does not
<a href="EMAILSERVER.HTM">                      (Server) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="set.htm">                              SET directive</a><br>
display a partially visible last line.
<a href="SETPRINTERINFO.HTM">                  (Set Printer Info) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SETROP2.HTM">                          (Set ROP2) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SETWINDOWCAPTION.HTM">                (Set Window Caption) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SETBIT.HTM">                            SETBIT function</a><br>
DT.END.ELLIPSIS  Replaces part of the given string with ellipses, if necessary,
<a href="setbkcolor.htm">                      (SetBkColor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="setbkmode.htm">                        (SetBkMode) mnemonic</a><br>
so that the result fits in the specified rectangle. The given
<a href="SETDIRALIAS.HTM">                      (SetDirAlias) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SetFmt.htm">                            SetFormat statement</a><br>
string is not modified unless the DT.MODIFYSTRING flag
<a href="SetGlobal.htm">                        SetGlobal statement</a><br>
<a href="setorientation.htm">                  (SetOrientation) mnemonic</a><br>
is specified.
<a href="setpapersize.htm">                    (SetPaperSize) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SETSESSIONPRINTER.HTM">                (SetSessionPrinter) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="settextalign.htm">                    (SetTextAlign) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="settextcolor.htm">                    (SetTextColor) mnemonic</a><br>
You can specify DT.END.ELLIPSIS to replace characters
<a href="SETTINGWCOLORS.HTM">                    Setting window colors (legacy windows)</a><br>
<a href="sf.htm">                              (SF) mnemonic</a><br>
at the end of the string, or DT.PATH.ELLIPSIS to replace
<a href="sgn.htm">                              SGN function</a><br>
<a href="shelltodos.htm">                      (Shell to DOS) mnemonic</a><br>
characters in the middle of the string. If the string contains
<a href="SHELLEXECUTE.HTM">                    (ShellExecute) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="SHELLEXECUTEWAIT.HTM">                (ShellExecuteWait) mnemonic</a><br>
backslash (\) characters, DT.PATH.ELLIPSIS preserves as
<a href="showcursor.htm">                      (Show Cursor) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="showmousecursor.htm">                  (Show Mouse Cursor) mnemonic</a><br>
much as possible of the text after the last backslash.
<a href="SHMOUSECURSOR.HTM">                    Show/hide the mouse cursor</a><br>
<a href="singlekeytransmit.htm">                (Single Key Transmit) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="sl.htm">                                Skip n lines</a><br>
<a href="sl.htm">                              (SL=n) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.MODIFYSTRING Modifies the given string to match the displayed text.
<a href="SORTDESCENDINGMERGE.HTM">              Sort descending sort/merge</a><br>
<a href="sortgateway.htm">                      Sort gateway</a><br> <menu> <a href="sortascending.htm">Sort ascending in memory</a><br><a href="sortascendingmerge.htm">Sort ascending sort/merge</a><br><a href="sortbeginmerge.htm">Sort begin sort/merge</a><br><a href="sortdescending.htm">Sort descending in memory</a><br><a href="sortascendingmerge.htm">ort descending sort/merge</a><br><a href="sortpointer.htm">Sort move pointer to top</a><br><a href="sortrecordlength.htm">Sort record length</a><br></menu>
This flag has no effect unless the DT_END_ELLIPSIS or
<a href="compilercommands.htm">                 SOURCE command</a><br>
<a href="source.htm">                            Source Program Divisions</a><br>
DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS flag is specified.
<a href="compchar.htm">                          Special characters (compiler)</a><br>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm">                Special Characters (in IB source code)</a><menu><a href="specialcharacters.htm#ampersand">Ampersand (&)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#asterisk">Asterisk (*)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#atsign">At sign (@)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#comma">Comma (,)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#decimalpoint">Decimal point (.)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#dollarsign">Dollar sign ($)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#equalsign">Equal sign (=)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#exclamation">Exclamation mark (!)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#greaterthansign">Greater than sign (&gt;)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#lessthansign">Less than sign (&lt;)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#minussign">Minus sign (-)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#numbersign">Number sign (#)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#parentheses">Parentheses</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#plussign">Plus sign (+)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#quotes">Quotation marks</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#semicolon">Semicolon (;)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#slash">Division sign (/)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#slash">Slash sign (/)</a><br><a href="specialcharacters.htm#underline">Underline character</a><br></menu>
<a href="spoolmessage.htm">                    (Spool Message) mnemonic</a> <br>
<a href="sqrt.htm">                              SQRT function</a><br>
DT.RTLREADING    Layout in right to left reading order for bi-directional text when
<a href="sqrt.htm">                              Square root</a><br>
<a href="ssb.htm">                              (SSB) mnemonic</a><br>
the font selected into the hdc is a Hebrew or Arabic font.
<a href="SSLRelay.htm">                          SSL Relay</a><br>
<a href="sb.htm">                                Start background (SB)</a><br>
The default reading order for all text is left to right.
<a href="sf.htm">                                Start foreground (SF)</a><br>
<a href="ssb.htm">                              Start suppressed background (SSB)</a><br>
<a href="stmtcont.htm">                          Statement Continuation</a><br>
<a href="linelabl.htm">                         Statement labels</a><br>
DT.WORD.ELLIPSIS Truncates text that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipses.
<a href="proceduredivisionstatements.htm">       Statement Summary</a><br>
<a href="sts.htm">                              Status function (STS)</a><br>
<a href="stdkeyboardoff.htm">                  (Std Keyboard Off) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="stdkeyboardon.htm">                   (Std Keyboard On) mnemonic</a><br>
DT.NOPREFIX cannot be used with the DT.TABSTOP value.
<a href="stop.htm">                             STOP statement</a><br>
<a href="STORECONTROL.HTM">                    (StoreControl) mnemonic</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="str.htm">                              STR function</a><br>
<a href="string.htm">                            STRING function</a><br>
<a href="Strings.HTM">                          String Manipulation</a><br>
<a href="STRINGOPERATOR.HTM">                    String Operator</a><br>
<a href="strip.htm">                            STRIP function</a><br>
<a href="stripl.htm">                            STRIPL function</a><br>
<a href="stripr.htm">                            STRIPR function</a><br>
(SelectPen = <Style>, <Width>, <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>)
<a href="STS (WINSOCK GATEWAY).HTM">            STS function (Winsock gateway)</a><br>
<a href="sts.htm">                              STS function</a><br>
            Selects the pen described by <Style>, <Width> and <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="sub.htm">                              SUB function</a><br>
<a href="EMAILSUBJECT.HTM">                    (Subject) mnemonic</a><br>
Available pen styles <Style> are:
<a href="subprog.htm">                          Subprograms</a><br>
<a href="gosub.htm">                            Subroutines</a><br>
PS.SOLID                  Creates a solid pen.
<a href="arrays.htm">                            Subscripted variables (arrays)</a><br>
<a href="swap.htm">                              SWAP function</a><br>
<a href="switchsession.htm">                    (Switch Session) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="set.htm">                              Symbolic constants</a><br>
PS.DASH                  Creates a dashed pen. Valid only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
<a href="syspart.htm">                          SYSPART$ system variable</a><br>
<a href="date.htm">                              System date</a><br>
PS.DOT                    Creates a dotted pen. Valid only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
<a href="errorsub.htm">                          SYSTEM parameter, ERRORSUB</a><br>
<a href="errorto.htm">                          SYSTEM parameter, ERRORTO</a><br>
PS.DASHDOT          Creates a pen with alternating dashes and dots. Valid only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
<a href="escapesub.htm">                        SYSTEM parameter, ESCAPESUB</a><br>
<a href="escapeto.htm">                          SYSTEM parameter, ESCAPETO</a><br>
PS.DASHDOTDOT  Creates a pen with alternating dashes and double dots. Valid
<a href="SYSTEMSYMBOLICCONSTANTS.HTM">          System Symbolic Constants</a><br>
<a href="time.htm">                              System time</a><br>
only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
<a href="systemvariables.htm">                  System variables (chart)</a><br>
<a href="systvar.htm">                          System variables</a><br>
PS.NULL                    Creates a null pen.
<a href="ports.htm">                            TCP/IP Ports used by Signature Products</a><br>
<a href="term.htm">                              TERM$ system variable</a><br>
PS.INSIDEFRAME  Creates a pen that draws a line inside the frame of closed
<a href="term.htm">                              Terminal identification</a><br>
<a href="terminate.htm">                        Terminate a partition</a><br>
shapes produced by the Windows GDI output functions that
<a href="terminate.htm">                        TERMINATE statement</a><br>
<a href="TESTBIT.HTM">                          TESTBIT function</a><br>
specify a bounding rectangle (for example, the Ellipse,
<a href="text.htm">                              Text files</a><br>
<a href="EMAILTEXT.HTM">                        (Text) mnemonic</a><br>
Rectangle, RoundRect, Pie, and Chord member functions).
<a href="textout.htm">                          (TextOut) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="time.htm">                              TIME$ system variable</a><br>
When this style is used with Windows GDI output functions
<a href="tm.htm">                              (TM) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="EMAILTO.HTM">                          (To) mnemonic</a><br>
that do not specify a bounding rectangle (for example, the
<a href="hidemousecursor.htm">                  Touch-sensitive screens</a><br>
<a href="tp.htm">                              (TP) mnemonic</a><br>
LineTo member function), the drawing area of the pen is not
<a href="tr.htm">                              (TR) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="tm.htm">                                Transmit mark (TM)</a><br>
limited by a frame.
<a href="tp.htm">                                Transmit stop mark (TP)</a><br>
<a href="TRANSPARENTCOLOR.HTM">                (Transparent Color) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="tr.htm">                                Transparent printing mode</a><br>
<a href="TRUE.HTM">                              TRUE</a><br>
If the width of the pen <PtrWidth> is 0, the width in device units is always 1 pixel, regardless of the mapping mode.
<a href="et.htm">                                Typewriter mode</a><br>
<a href="ucase.htm">                            UCASE function</a><br>
<a href="UNDERAMP.HTM">                          Underscore and ampersand</a><br>
<a href="unlock.htm">                            UNLOCK statement</a><br>
NOTE: See SetTextColor for color parameter information.
<a href="unlock.htm">                            Unlocking a InternetBasic file</a><br>
<a href="UNSET.HTM">                            UNSET directive</a><br>
<a href="update.htm">                            UPDATE statement</a><br>
<a href="update.htm">                            Updating data records</a><br>
<a href="ucase.htm">                            Upper case conversion</a><br>
<a href="uppercaseinput.htm">                   (Upper Case Input) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="use.htm">                              USE directive</a><br>
(SelectSolidBrush = <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>)
<a href="usefile.htm">                          Usefiles</a><br>
<a href="USINGHELP.HTM">                         Using the Automatic Help Feature</a><br>
            Selects the solid brush described <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="compile.htm">                          Using the IB Compiler</a><br>
<a href="varclass.htm">                          Variable classification</a><br>
NOTE: See SetTextColor for color parameter information.
<a href="varlen.htm">                            Variable length</a><br>
<a href="varnames.htm">                          Variable names</a><br>
<a href="vartypes.htm">                          Variable types</a><br>
<a href="VERIFYFILE.HTM">                      (Verify File) mnemonic</a><br>
(SelectHatchBrush = <Style>, <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>)
<a href="version.htm">                          Version number</a><br>
<a href="version.htm">                          VERSION$ system variable</a><br>
            Selects the hatched brush described <Style> and <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>.
<a href="VIDCODES.HTM">                          Video Control Codes</a><br>
<a href="fmtvideo.htm">                          Video Screen Formatting Overview</a><br>
<a href="WAIT.HTM">                             WAIT statement</a><br>
<a href="wakeup.htm">                            WAKEUP statement</a><br>
Where <Style> can be one of the following values:
<a href="WALLPAPERBITMAP.HTM">                  (Wallpaper Bitmap) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="WALLPAPERCLEAR.HTM">                  (Wallpaper Clear) mnemonic</a><br>
HS.HORIZONTAL    Horizontal hatch
<a href="WALLPAPERCOLOR.HTM">                  (Wallpaper Color) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="WALLPAPERREMOVE.HTM">                  (Wallpaper Remove) mnemonic</a><br>
HS.VERTICAL          Vertical hatch
<a href="wc.htm">                              (WC) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="whohasfile.htm">                      (Who Has File) mnemonic</a><br>
HS.FDIAGONAL      Upward hatch (left to right) at 45 degrees
<a href="WINDOWMEMORY.HTM">                      Window memory (legacy windows)</a><br>
<a href="windowtitlebackground.htm">            (Window Title Background) mnemonic</a><br>
HS.BDIAGONAL      Downward hatch (left to right) at 45 degrees
<a href="windowtitleforeground.htm">            (Window Title Foreground) mnemonic</a><br>
<a href="WINDOWSFILEMNEMONICS.HTM">              Windows file mnemonics</a><br>
HS.CROSS              Horizontal and vertical crosshatch
<a href="windowsprintermnemonics.htm">           Windows printer mnemonics</a> <br>
<a href="windowsprinting.htm">                  Windows printing</a><br>
HS.DIAGCROSS      Crosshatch at 45 degrees
<a href="WINSOCKERRORCODES.HTM">                Windows Sockets Error Codes</a><br>
<a href="WINDOWSTITLE.HTM">                      Windows title line</a><br>
NOTE: See SetTextColor for color parameter information.
<a href="GATEWAYSUBROUTINE.HTM">                Winsock Gateway Subroutine</a><br>
<a href="WINSOCKGATEWAYOVERVIEW.HTM">            Winsock Gateway</a><br>
<a href="write.htm">                            WRITE statement</a><br>
<Back to Top>
<a href="doswrite.htm">                          Write to a DOS file</a><br>
<a href="write.htm">                            Write to a InternetBasic file</a><br>
<a href="wc.htm">                                Write to control line (WC)</a><br>
MoveTo / LineTo
<a href="ECOMET.HTM">                            XAP gateway (eComet)</a><br>
<a href="longyear.htm">                          Year (system variable)</a><br>
(MoveTo = <X>, <Y>)
Moves the current location pointer to the location specified by <X>, <Y>. Returns: The X and Y coordinates of the previous position in <LoResult> and  <HiResult> (respectively).
(LineTo = <X>, <Y>)
Draws a line using the currently selected pen from the current location pointer up to but not including the location specified by <X>, <Y>.  The current position is set to <X>, <Y>.
<Back to Top>
Set / Get ROP2
(SetROP2 = <Mode>)
Sets the current foreground mix mode. GDI uses the foreground mix mode to combine pens and interiors of filled objects with the colors already on the screen. The foreground mix mode defines how colors from the brush or pen and the colors in the existing image are to be combined.
Where <Mode> can be any of the following values:
Mix mode
Pixel is always 0.
Pixel is the pen color.
Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the screen and the inverse of the pen.
Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the pen and the screen.
Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the pen and the inverse of the screen.
Pixel is a combination of the screen color and the inverse of the pen color.
Pixel is a combination of the pen color and the screen color.
Pixel is a combination of the pen color and the inverse of the screen color.
Pixel remains unchanged.
Pixel is the inverse of the screen color.
Pixel is the inverse of the pen color.
Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MASKPEN color.
Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MERGEPEN color.
Pixel is the inverse of the R2_XORPEN color.
Pixel is always 1.
Pixel is a combination of the colors in the pen and in the screen, but not in both.
Retrieves the foreground mix mode of the specified device context. The mix mode specifies how the pen or interior color and the color already on the screen are combined to yield a new color. The resulting mode is returned in <LoWord>.
<Back to Top>
Ellipse, Rectangle & RoundRect
(Ellipse = <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>)
Draws an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of the bounding rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>. The ellipse is drawn with the current pen, and its interior is filled with the current brush. The figure drawn by this function extends up to, but does not include, the right and bottom coordinates. This means that the height of the figure is <Bottom> - <Top> and the width of the figure is <Right> - <Left>.
If either the width or the height of the bounding rectangle is 0, no ellipse is drawn.
(Rectangle = <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>)
Draws a rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the current pen. The interior of the rectangle is filled using the current brush. The rectangle extends up to, but does not include, the right and bottom coordinates. This means that the height of the rectangle is<Bottom> - <Top> and the width of the rectangle is <Right> - <Left>. Both the width and the height of a rectangle must be greater than 2 units and less than 32,767 units.
(RoundRect = <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom>, <CornerWidth>, <CornerHeight>)
Draws a rectangle with corners rounded using the ellipse specified by  <CornerWidth> and <CornerHeight> at the location specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the currently selected pen. The interior of the rectangle is filled using the current brush.
See Rectangle above.
<Back to Top>
(DrawBitmap = <Left>,<Top>,<Right>,<Bottom>,<ScaleX>,<ScaleY>,<Flags>);<FileName>
Draws the bitmap contained in the file (.BMP/.JPG) specified in <FileName> in the rectangle specified by <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> using the format codes contained in <Flags>. Scaling factors can be specified in <ScaleX>, <ScaleY>.
FileName is a string containing the full path name of the bit map file. No trailing @00@ is needed or expected.
Valid flag  are:
BMR.FIT.TO.RECT              Stretch (or shrink) bitmap to fit rectangle.
Cannot be used with any other codes
BMR.CENTER.HZ.RECT    Center the bitmap horizontally in rectangle
BMR.CENTER.VT.RECT    Center the bitmap vertically in rectangle
BMR.SCALE                        Multiply dimensions by scaling factors below
When scaling, values contained in <ScaleX> and <ScaleY> are converted to floating point, divided by 100, and then multiplied
by their respective axis to providing scaling by as little as 1 percent.
Scaling example:
To double only the horizontal size of a bitmap:
<ScaleX> = 200    ! * 2
<ScaleY> = 100    ! * 1
To halve a bitmap
<ScaleX> = 50          ! * .5
<ScaleY> = 50          ! * .5
To convert bitmap pixels to .01 inch:
<ScaleX> = 1440  ! * 14.40 (TWIPS/inch)
<ScaleY> = 1440  ! * 14.40 (TWIPS/inch)
<Back to Top>
Orientation & PageInfo
(SetOrientation = <Mode>)
Sets the paper orientation contained in <Mode>.
Valid values for <Mode> are:
DMORIENT.PORTRAIT                  Vertical paper alignment
DMORIENT.LANDSCAPE              Horizontal paper alignment
(GetPageInfo = <ItemCode>)
Returns the information specified in <ItemCode>
Valid <ItemCode> Values:
PTR.PAGEINFO.PRINTABLESIZE            Dimensions of printable area (Width, Height)
PTR.PAGEINFO.PHYSICALSIZE              Physical page size (Width, Height)
PTR.PAGEINFO.PHYSICALOFFSET      Offset to start of printable area (Left, Top)
PTR.PAGEINFO.LOGPIXELS                    Number of pixels per inch (Width, Height)
The return value for this function is obtained by requesting the result of the previous operation with (GetFuncResult) and then performing an input of the 4 byte return value The paired values are returned in <LoResult> and <HiResult> respectively.
<Back to Top>
Requests the 32 bit (4 byte) result of the last printer function. This function must be followed immediately by an INPUT statement to receive the value into the MTB program.
      ! Variables for GetFuncResult
Length      2 & Local Word$                    ! Temporary 2 byte word holder
Length      4 & Local Result$                  ! 4 byte string result
Length  5.0 & Local LoResult, HiResult              ! Lower/upper 16 bit value
Length 10.0 & Local BigResult                   ! 32 bit value
! Variables for GetPageSize
Length  5.0 & Local PageWidth, PageHeight            ! Printable page size
! Program segment
Gosub GetPageSize                         ! Define printer page size
    Gosub GetFuncResult                        ! Get low and high 16 bit results
    PageWidth = LoResult                             ! Store resulting page width
    PageHeight = HiResult                            ! Store resulting page height
    Print (LUN) (GetFuncResult)                       ! Request result
    Input (LUN) Result$                        ! Input result
    Word$  = SUB(Result$,2,1)+ Result$        ! Get and reverse 1st 2 bytes
    LoResult      = HEXDEC(Word$)                     ! Convert to MTB numeric
    Word$  = SUB(Result$,4,1)+SUB(Result$,3,1) ! Get and reverse 2nd 2 bytes
    HiResult      = HEXDEC(Word$)                     ! Convert to MTB numeric
    BigResult    = HiResult*65536+LoResult           ! Combined 32 bit numeric value Return
<Back to Top>

Revision as of 21:50, 28 November 2010

<a href="TOC.HTM"> Table of Contents</a>
<a href="abs.htm"> ABS function</a>
<a href="abs.htm"> Absolute value</a>
<a href="access.htm"> ACCESS statement</a>
<a href="access.htm"> Accessing InternetBasic directories</a>
<a href="activate.htm"> ACTIVATE statement</a>
<a href="activate.htm"> Activating background partitions</a>
<a href="adjust.htm"> ADJUSTL function</a>
<a href="adjust.htm"> ADJUSTR function</a>
<a href="again.htm"> AGAIN statement</a>
<a href="ALLOWMAXIMIZE.HTM"> (Allow Maximize) mnemonic</a>
<a href="vartypes.htm"> Alphanumeric data types</a>
<a href="linelabl.htm"> Alphanumeric statement labels</a>
<a href="APPLICATIONS.HTM"> Applications</a>
<a href="ARCHIVEMNEMONICS.HTM"> Archive mnemonics</a>
<a href="arrays.htm"> Arrays (subscripted variables)</a>
<a href="asc.htm"> ASC function</a>
<a href="aschex.htm"> ASCHEX function</a>
<a href="ascii.htm"> ASCII chart</a>
<a href="asc.htm"> ASCII conversion function (ASC)</a>
<a href="let.htm"> Assignment statement</a>
<a href="AUTOMETAFILE.HTM"> (Auto Metafile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="autotaboff.htm"> (Auto Tab Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="autotabon.htm"> (Auto Tab On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="AUTOCROFF.HTM"> (AutoCROff) mnemonic</a>
<a href="AUTOCRON.HTM"> (AutoCROn) mnemonic</a>
<a href="AUTOINPUT.HTM"> AUTOINPUT statement</a>
<a href="invokehelp.htm"> Automatic help</a>
<a href="activate.htm"> Background processing</a>
<a href="sb.htm"> Background screen display (SB)</a>
<a href="BASE256.HTM"> BASE256 function</a>
<a href="BASE64.HTM"> BASE64 function</a>
<a href="EMAILBCC.HTM"> (BCC) mnemonic</a>
<a href="BEGINMETAFILE.HTM"> (Begin Metafile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="BEGINWAITCURSOR.HTM"> (BeginWaitCursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="bf.htm"> (BF) mnemonic</a>
<a href="binary.htm"> BINARY function</a>
<a href="biosmouseon.htm"> (BIOS Mouse On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="bf.htm"> Blank fill (BF)</a>
<a href="fmtmod.htm"> Blank if zero (BZ)</a>
<a href="strip.htm"> Blank stripping</a>
<a href="bm.htm"> Blind mode (BM)</a>
<a href="blink.htm"> (Blink) mnemonic</a>
<a href="bm.htm"> (BM) mnemonic</a>
<a href="goto.htm"> Branching statement, GOTO</a>
<a href="ongoto.htm"> Branching statement, ON/GOTO</a>
<a href="break.htm"> BREAK statement</a>
<a href="bright.htm"> (Bright) mnemonic</a>
<a href="intmode.htm#compileroptions"> Byte-align COMMON</a>
<a href="fmtmod.htm"> (BZ) modifier</a>
<a href="CASESSIONS.HTM"> (CA Sessions) mnemonic</a>
<a href="CAPSOFF.HTM"> (CapsOff) mnemonic</a>
<a href="CAPSON.HTM"> (CapsOn) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cr.htm"> Carriage return (CR)</a>
<a href="case.htm"> CASE statement</a>
<a href="select.htm"> Case structure</a>
<menu> <a href="select.htm">SELECT statement</a>
<a href="select.htm">CASE statement (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">ANY MATCH statement (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">ELSE (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">FROM parameter (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">IS parameter (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">MATCH parameter (in SELECT structure)</a>
<a href="select.htm">THRU parameter (in SELECT structure)</a>
</menu> <a href="EMAILCC.HTM"> (CC) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cf.htm"> (CF) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cfld.htm"> (CFLD) mnemonic</a>
<a href="ch.htm"> (CH) mnemonic</a>
<a href="changecolor.htm"> (Change Color) mnemonic</a>
<a href="changecolors.htm"> (Change Colors) mnemonic</a>
<a href="doschdir.htm"> Change current directory</a>
<a href="cpl132.htm"> Characters per line, 132</a>
<a href="cpl64.htm"> Characters per line, 64</a>
<a href="cpl80.htm"> Characters per line, 80</a>
<a href="checkboxoff.htm"> (Check Box Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="checkboxon.htm"> (Check Box On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="chksum.htm"> Checksum function</a>
<a href="chksum.htm"> CHKSUM function</a>
<a href="chr.htm"> CHR function</a>
<a href="cfld.htm"> Clear field (CFLD)</a>
<a href="cf.htm"> Clear foreground (CF)</a>
<a href="cs.htm"> Clear screen (CS)</a>
<a href="clear.htm"> CLEAR statement</a>
<a href="clear.htm"> CLEARCOMMON statement</a>
<a href="CLEARFILE.HTM"> CLEARFILE statement</a>
<a href="CLEARFMT.HTM"> ClearFormat statement</a>
<a href="clear.htm"> CLEARLOCAL statement</a>
<a href="dosclose.htm"> Close DOS file handle</a>
<a href="closeicon.htm"> ( Close Icon) mnemonic</a>
<a href="close.htm"> Close InternetBasic data file</a>
<a href="close.htm"> CLOSE statement</a>
<a href="CLOSEMOUSE.HTM"> Close the mouse</a>
<a href="screencolors.htm"> Colors, screen</a>
<a href="EXCEPTIONMESSAGES.HTM"> Comet Exception Messages</a>
<a href="COMETHYPERLINKS.HTM"> Comet Hyperlinks</a>
<a href="STARTUPOPTIONS.HTM"> Comet Startup Options</a>
<a href="COMETWINDOWS.HTM"> Comet Windows</a>
<a href="C32Procs.htm"> Comet32 User Defined Procedures and Functions</a>
<a href="csv.htm"> Comma delimited files</a>
<a href="cmdmode.htm"> Command Mode (compiler)</a>
<a href="comment.htm"> Comment Character</a>
<a href="common.htm"> Common data fields</a>
<a href="COMPARAM.HTM"> Common Parameters</a>
<a href="common.htm"> COMMON statement</a>
<a href="cmdmode.htm"> Compiler commands</a>
<a href="directiv.htm"> Compiler Directives</a>
<a href="Compilerdirectives.htm"> Compiler Directives</a>
<menu><a href="DOTELSE.HTM">.ELSE directive</a>
<a href="DOTENDIF.HTM">.ENDIF directive</a>
<a href="DOTIF.HTM">.IF directive</a>
<a href="DOTIFDEF.HTM">.IFDEF directive</a>
<a href="DOTIFNDEF.HTM">.IFNDEF directive</a>
</menu> <a href="compilererrormessages.htm"> Compiler Error Messages</a>
<a href="compiler.htm"> Compiler</a>
<a href="compile.htm"> Compiling programs</a>
<a href="conditionalcompilation.htm"> Conditional compilation</a>
<a href="stmtcont.htm"> Continuation of a statement</a>
<a href="continue.htm"> CONTINUE statement</a>
<a href="wc.htm"> Control line</a>
<a href="control.htm"> CONTROL statement</a>

 <a href="CONTROL_CLOSE.HTM">                   CONTROL_CLOSE</a>

<a href="doscopy.htm"> Copy a file</a>
<a href="COPYFROMCLIPBOARD.HTM"> (Copy from Clipboard) mnemonic</a>
<a href="COPYTOCLIPBOARD.HTM"> (Copy to Clipboard) mnemonic</a>
<a href="COPYFILE.HTM"> (CopyFile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="copyright.htm"> Copyright notice</a>
<a href="cpl132.htm"> (CPL132) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cpl64.htm"> (CPL64) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cpl80.htm"> (CPL80) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cr.htm"> (CR) mnemonic</a>
<a href="doscreate.htm"> Create DOS file</a>
<a href="dosmkdir.htm"> Create DOS subdirectory</a>
<a href="create.htm"> Create InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="create.htm"> CREATE statement</a>
<a href="createkey.htm"> Create sub key for InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="createwindow.htm"> (Create Window) mnemonic</a>
<a href="createkey.htm"> CREATEKEY statement</a>
<a href="CREATEWINDOWEX.HTM"> (CreateWindowEx) mnemonic</a>
<a href="crsource.htm"> Creating IB Source Programs</a>
<a href="CREATINGWINDOWS.HTM"> Creating legacy windows</a>
<a href="CRMODE.HTM"> (CrMode) mnemonic</a>
<a href="intmode.htm#compileroptions"> Cross reference file</a>
<a href="cs.htm"> (CS) mnemonic</a>
<a href="csv.htm#comma"> CSV Files</a>
<a href="curpos.htm"> CURPOS$ system variable</a>
<a href="ch.htm"> Cursor home (CH)</a>
<a href="curpos.htm"> Cursor position</a>
<a href="cr.htm"> Cursor return (CR)</a>
<a href="ddstmts.htm"> Data Division Statements</a>
<a href="datadiv.htm"> Data Division</a>
<a href="clear.htm"> Data Initialization statement</a>
<a href="datatype.htm"> Data Types</a>
<a href="date.htm"> DATE system variable</a>
<a href="date.htm"> DATE$ system variable</a>
<a href="date2num.htm"> DATE2NUM function</a>
<a href="datetonum.htm"> DATETONUM function</a>
<a href="day.htm"> DAY$ system variable</a>
<a href="de.htm"> (DE) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dechex.htm"> DECHEX function</a>
<a href="DECIHEX.HTM"> DECIHEX function</a>
<a href="dechex.htm"> Decimal to hex conversion</a>
<a href="if.htm"> Decision statements</a>
<menu><a href="if.htm">IF statement</a>
<a href="if.htm">ELSE (in IF structure)</a>
<a href="if.htm">THEN parameter (in IF statement)</a>
</menu> <a href="DECPASS.HTM"> DECPASS</a>
<a href="decrypt.htm"> DECRYPT statement</a>
<a href="de.htm"> Default characters per line (DE)</a>
<a href="delete.htm"> DELETE statement</a>
<a href="deletewindow.htm"> (Delete Window) mnemonic</a>
<a href="DELETEWINDOWEX.HTM"> (DeleteWindowEx) mnemonic</a>
<a href="DELETINGWINDOWS.HTM"> Deleting legacy windows</a>
<a href="delete.htm"> Deleting records</a>
<a href="detectingclicks.htm"> Detecting mouse clicks</a>
<a href="dstat.htm"> Device status</a>
<a href="dir.htm"> DIR= parameter</a>
<a href="compilerdirectives.htm"> Directives (compiler)</a>
<a href="access.htm"> Directory access</a>
<a href="DIRECTORYALIASES.HTM"> Directory Aliases Overview</a>
<a href="do.htm"> DO loop</a>
<menu> <a href="do.htm">DO (in DO/LOOP structure)</a>
<a href="do.htm">UNTIL parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)</a>
<a href="do.htm">WHILE parameter (in DO/LOOP structure)</a>
<a href="do.htm">LOOP (in DO/LOOP structure)</a>
</menu> <a href="DOCUMENT.HTM"> (Document) mnemonic</a>
<a href="EMAILDOMAIN.HTM"> (Domain) mnemonic</a>
<a href="DOSCALLSBACKGROUND.HTM"> DOS Calls Background Discussion</a>
<a href="dosgetdate.htm"> DOS date</a>
<a href="dosdirectcalls.htm"> DOS Direct Calls</a>
<a href="dosfcalls.htm"> DOS Function Calls</a>
<a href="dosfc.htm"> DOSFC function</a>
<a href="dosms.htm"> DOSMS function</a>
<a href="dosrw.htm"> DOSRW function</a>
<a href="drawbitmap.htm"> (Draw Bit Map) mnemonic</a>
<a href="drawbox.htm"> (Draw box) mnemonic</a>
<a href="DRAWIMAGE.HTM"> (Draw Image) mnemonic</a>
<a href="drawtext.htm"> (Draw Text) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dstat.htm"> DSTAT function</a>
<menu> <a href="dstat.htm#console">DSTAT of the console</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#remoteterminals">DSTAT of remote terminals</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#localprinter">DSTAT of a local printer</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#remoteprinter">DSTAT of a remote printer</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#spooler">DSTAT of a spooler</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#x00">DSTAT of the system device (X00)</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#gateway">DSTAT of a gateway</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#directory">DSTAT of a directory</a>
<a href="dstat.htm#clock">DSTAT of the clock</a>
</menu> <a href="easyscan.htm"> (Easy Scan) mnemonic</a>
<a href="editmask.htm"> Edit masks</a>
<menu><a href="EDITMASKELEMENTS.HTM">Edit mask elements</a>
<a href="editmaskexamples.htm">Edit mask examples</a>
<a href="EDITMSK2.HTM">Additional Edit Mask Examples</a>
</menu> <a href="creating.htm"> Editing source programs</a>
<a href="linelabl.htm"> Editor line numbers</a>
<a href="">eInternetBasic Tutorial</a>
<a href="ellipse.htm"> (Ellipse) mnemonic</a>
<a href="EMAILMNEMONICS.HTM"> Email printer mnemonics</a>
<a href="Emaildoc.HTM"> (EmailDocument) mnemonic</a>
<a href="en.htm"> (EN) mnemonic</a>
<a href="encrypt.htm"> ENCRYPT statement</a>
<a href="ENDMETAFILE.HTM"> (End Metafile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="end.htm"> END statement</a>
<a href="endif.htm"> ENDIF statement</a>
<a href="endselect.htm"> ENDSELECT statement</a>
<a href="enduse.htm"> ENDUSE directive</a>
<a href="ENDWAITCURSOR.HTM"> (EndWaitCursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="enhancedcharacterset.htm"> Enhanced Character Set</a>
<menu> <a href="enhancedcharactersoff.htm">(Enhanced Characters Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="enhancedcharacterson.htm">(Enhanced Characters On) mnemonic</a>
</menu> <a href="enhancedmouseon.htm"> (Enhanced Mouse On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="en.htm"> Enter normal mode (EN)</a>
<a href="enter.htm"> ENTER statement</a>
<a href="et.htm"> Enter typewriter mode (ET)</a>
<a href="enterlevel.htm"> ENTERLEVEL system variable</a>
<a href="doserase.htm"> Erase DOS file</a>
<a href="erase.htm"> Erase InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="erase.htm"> ERASE statement</a>
<a href="ERASEFILE.HTM"> (EraseFile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="compilererrormessages.htm"> Error messages (IB compiler)</a>
<a href="error.htm"> ERROR statement</a>
<a href="errorsub.htm"> ERRORSUB statement</a>
<a href="errorto.htm"> ERRORTO statement</a>
<a href="escapesub.htm"> ESCAPESUB statement</a>
<a href="escapeto.htm"> ESCAPETO statement</a>
<a href="et.htm"> (ET) mnemonic</a>
<a href="EVENTSUB.HTM"> EVENTSUB statement</a>
<a href="EVENTWAIT.HTM"> EVENTWAIT statement</a>
<a href="excphndl.htm"> Exception Handling</a>
<a href="exceptionmessages.htm"> Exception messages</a>
<a href="excpparm.htm"> EXCP parameter</a>
<a href="excp.htm"> EXCP system variable</a>
<a href="excpparm.htm"> EXCP=</a>
<a href="excpsub.htm"> EXCPSUB=</a>
<a href="EXECUTEMETAFILE.HTM"> (Execute Metafile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="EXEPASS.HTM"> EXEPASS</a>
<a href="exit.htm"> EXIT statement</a>
<a href="exitall.htm"> EXITALL statement</a>
<a href="EXITTO.HTM"> EXITTO statement</a>
<a href="extract.htm"> EXTRACT statement</a>
<a href="FALSE.HTM"> FALSE</a>
<a href="doscopy.htm"> Fast copy</a>
<a href="FAX.HTM"> Fax gateway</a>
<a href="ff.htm"> (FF) mnemonic</a>
<a href="filepos.htm"> File BOF parameter</a>
<a href="filebuf.htm"> File BUF parameter</a>
<a href="filebuf.htm"> File Buffer size</a>
<a href="filectl.htm"> File CTL parameter</a>
<a href="filedlm.htm"> File Delimiter string</a>
<a href="filedlm.htm"> File DLM parameter</a>
<a href="filepos.htm"> File EOF parameter</a>
<a href="filectl.htm"> File FLUSH</a>
<a href="fileforward.htm"> File FORWARD (file direction)</a>
<a href="dosgethandles.htm"> File handles function</a>
<a href="fileops.htm"> File I/O Operations</a>
<a href="lock.htm"> File locking</a>
<a href="filereverse.htm"> File REVERSE (file direction)</a>
</menu> <a href="file.htm"> File statement</a>
<menu> <a href="filebuf.htm">FILE BUF</a>
<a href="filectl.htm">FILE CTL</a>
<a href="filedlm.htm">FILE DLM</a>
<a href="fileforward.htm">FILE FORWARD</a>
<a href="filepos.htm">FILE POS</a>
<a href="filereverse.htm">FILE REVERSE</a>
<a href="csv.htm">FILE CSV</a>
</menu> <a href="fstat.htm"> File status</a>
<a href="filesyst.htm"> File system overview</a>
<a href="filectl.htm"> File Tab-delimted fields in text files</a>
<a href="filesyst.htm"> File types</a>
<a href="FILESTATUS.HTM"> (FileStatus) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosfindreverse.htm"> Find a string -- reverse</a>
<a href="dosfind.htm"> Find a string</a>
<a href="FINDFIRSTFILE.HTM"> (FindFirstFile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="FINDNEXTFILE.HTM"> (FindNextFile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="first.htm"> FIRST function</a>
<a href="FLUSH.HTM"> (Flush) mnemonic</a>
<a href="for.htm"> FOR statement</a>
<menu><a href="for.htm">TO parameter (in FOR statement)</a>
<a href="next.htm">NEXT statement</a>
</menu> <a href="forceclose.htm"> (Force Close) mnemonic</a>
<a href="forcelogout.htm"> (Force Logout) mnemonic</a>
<a href="ft.htm"> Force transmit (FT)</a>
<a href="sf.htm"> Foreground screen display</a>
<a href="ff.htm"> Form feed (FF)</a>
<a href="FMTITEM.HTM"> Format item</a>
<a href="fmtobj.htm"> Format objects</a>
<a href="format.htm"> FORMAT statement</a>
<a href="fpt.htm"> FPT function</a>
<a href="fpt.htm"> Fractional portion</a>
<a href="EMAILFROM.HTM"> (From) mnemonic</a>
<a href="fstat.htm"> FSTAT function</a>
<a href="ft.htm"> (FT) mnemonic</a>
<a href="fullscancodespassed.htm"> (Full Scan Codes Passed) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getconnectioninfo.htm"> (Get Connection Info) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosgetdate.htm"> Get DOS date</a>
<a href="dosgettime.htm"> Get DOS time</a>
<a href="getextractinfo.htm"> (Get Extract Info) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosgethandles.htm"> Get Handles function</a>
<a href="GETROP2.HTM"> (Get ROP2) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getservertime.htm"> (Get Server Time) mnemonic</a>
<a href="GETSESSIONID.HTM"> (Get Session ID) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getbkcolor.htm"> (GetBkColor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getbkmode.htm"> (GetBkMode) mnemonic</a>
<a href="GETDIRALIAS.HTM"> (GetDirAlias) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getfontinfo.htm"> (GetFontInfo) mnemonic</a>
<a href="GetFmt.htm"> GetFormat statement</a>
<a href="getfuncresult.htm"> (GetFuncResult) mnemonic</a>
<a href="GetGlobal.htm"> GetGlobal statement</a>
<a href="getpageinfo.htm"> (GetPageInfo) mnemonic</a>
<a href="GETSESSIONPRINTER.HTM"> (GetSessionPrinter) mnemonic</a>
<a href="getsystemtime.htm"> (GetSystemTime) mnemonic</a>
<a href="gettextalign.htm"> (GetTextAlign) mnemonic</a>
<a href="gettextcolor.htm"> (GetTextColor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="gettextextent.htm"> (GetTextExtent) mnemonic</a>
<a href="gosub.htm"> GOSUB statement</a>
<a href="goto.htm"> GOTO statement</a>
<a href="GDIMNEMONICS.HTM"> Graphics Device Interface (GDI) mnemonics</a>
<a href="dosgethandles.htm"> Handles (file)</a>
<a href="helpmessages.htm"> Help messages</a>
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm"> Help system</a>
<a href="helpkey.htm"> HELPKEY$ system variable</a>
<a href="HEXCONS.HTM"> HEX constants</a>
<a href="hexasc.htm"> HEXASC function</a>
<a href="hexdec.htm"> HEXDEC function</a>
<a href="hidecursor.htm"> (Hide Cursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="hidemousecursor.htm"> (Hide Mouse Cursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="HYPERLINK.HTM"> (HyperLink) mnemonic</a>
<a href="HYPERLINKCOLOR.HTM"> (HyperLinkColor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="formatdiv.htm"> I/O Format Division</a>
<a href="compilererrormessages.htm"> IB compiler error messages</a>
<a href="ignorewindows.htm"> (Ignore Windows) mnemonic</a>
<a href="IHEXDEC.HTM"> IHEXDEC function</a>
<a href="INCLUDE.HTM"> INCLUDE directive</a>
<a href="INCLUDEFILE.HTM"> Include files</a>
<a href="INDENT.HTM"> Indentation</a>
<a href="sequent.htm"> Indexed Sequential files</a>
<a href="INITINPUTDATA.HTM"> (Init Input Data) mnemonic</a>
<a href="iterm.htm"> Initiating terminal</a>
<a href="input2.htm"> INPUT statement (without Transmit Marks)</a>
<a href="input.htm"> INPUT statement</a>
<a href="InputPrintFile.htm"> INPUTFILE statement</a>
<a href="inquire.htm"> INQUIRE statement</a>
<a href="insertoff.htm"> (Insert Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="inserton.htm"> (Insert On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="insert.htm"> INSERT statement</a>
<a href="int.htm"> INT function</a>
<a href="int.htm"> Integer portion</a>
<a href="intel.htm"> INTEL function</a>
<a href="inteld.htm"> INTELD function</a>
<a href="interrupt.htm"> Inter-partition communications</a>
<a href="intmode.htm"> Interactive Mode (compiler)</a>
<a href="IBAPPS.HTM"> Internet Basic Applications</a>
<a href="STATEMENTS.HTM"> Internet Basic statements</a>
<a href="REFGUIDE.HTM"> Internet Basic: Reference Guide</a>
<a href="intro.htm"> Internet Basic</a>
<a href="NUM2DATE.HTM"> Internet date format</a>
<a href="emailengine.htm"> InternetBasic Electronic Mail</a>
<a href="InternetBasicexceptionmessages.htm"> InternetBasic exception messages</a>
<a href="filesyst.htm"> InternetBasic file system</a>
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm"> InternetBasic help system (NOVA)</a>
<a href="InternetBasicstartupoptions.htm"> InternetBasic Startup Options</a>
<a href="InternetBasicwindows.htm"> InternetBasic windows</a>
<a href="interrupt.htm"> INTERRUPT statement</a>
<a href="interrupt.htm"> Interrupting another partition</a>
<a href="intro.htm"> Introduction to Internet Basic</a>
<a href="invokehelp.htm"> (Invoke HELP) mnemonic</a>
<a href="iterm.htm"> ITERM$ system variable</a>
<a href="key.htm"> KEY function</a>
<a href="keyed.htm#keyonly"> Key-only files</a>
<a href="keyparam.htm"> KEY= parameter</a>
<a href="keyed.htm"> Keyed files</a>
<a href="keystat.htm"> KeyStat Function</a>
<a href="KILLSESSION.HTM"> (Kill Session) mnemonic</a>
<a href="kill.htm"> KILL statement</a>
<a href="kill.htm"> Killing another job</a>
<a href="language.htm"> Language Structure</a>
<a href="last.htm"> LAST function</a>
<a href="last.htm"> Last key</a>
<a href="launch.htm"> (Launch) mnemonic</a>
<a href="LAUNCHING.HTM"> Launching a program or document</a>
<a href="lcase.htm"> LCASE function</a>
<a href="ld.htm"> (LD) mnemonic</a>
<a href="fmtmod.htm"> Leading minus sign</a>
<a href="adjust.htm"> Left justify function</a>
<a href="LEGACYCOMPILEROPTIONS.HTM"> Legacy Compiler options</a>
<a href="len.htm"> LEN function</a>
<a href="FMTLEN.HTM"> Length override</a>
<a href="length.htm"> LENGTH statement</a>
<a href="let.htm"> LET statement</a>
<a href="lf.htm"> (LF) mnemonic</a>
<a href="li.htm"> (LI) mnemonic</a>
<a href="ld.htm"> Line delete (LD)</a>
<a href="lf.htm"> Line feed (LF)</a>
<a href="ls.htm"> Line feed suppress (LS)</a>
<a href="li.htm"> Line insert (LI)</a>
<a href="linelabl.htm"> Line Numbers vs. Labels</a>
<a href="lineto.htm"> (Line To) mnemonic</a>
<a href="LINESPACING.HTM"> (LineSpacing) mnemonic</a>
<a href="compilercommands.htm"> LIST command</a>
<a href="fmtmod.htm"> (LM) modifier</a>
<a href="LOADCONTROL.HTM"> (LoadControl) mnemonic</a>
<a href="local.htm"> LOCAL statement</a>
<a href="extract.htm"> Lock data record</a>
<a href="lock.htm"> Lock InternetBasic data file</a>
<a href="lock.htm"> LOCK statement</a>
<a href="lockdabs.htm"> LockDabs statement</a>
<a href="LOG.HTM"> LOG statement</a>
<a href="EMAILLOG.HTM"> (Log) mnemonic</a>
<a href="lun.htm"> Logical unit number (lun)</a>
<a href="longyear.htm"> LONGYEAR system variable</a>
<a href="longyear.htm"> LONGYEAR$ system variable</a>
<a href="customlookup.htm"> Lookup programs</a>
<a href="loop.htm"> LOOP statement</a>
<a href="lcase.htm"> Lower case conversion</a>
<a href="ls.htm"> (LS) mnemonic</a>
<a href="doslseek.htm"> LSEEK function</a>
<a href="mid.htm"> Machine ID number</a>
<a href="FRAMES.HTM"> Main</a>
<a href="MAPMODE.HTM"> (Map Mode) mnemonic</a>
<a href="mc.htm"> (MC) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosmessageall.htm"> Message sending to all terminals</a>
<a href="dosmessage.htm"> Message sending to another terminal</a>
<a href="message.htm"> MESSAGE$ system variable</a>
<a href="messagesub.htm"> MESSAGESUB statement</a>
<a href="METAFILES.HTM"> Metafiles overview</a>
<a href="mid.htm"> MID function</a>
<a href="mousedrivermnemonics.htm"> Mnemonics, mouse driver</a>
<a href="spoolmessage.htm"> Mnemonics, spooler</a>
<a href="SYSTEMDRIVERMNEMONICS.HTM"> Mnemonics, System driver</a>
<a href="videomnemonics.htm"> Mnemonics, Video</a>
<a href="windowsprintermnemonics.htm"> Mnemonics, Windows printer</a>
<a href="mousedriver.htm"> Mouse driver</a>
<menu> <a href="mousedemo.htm"> Mouse demo program</a>
<a href="mousedrivermnemonics.htm">Mouse driver mnemonics</a>
<a href="easyscan.htm">Mouse on via (Easy Scan)</a>
<a href="mousesampleprograms.htm">Mouse sample programs</a>
</menu> <a href="MENHANCEDCHARACTERSET.HTM"> Mouse Enhanced Character Set</a>
<a href="MOUSEOFF.HTM"> (Mouse Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="MPSEUDOCODE.HTM"> Mouse Pseudocode</a>
<a href="dosmove.htm"> Move a file</a>
<a href="doslseek.htm"> Move DOS file read/write pointer</a>
<a href="move.htm"> MOVE statement</a>
<a href="move.htm"> Move string field</a>
<a href="moveto.htm"> (Move To) mnemonic</a>
<a href="MSGBOXFUNC.HTM"> MSGBOX function</a>
<a href="MSGBOX.HTM"> MSGBOX statement</a>
<a href="DDLMULTIPLEPARAMETERS.HTM"> Multiple parameters</a>
<a href="multstmt.htm"> Multiple Statements on a Line</a>
<a href="LEFT.HTM"> Navigation</a>
<a href="noexcp.htm"> NOEXCP</a>
<a href="normalinput.htm"> (Normal Input) mnemonic</a>
<a href="en.htm"> Normal mode (EN)</a>
<a href="NOT.HTM"> NOT function</a>
<a href="notation.htm"> Notation Conventions</a>
<a href="FUNCTIONKEYS.HTM"> NOVA Function Keys</a>
<a href="controlfile.htm"> NOVA help system control file</a>
<a href="novahelpsystem.htm"> NOVA help system</a>
<a href="LINKINGMETHODS.HTM"> NOVA Linking Methods</a>
<a href="num.htm"> NUM function</a>
<a href="num2date.htm"> NUM2DATE function</a>
<a href="NUMERICOPERATORS.HTM"> Numeric Operators</a>
<a href="numtodate.htm"> NUMTODATE function</a>
<a href="compilercommands.htm"> OBJECT command</a>
<a href="ODBC.HTM"> ODBC gateway</a>
<a href="ongoto.htm"> ON/GOTO statement</a>
<a href="dosopen.htm"> Open DOS file</a>
<a href="open.htm"> Open InternetBasic data file</a>
<a href="open.htm"> OPEN statement</a>
<a href="mouseon.htm"> Open the mouse</a>
<a href="operation.htm"> Operators</a>
<menu><a href="operation.htm#logical">AND operator</a>
<a href="operation.htm#logical">Logical Operations</a>
<a href="operation.htm#logical">OR operator</a>
<a href="operation.htm#modulo">MOD operator</a>
<a href="operation.htm#modulo">Modulo operation</a>
<a href="operation.htm#numeric">Numeric Operations</a>
<a href="operation.htm#relational">Contains Operator</a>
<a href="operation.htm#relational">Relational Operations</a>
<a href="operation.htm#relational">SoundsLike Operator</a>
<a href="operation.htm#string">String Operations</a>
<a href="operation.htm#subtraction">Subtraction</a>
</menu> <a href="DDLOTHEREXAMPLES.HTM"> Other examples</a>
<a href="filesyst.htm"> Overview of the InternetBasic File System</a>
<a href="PAD.HTM"> PAD function</a>
<a href="partialscancodesoff.htm"> (Partial Scan Codes Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="partialscancodeson.htm"> (Partial Scan Codes On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="scancodes.htm"> Partial Scan Codes</a>
<a href="pcomm.htm"> Partition COMMON data</a>
<a href="activate.htm"> Partition control</a>
<a href="priority.htm"> Partition priority</a>
<a href="pstat.htm"> Partition status</a>
<a href="partitio.htm"> PARTITION$ system variable</a>
<a href="password.htm"> PASSWORD function</a>
<a href="password.htm"> Password security system</a>
<a href="path.htm"> PATH function</a>
<a href="pause.htm"> PAUSE statement</a>
<a href="pcomm.htm"> PCOMM function</a>
<a href="PLAYSOUND.HTM"> (Play Sound) mnemonic</a>
<a href="POLLINGMOUSE.HTM"> Polling the mouse</a>
<a href="popfont.htm"> (Pop Font) mnemonic</a>
<a href="pop.htm"> POP statement</a>
<a href="popall.htm"> POPALL statement</a>
<a href="ports.htm"> Ports used by Signature Products</a>
<a href="pos.htm"> POS function</a>
<a href="position.htm"> Position file pointer</a>
<a href="position.htm"> POSITION statement</a>
<a href="FMTPOS.HTM"> Position</a>
<a href="prev.htm"> PREV function</a>
<a href="prev.htm"> Previous key</a>
<a href="print.htm"> PRINT statement</a>
<a href="FMTPTR.HTM"> Printer formatting</a>
<a href="printermnemonics.htm"> Printer mnemonics</a>
<a href="InputPrintFile.htm"> PRINTFILE statement</a>
<a href="priority.htm"> PRIORITY$ system variable</a>
<a href="procedure.htm"> Procedure Division</a>
<a href="dospseudofunctions.htm"> Pseudo DOS Functions</a>
<a href="sortpseudocode.htm"> Pseudocode for in-memory sort</a>
<a href="sortpseudocodemerge.htm"> Pseudocode for sort/merge</a>
<a href="pstat.htm"> PSTAT function</a>
<a href="pushfont.htm"> (Push Font) mnemonic</a>
<a href="QUERYCLIPBOARD.HTM"> (Query Clipboard) mnemonic</a>
<a href="QUICK.HTM"> Quick reference guide</a>
<a href="radiobuttonoff.htm"> (Radio Button Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="radiobuttonon.htm"> (Radio Button On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="rb.htm"> (RB) mnemonic</a>
<a href="rc.htm"> (RC) mnemonic</a>
<a href="rd.htm"> (RD) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosread.htm"> Read from a DOS file</a>
<a href="read.htm"> Read from a InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="readmouse.htm"> (Read Mouse) mnemonic</a>
<a href="read.htm"> READ statement</a>
<a href="readingmouse.htm"> Reading the mouse</a>
<a href="recnum.htm"> RECNUM function</a>
<a href="extract.htm"> Record locking</a>
<a href="rectangle.htm"> (Rectangle) mnemonic</a>
<a href="REDRAWNOTIFY.HTM"> (Redraw Notify) mnemonic</a>
<a href="REGULARCURSOR.HTM"> Regular cursor display</a>
<a href="RELATIONALOPERATORS.HTM"> Relational Operators</a>
<a href="mc.htm"> Remember cursor position (MC)</a>
<a href="dosrmdir.htm"> Remove DOS subdirectory</a>
<a href="rename.htm"> Rename a InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="rename.htm"> RENAME statement</a>
<a href="RENAMEFILE.HTM"> (RenameFile) mnemonic</a>
<a href="requestid.htm"> (Request ID) mnemonic</a>
<a href="resetscreen.htm"> (Reset Screen) mnemonic</a>
<a href="rc.htm"> Restore cursor position (RC)</a>
<a href="restorescreen.htm"> (Restore Screen) mnemonic</a>
<a href="RESTOREWAITCURSOR.HTM"> (RestoreWaitCursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="HTTP_OVERVIEW.HTM"> Retrieving web pages via HTTP</a>
<a href="return.htm"> RETURN statement</a>
<a href="rewrite.htm"> REWRITE statement</a>
<a href="adjust.htm"> Right justify function</a>
<a href="rj.htm"> Right justify mark (RJ)</a>
<a href="rb.htm"> Ring bell (RB)</a>
<a href="rj.htm"> (RJ) mnemonic</a>
<a href="RND.HTM"> RND function</a>
<a href="rd.htm"> Roll down (RD)</a>
<a href="ru.htm"> Roll up (RU)</a>
<a href="round.htm"> ROUND statement</a>
<a href="round.htm"> Rounding data fields</a>
<a href="roundrect.htm"> (RoundRect) mnemonic</a>
<a href="RPOS.HTM"> RPOS function</a>
<a href="rsub.htm"> RSUB function</a>
<a href="ru.htm"> (RU) mnemonic</a>
<a href="cmdmode.htm"> RUN compiler command</a>
<a href="run.htm"> RUN statement</a>
<a href="run.htm"> Running a program overlay</a>
<a href="enter.htm"> Running a subprogram</a>
<a href="runstate.htm"> RUNSTATE system variable</a>
<a href="SAMPLEMOUSEOPEN.HTM"> Sample mouse open program</a>
<a href="WINDOWSAMPLE.HTM"> Sample window program</a>
<a href="SATISFYINPUT.HTM"> (SatisfyInput) mnemonic</a>
<a href="savescreen.htm"> (Save Screen) mnemonic</a>
<a href="sb.htm"> (SB) mnemonic</a>
<a href="scancodesoff.htm"> (Scan Codes Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="scancodes.htm"> Scan Codes</a>
<a href="screencolors.htm"> Screen Colors</a>
<a href="fmtvideo.htm"> Screen formatting</a>
<a href="screen.htm"> (Screen) mnemonic</a>
<a href="searchfile.htm"> SearchFile statement</a>
<a href="secure.htm"> SECURE statement</a>
<a href="secure.htm"> Security</a>
<a href="selectfont.htm"> (SelectFont) mnemonic</a>
<a href="selecthatchbrush.htm"> (SelectHatchBrush) mnemonic</a>
<a href="selectpen.htm"> (SelectPen) mnemonic</a>
<a href="selectsolidbrush.htm"> (SelectSolidBrush) mnemonic</a>
<a href="selectsysfont.htm"> (SelectSysFont) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SELECTWINDOWEX.HTM"> (SelectWindowEx) mnemonic</a>
<a href="dosmessageall.htm"> Sending a message to all terminals</a>
<a href="dosmessage.htm"> Sending a message to another terminal</a>
<a href="SMTP_SMTPCOMMANDS.HTM"> Sending e-mail via SMTP</a>
<a href="sequent.htm"> Sequential file</a>
<a href="SERIAL.HTM"> Serial gateway</a>
<a href="EMAILSERVER.HTM"> (Server) mnemonic</a>
<a href="set.htm"> SET directive</a>
<a href="SETPRINTERINFO.HTM"> (Set Printer Info) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETROP2.HTM"> (Set ROP2) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETWINDOWCAPTION.HTM"> (Set Window Caption) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETBIT.HTM"> SETBIT function</a>
<a href="setbkcolor.htm"> (SetBkColor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="setbkmode.htm"> (SetBkMode) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETDIRALIAS.HTM"> (SetDirAlias) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SetFmt.htm"> SetFormat statement</a>
<a href="SetGlobal.htm"> SetGlobal statement</a>
<a href="setorientation.htm"> (SetOrientation) mnemonic</a>
<a href="setpapersize.htm"> (SetPaperSize) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETSESSIONPRINTER.HTM"> (SetSessionPrinter) mnemonic</a>
<a href="settextalign.htm"> (SetTextAlign) mnemonic</a>
<a href="settextcolor.htm"> (SetTextColor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SETTINGWCOLORS.HTM"> Setting window colors (legacy windows)</a>
<a href="sf.htm"> (SF) mnemonic</a>
<a href="sgn.htm"> SGN function</a>
<a href="shelltodos.htm"> (Shell to DOS) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SHELLEXECUTE.HTM"> (ShellExecute) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SHELLEXECUTEWAIT.HTM"> (ShellExecuteWait) mnemonic</a>
<a href="showcursor.htm"> (Show Cursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="showmousecursor.htm"> (Show Mouse Cursor) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SHMOUSECURSOR.HTM"> Show/hide the mouse cursor</a>
<a href="singlekeytransmit.htm"> (Single Key Transmit) mnemonic</a>
<a href="sl.htm"> Skip n lines</a>
<a href="sl.htm"> (SL=n) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SORTDESCENDINGMERGE.HTM"> Sort descending sort/merge</a>
<a href="sortgateway.htm"> Sort gateway</a>
<menu> <a href="sortascending.htm">Sort ascending in memory</a>
<a href="sortascendingmerge.htm">Sort ascending sort/merge</a>
<a href="sortbeginmerge.htm">Sort begin sort/merge</a>
<a href="sortdescending.htm">Sort descending in memory</a>
<a href="sortascendingmerge.htm">ort descending sort/merge</a>
<a href="sortpointer.htm">Sort move pointer to top</a>
<a href="sortrecordlength.htm">Sort record length</a>
</menu> <a href="compilercommands.htm"> SOURCE command</a>
<a href="source.htm"> Source Program Divisions</a>
<a href="compchar.htm"> Special characters (compiler)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm"> Special Characters (in IB source code)</a><menu><a href="specialcharacters.htm#ampersand">Ampersand (&)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#asterisk">Asterisk (*)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#atsign">At sign (@)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#comma">Comma (,)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#decimalpoint">Decimal point (.)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#dollarsign">Dollar sign ($)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#equalsign">Equal sign (=)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#exclamation">Exclamation mark (!)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#greaterthansign">Greater than sign (>)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#lessthansign">Less than sign (<)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#minussign">Minus sign (-)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#numbersign">Number sign (#)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#parentheses">Parentheses</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#plussign">Plus sign (+)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#quotes">Quotation marks</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#semicolon">Semicolon (;)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#slash">Division sign (/)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#slash">Slash sign (/)</a>
<a href="specialcharacters.htm#underline">Underline character</a>
</menu> <a href="spoolmessage.htm"> (Spool Message) mnemonic</a>
<a href="sqrt.htm"> SQRT function</a>
<a href="sqrt.htm"> Square root</a>
<a href="ssb.htm"> (SSB) mnemonic</a>
<a href="SSLRelay.htm"> SSL Relay</a>
<a href="sb.htm"> Start background (SB)</a>
<a href="sf.htm"> Start foreground (SF)</a>
<a href="ssb.htm"> Start suppressed background (SSB)</a>
<a href="stmtcont.htm"> Statement Continuation</a>
<a href="linelabl.htm"> Statement labels</a>
<a href="proceduredivisionstatements.htm"> Statement Summary</a>
<a href="sts.htm"> Status function (STS)</a>
<a href="stdkeyboardoff.htm"> (Std Keyboard Off) mnemonic</a>
<a href="stdkeyboardon.htm"> (Std Keyboard On) mnemonic</a>
<a href="stop.htm"> STOP statement</a>
<a href="STORECONTROL.HTM"> (StoreControl) mnemonic</a>
<a href="str.htm"> STR function</a>
<a href="string.htm"> STRING function</a>
<a href="Strings.HTM"> String Manipulation</a>
<a href="STRINGOPERATOR.HTM"> String Operator</a>
<a href="strip.htm"> STRIP function</a>
<a href="stripl.htm"> STRIPL function</a>
<a href="stripr.htm"> STRIPR function</a>
<a href="STS (WINSOCK GATEWAY).HTM"> STS function (Winsock gateway)</a>
<a href="sts.htm"> STS function</a>
<a href="sub.htm"> SUB function</a>
<a href="EMAILSUBJECT.HTM"> (Subject) mnemonic</a>
<a href="subprog.htm"> Subprograms</a>
<a href="gosub.htm"> Subroutines</a>
<a href="arrays.htm"> Subscripted variables (arrays)</a>
<a href="swap.htm"> SWAP function</a>
<a href="switchsession.htm"> (Switch Session) mnemonic</a>
<a href="set.htm"> Symbolic constants</a>
<a href="syspart.htm"> SYSPART$ system variable</a>
<a href="date.htm"> System date</a>
<a href="errorsub.htm"> SYSTEM parameter, ERRORSUB</a>
<a href="errorto.htm"> SYSTEM parameter, ERRORTO</a>
<a href="escapesub.htm"> SYSTEM parameter, ESCAPESUB</a>
<a href="escapeto.htm"> SYSTEM parameter, ESCAPETO</a>
<a href="SYSTEMSYMBOLICCONSTANTS.HTM"> System Symbolic Constants</a>
<a href="time.htm"> System time</a>
<a href="systemvariables.htm"> System variables (chart)</a>
<a href="systvar.htm"> System variables</a>
<a href="ports.htm"> TCP/IP Ports used by Signature Products</a>
<a href="term.htm"> TERM$ system variable</a>
<a href="term.htm"> Terminal identification</a>
<a href="terminate.htm"> Terminate a partition</a>
<a href="terminate.htm"> TERMINATE statement</a>
<a href="TESTBIT.HTM"> TESTBIT function</a>
<a href="text.htm"> Text files</a>
<a href="EMAILTEXT.HTM"> (Text) mnemonic</a>
<a href="textout.htm"> (TextOut) mnemonic</a>
<a href="time.htm"> TIME$ system variable</a>
<a href="tm.htm"> (TM) mnemonic</a>
<a href="EMAILTO.HTM"> (To) mnemonic</a>
<a href="hidemousecursor.htm"> Touch-sensitive screens</a>
<a href="tp.htm"> (TP) mnemonic</a>
<a href="tr.htm"> (TR) mnemonic</a>
<a href="tm.htm"> Transmit mark (TM)</a>
<a href="tp.htm"> Transmit stop mark (TP)</a>
<a href="TRANSPARENTCOLOR.HTM"> (Transparent Color) mnemonic</a>
<a href="tr.htm"> Transparent printing mode</a>
<a href="TRUE.HTM"> TRUE</a>
<a href="et.htm"> Typewriter mode</a>
<a href="ucase.htm"> UCASE function</a>
<a href="UNDERAMP.HTM"> Underscore and ampersand</a>
<a href="unlock.htm"> UNLOCK statement</a>
<a href="unlock.htm"> Unlocking a InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="UNSET.HTM"> UNSET directive</a>
<a href="update.htm"> UPDATE statement</a>
<a href="update.htm"> Updating data records</a>
<a href="ucase.htm"> Upper case conversion</a>
<a href="uppercaseinput.htm"> (Upper Case Input) mnemonic</a>
<a href="use.htm"> USE directive</a>
<a href="usefile.htm"> Usefiles</a>
<a href="USINGHELP.HTM"> Using the Automatic Help Feature</a>
<a href="compile.htm"> Using the IB Compiler</a>
<a href="varclass.htm"> Variable classification</a>
<a href="varlen.htm"> Variable length</a>
<a href="varnames.htm"> Variable names</a>
<a href="vartypes.htm"> Variable types</a>
<a href="VERIFYFILE.HTM"> (Verify File) mnemonic</a>
<a href="version.htm"> Version number</a>
<a href="version.htm"> VERSION$ system variable</a>
<a href="VIDCODES.HTM"> Video Control Codes</a>
<a href="fmtvideo.htm"> Video Screen Formatting Overview</a>
<a href="WAIT.HTM"> WAIT statement</a>
<a href="wakeup.htm"> WAKEUP statement</a>
<a href="WALLPAPERBITMAP.HTM"> (Wallpaper Bitmap) mnemonic</a>
<a href="WALLPAPERCLEAR.HTM"> (Wallpaper Clear) mnemonic</a>
<a href="WALLPAPERCOLOR.HTM"> (Wallpaper Color) mnemonic</a>
<a href="WALLPAPERREMOVE.HTM"> (Wallpaper Remove) mnemonic</a>
<a href="wc.htm"> (WC) mnemonic</a>
<a href="whohasfile.htm"> (Who Has File) mnemonic</a>
<a href="WINDOWMEMORY.HTM"> Window memory (legacy windows)</a>
<a href="windowtitlebackground.htm"> (Window Title Background) mnemonic</a>
<a href="windowtitleforeground.htm"> (Window Title Foreground) mnemonic</a>
<a href="WINDOWSFILEMNEMONICS.HTM"> Windows file mnemonics</a>
<a href="windowsprintermnemonics.htm"> Windows printer mnemonics</a>
<a href="windowsprinting.htm"> Windows printing</a>
<a href="WINSOCKERRORCODES.HTM"> Windows Sockets Error Codes</a>
<a href="WINDOWSTITLE.HTM"> Windows title line</a>
<a href="GATEWAYSUBROUTINE.HTM"> Winsock Gateway Subroutine</a>
<a href="WINSOCKGATEWAYOVERVIEW.HTM"> Winsock Gateway</a>
<a href="write.htm"> WRITE statement</a>
<a href="doswrite.htm"> Write to a DOS file</a>
<a href="write.htm"> Write to a InternetBasic file</a>
<a href="wc.htm"> Write to control line (WC)</a>
<a href="ECOMET.HTM"> XAP gateway (eComet)</a>
<a href="longyear.htm"> Year (system variable)</a>

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