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Revision as of 19:20, 4 June 2016

Changes characters from plain text to characters acceptable for html...

     """     encodes to     """ "       
     "<"     encodes to     "&lt;"      
     ">"     encodes to     "&gt;"      
     "&"     encodes to     "&amp;"     
     " "     encodes to     "&nbsp;"    
     " "     encodes to     "+"    
     ";"     encodes to     "%3B"        
     "?"     encodes to     "%3F"        
     "/"     encodes to     "%2F"        
     ":"     encodes to     "%3A"        
     "#"     encodes to     "%23"        
     "&"     encodes to     "%26"        
     "="     encodes to     "%3D"        
     "+"     encodes to     "%2B"        
     "$"     encodes to     "%24"        
     ","     encodes to     "%2C"        
     "%"     encodes to     "%25"        
     "<"     encodes to     "%3C"        
     ">"     encodes to     "%3E"        
     "~"     encodes to     "%7E"        
     "%"     encodes to     "%25"        
   Note that because the <space> character is very commonly used, a special code ( the "+" sign) 
   has been reserved as its URL encoding.  
   Thus the string "A B" can be URL encoded as either "A%20B" or "A+B".


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