Comet Error Codes

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Comet Exception Messages

(QERCOMET file) 
 EXCP    Meaning
 00      No Exception Reported
 01      Not in Current Use
 02      End of File
 03      Unable to Allocate Space for File
 04      Keyed File Write Without Index
 05      Create Without Directory Label
 06      Directory Not Found on ACCESS
 07      File Unavailable--Lock/Unlock Error
 08      Not in Current Use
 09      Not in Current Use
 10      Not in Current Use
 11      File Not Found
 12      File Already Exists
 13      Text file exists on CREATE
 14      Not in Current Use
 15      Unhandled math error
 16      Number too large for variable
 17      Numeric overflow
 18      Not in Current Use
 19      Attempt to divide by zero
 20      Math library ran out of memory
 21      Math library internal error
 22      Not in Current Use
 23      Not in Current Use
 24      Unable to Rename Disk to Disk
 25      Invalid DOS Call
 26      Invalid Message Call
 27      DOS Returned an Error
 28      Invalid Priority Call
 29      Not in Current Use
 30      Device Inoperative
 31      Device or Directory Unavailable
 32      Key Not Found
 33      Record Unavailable--Extract Error
 34      Logical Unit # Unavailable for Open
 35      File Not Open for Read or Write
 36      Can't Perform Function on Open File
 37      Not in Current Use
 38      Device or Target File System Unable to Perform Function
 39      Not in Current Use
 3D      KDOS Function Error
 40      Invalid Window Specified
 41      Edit Mask Length Incorrect
 42      Not in Current Use
 43      Not in Current Use
 44      I/O Buffer Overflow
 45      Invalid Parameter
 46      Non-Numeric Input in a Numeric Field
 47      Parameter Too Large
 48      Invalid Key or Record Size: CREATE
 49      Invalid Logical Unit Number
 50      Array Subscript Out of Range
 51      Not in Current Use
 52      Not in Current Use
 53      Invalid File Access
 54      Invalid Function for Named File
 55      Not in Current Use
 56      Record Already Exists for INSERT
 59      Not in Current Use
 60      Cannot IPL while other Users Active
 61      Program Not Found
 62      Not in Current Use
 63      Cannot Run Non-Object File
 64      Invalid Partition Name
 65      Partition Busy, Program Running
 66      Performed an EXIT when ENTERLEVEL value was 0
 67      Partition Busy, Normal Termination
 68      Terminate Complete, Task Wasn't Idle
 69      Activate Unsuccessful/Task had Error Pending
 70      ESCAPETO/SUB not active for INTERRUPT
 71      DOS Failed to Transfer Read Data
 72      IRQ 3 Failure from Comet Board
 73      Illegal Jump to Location Zero
 74      Not in Current Use
 75      Resources Left Allocated After Call
 76      File Size Limit Reached in Demo Mode
 77      Attempted Write with Zero Length
 78      Error Performing ENTER/EXIT Program
 79      Key Block Offset Too Large
 7A      Attempt to EXTRACT Keyed Only File
 7B      Maximum File Size Exceeded
 80      Maximum I/O Buffer Size Exceeded
 81      Spool File Error
 82      Top Key Sector not in Delete Stack
 83      DOS Disc Error
 84      Key Sector Search Level Impossible
 86      File Descriptor List Overflow
 87      Unexpected EOF from DOS
 88      Keys but NO Records in File
 89      Unsupported Reference
 8A      Network Buffer Overflow
 8E      Node Lock Timed Out
 90      Disk Full -- DOS Wrote Less Than Expected
 91      Invalid/Unsupported System Call
 92      GOSUB Stack Underflow
 93      GOSUB Stack Overflow
 94      Directory Entry Unavailable / CLOSE
 95      Next Key Unavailable for Deletion
 96      New Key Found during INSERT
 97      New First Key found during INSERT
 98      Extracted Record not found in Table
 99      Error Received from DOS

Internet Basic Compiler Error Messages

Number    Error Message
00        System error - Reload and restart
01        Missing keyword, punctuation
02        Cannot redefine symbolic constant at execution time
03        Variable referenced is incorrect type or undefined
04        Variable has been previously defined
05        Out of range parameter (constant)
06        Array too large (9999 bytes maximum)
07        Unnecessary characters following a statement
08        Statement number previously declared
09        Invalid syntax for hex field
10        Non-numeric FOR/NEXT parameter
11        Invalid loop statement
12        Invalid string constant termination
13        Nested FOR/NEXT loop using same control variable
14        Invalid conditional statement
15        FOR/NEXT nesting error
16        No matching FOR statement
17        Statement number required
18        FORMAT number not declared
19        Argument/subscript error
20        Incorrect number of expression operands
21        Precision will overflow accumulator
22        No path to this statement
23        No space to evaluate expression
24        Precision conflict (FOR/NEXT)
25        We've only got one string accumulator
26        String length not declared
27        BREAK or CONTINUE found, no FOR/DO
28        Integer out of range
29        Operand/operator type disagreement
30        Unbalanced parentheses
31        Numeric expression required
32        Logical expression required
33        Expression operator not allowed
34        No DO loop conditional clause
35        String expression required
36        Fraction, where integer required
37        Integer/symbolic constant required
38        -reserved for future use-
39        Invalid usefile parameter
40        LOOP statement has no preceding "DO"
41        SELECT/CASE sequence error
42        CASE: "FROM" with no "TO" or "THRU"
43        "CASE ELSE" no last "CASE"
44        MTB51 read\write error
45        .ELSE without .IF (Comet16 only)
46        Unrecognizable compiler directive (Comet16 only)
47        not used
48        not used
49        not used
50        not used
51        Program exceeds 64K (Comet16 only)
52        Too many conditional statements (internal label count) 64K (Comet16 only)
53        Array element not allowed for SELECT CASE expression

Windows Sockets Error Codes, Values, and Meanings

Last reviewed: November 17, 1997
Article ID: Q150537  
The information in this article applies to: 
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5 and 3.51 
Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5 and 3.51 
Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.2c 
Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups, versions 3.11, 3.11a, and 3.11b 
Microsoft Windows 95 
Microsoft Network Client version 3.0 for MS-DOS 


This article describes the Windows Sockets error codes.

MORE INFORMATION The following table is a list of possible error codes returned by the WSAGetLastError() call, along with their explanations.

  Windows Sockets code   Error   Description
  WSAEINTR               10004   Interrupted system call.
  WSAEBADF               10009   Bad file number.
  WSEACCES               10013   Permission denied.
  WSAEFAULT              10014   Bad address.
  WSAEINVAL              10022   Invalid argument.
  WSAEMFILE              10024   Too many open files.
  WSAEWOULDBLOCK         10035   Operation would block.
  WSAEINPROGRESS         10036   Operation now in progress. This error is
                                 returned if any Windows Sockets API
                                 function is called while a blocking
                                 function is in progress.
  WSAEALREADY            10037   Operation already in progress.
  WSAENOTSOCK            10038   Socket operation on nonsocket.
  WSAEDESTADDRREQ        10039   Destination address required.
  WSAEMSGSIZE            10040   Message too long.
  WSAEPROTOTYPE          10041   Protocol wrong type for socket.
  WSAENOPROTOOPT         10042   Protocol not available.
  WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT     10043   Protocol not supported.
  WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT     10044   Socket type not supported.
  WSAEOPNOTSUPP          10045   Operation not supported on socket.
  WSAEPFNOSUPPORT        10046   Protocol family not supported.
  WSAEAFNOSUPPORT        10047   Address family not supported by protocol
  WSAEADDRINUSE          10048   Address already in use.
  WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL       10049   Cannot assign requested address.
  WSAENETDOWN            10050   Network is down. This error may be
                                 reported at any time if the Windows
                                 Sockets implementation detects an
                                 underlying failure.
  WSAENETUNREACH         10051   Network is unreachable.
  WSAENETRESET           10052   Network dropped connection on reset.
  WSAECONNABORTED        10053   Software caused connection abort.
  WSAECONNRESET          10054   Connection reset by peer.
  WSAENOBUFS             10055   No buffer space available.
  WSAEISCONN             10056   Socket is already connected.
  WSAENOTCONN            10057   Socket is not connected.
  WSAESHUTDOWN           10058   Cannot send after socket shutdown.
  WSAETOOMANYREFS        10059   Too many references: cannot splice.
  WSAETIMEDOUT           10060   Connection timed out.
  WSAECONNREFUSED        10061   Connection refused.
  WSAELOOP               10062   Too many levels of symbolic links.
  WSAENAMETOOLONG        10063   File name too long.
  WSAEHOSTDOWN           10064   Host is down.
  WSAEHOSTUNREACH        10065   No route to host.
  WSASYSNOTREADY         10091   Returned by WSAStartup(), indicating that
                                 the network subsystem is unusable.
  WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED     10092   Returned by WSAStartup(), indicating that
                                 the Windows Sockets DLL cannot support
                                 this application.
  WSANOTINITIALISED      10093   Winsock not initialized. This message is
                                 returned by any function except
                                 WSAStartup(), indicating that a
                                 successful WSAStartup() has not yet been
  WSAEDISCON             10101   Disconnect.
  WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND      11001   Host not found. This message indicates
                                 that the key (name, address, and so on)
                                 was not found.
  WSATRY_AGAIN           11002   Nonauthoritative host not found. This
                                 error may suggest that the name service
                                 itself is not functioning.
  WSANO_RECOVERY         11003   Nonrecoverable error. This error may
                                 suggest that the name service itself is
                                 not functioning.
  WSANO_DATA             11004   Valid name, no data record of requested
                                 type. This error indicates that the key
                                 (name, address, and so on) was not found.

NOTE: This table does not include all of the error codes defined in



Function Error Routine/Apply Descriptions

select case FuncError
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading3
case 0 Funcerror$ = 'Function not supported'
case 1 Funcerror$ = 'Success -- update performed'
case 2 Funcerror$ = 'CometAnywhere required'
case 3 Funcerror$ = 'Source file error (see suberrors)'
case 4 Funcerror$ = 'Aborted by user'
case 5 Funcerror$ = 'Function in progress'
case 20 Funcerror$ = 'Success -- update not required'
case 21 Funcerror$ = 'Success -- update required'
case 22 Funcerror$ = 'Destination file error (see suberrors)'
case else & Funcerror$ = 'Unknown' endselect
select case FileError
case 0 
FileError$ = 'Success'
case 2 
FileError$ = 'File not found'
case 3 
FileError$ = 'Path not found'
case 5
FileError$ = 'Access denied'
case 12 
FileError$ = 'Invalid access'
case 15
FileError$ = 'Invalid drive'
case 16
FileError$ = 'An error has occurred in the current directory'
case 18 
FileError$ = 'No more files'
case 32 
FileError$ = 'Sharing violation'
case 33
FileError$ = 'Lock violation'
case 80
FileError$ = 'File exists'
case 123
FileError$ = 'The Filename, Directory Name, or Volume Label Syntax Is Incorrect'
case 161
FileError$ = 'Bad pathname'
case else 
FileError$ = 'Unknown' 
select case FuncError
case 0 
Funcerror$ = 'Function not supported'
case 1 
Funcerror$ = 'Success'
case 2 
Funcerror$ = 'CometAnywhere required'
case 3 
Funcerror$ = 'Source file error (see suberrors)'
case 4 
Funcerror$ = 'Aborted by user'
case 5 
Funcerror$ = 'Function in progress'
case else & Funcerror$ = 'Unknown'
select case FileError
case 0 
FileError$ = 'Success'
case 2 
FileError$ = 'File not found'
case 3 
FileError$ = 'Path not found'
case 5
FileError$ = 'Access denied'
case 12 
FileError$ = 'Invalid access'
case 15
FileError$ = 'Invalid drive'
case 16
FileError$ = 'An error has occurred in the current directory'
case 18 
FileError$ = 'No more files'
case 32 
FileError$ = 'Sharing violation'
case 33
FileError$ = 'Lock violation'
case 80
FileError$ = 'File exists'
case 123
FileError$ = 'The Filename, Directory Name, or Volume Label Syntax Is Incorrect'
case 161
FileError$ = 'Bad pathname'
case else 
FileError$ = 'Unknown' 

These are spare headings for any other tables of error codes

Actually I just couldn't be bothered to check the help to see how to force this T.O.C.

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