IB Statements/msgboxfunc
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MSGBOX Function
Discussion: |
The MSGBOX function displays a Windows-style message box containing a specified string and one or more buttons (i.e., OK, Cancel, Abort, Retry, Ignore, Yes, No, Close, Help). The program is halted until the user clicks on one of the buttons. The value of the clicked button is returned to the program. |
Syntax: | Result = MSGBOX(string-expression, caption, type) |
Where: | Result is a numeric value representing which button was clicked, based on the following table: |
Example: |
TYPE = MB.ABORTTETRYIGNORE + MB.ICONQUESTION Result = MSGBOX(“Click Abort, Retry, or Ignore”,”Sample program”,TYPE) |
Result: |
!========================================================== ! These are standard ID's assigned by WINDOWS and used ! in many dialogs that have an OK and CANCEL button etc. !========================================================== if result = 1 print 'That means ID.OK' if result = 1 print 'That means IDOK' if result = 2 print 'That means ID.CANCEL' if result = 2 print 'That means IDCANCEL' if result = 3 print 'That means ID.ABORT' if result = 3 print 'That means IDABORT ' if result = 4 print 'That means ID.RETRY' if result = 4 print 'That means IDRETRY' if result = 5 print 'That means ID.IGNORE' if result = 5 print 'That means IDIGNORE' if result = 6 print 'That means ID.YES' if result = 6 print 'That means IDYES' if result = 7 print 'That means ID.NO' if result = 7 print 'That means IDNO' if result = 8 print 'That means ID.CLOSE' if result = 8 print 'That means IDCLOSE' if result = 9 print 'That means ID.HELP' if result = 9 print 'That means IDHELP' |
String-expression is the text that will appear in the message box above the button(s).
Caption is a string value that will be displayed as the caption for the Window.
Type is a numeric value that represents the type of message box to be displayed,
including which buttons are displayed and the icon that is displayed (i.e., stop sign, question mark, exclamation mark, information icon). In the following table these value are expressed using symbolic constants: |
!========================================================== ! ! Type values for the MessageBox function ! !========================================================== SET MB.OK = 0 ! 0x00000000L SET MB.OKCANCEL = 1 ! 0x00000001L SET MB.ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2 ! 0x00000002L SET MB.YESNOCANCEL = 3 ! 0x00000003L SET MB.YESNO = 4 ! 0x00000004L SET MB.RETRYCANCEL = 5 ! 0x00000005L SET MB.ICONHAND = 16 ! MB.ICONSTOP SET MB.ICONQUESTION = 32 ! 0x00000020L SET MB.ICONEXCLAMATION = 48 ! 0x00000030L SET MB.ICONASTERISK = 64 ! MB.ICONINFORMATION SET MB.USERICON = 128 ! 0x00000080L SET MB.ICONWARNING = 48 ! MB.ICONEXCLAMATION SET MB.ICONERROR = 16 ! MB.ICONHAND SET MB.ICONINFORMATION = 64 ! MB.ICONASTERISK SET MB.ICONSTOP = 16 ! MB.ICONHAND SET MB.DEFBUTTON1 = 0 ! 0x00000000L SET MB.DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ! 0x00000100L SET MB.DEFBUTTON3 = 512 ! 0x00000200L SET MB.DEFBUTTON4 = 768 ! 0x00000300L SET MB.APPLMODAL = 0 ! 0x00000000L SET MB.SYSTEMMODAL = 4096 ! 0x00001000L SET MB.TASKMODAL = 8192 ! 0x00002000L SET MB.HELP = 16384 ! 0x00004000L SET MB.NOFOCUS = 32768 ! 0x00008000L SET MB.SETFOREGROUND = 65536 ! 0x00010000L SET MB.DEFAULT.DESKTOP.ONLY = 131072 ! 0x00020000L SET MB.TOPMOST = 262144 ! 0x00040000L SET MB.RIGHT = 524288 ! 0x00080000L SET MB.RTLREADING = 1048576 ! 0x00100000L SET MB.TYPEMASK = 15 ! 0x0000000FL SET MB.ICONMASK = 240 ! 0x000000F0L SET MB.DEFMASK = 3840 ! 0x00000F00L SET MB.MODEMASK = 12288 ! 0x00003000L SET MB.MISCMASK = 49152 ! 0x0000C000L |