Minimal INI file

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The very minimum INI file is composed of about 10 lines and looks like this:

  01 = L,.\REL\;

  Name = MIN;

  First Partition = P00;
  # of Partitions = 1;

 Session = T00, P00, 5, F0,80,FF,F0,B0;


This INI file, when processed, creates a configuration file named MIN.CFG (because the only node is named MIN), containing one directory (REL), one partition (P00), and one foreground terminal session (T00). No other devices or services are configured.

A more realistic, but still minimal, INI file includes more items as shown in the following example.


   Server = N01, NLM, L, Comet_server_1;        Novell server1

   Name = MIN;          Node name is MIN
   Server = N01,SF;     This nodes gets security and files from N01

   01 = L   , .\REL\;
   02 = L   , .\SPL\;

   Printer = LPW, W, N,, HP DeskJet 890C Series:RAW,,;

   Spool = SP1, .\SPL\;

   First Partition = P00;
   First Terminal  = T00;
   # of Partitions = 9;

   Session = T00-005, P00, 5, F0,80,FF,F0,B0;

   Gateway = 2,0;    Sort gateway
   Gateway = 3,0;    XAP gateway
   Gateway = 4,0;    Winsock gateway
   Gateway = 5,0;    ODBC gateway
   Gateway = 6,0;    Universal gateway (fax)

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