From CometWiki
(Wallpaper Bitmap)
Mnemonic: (WallpaperBitmap = FileName)
Discussion: Creates a wallpaper (background) bitmap by tiling the specified bitmap file to fit the currently active Comet window.
(Wallpaper Clear)
Mnemonic: (WallpaperClear)
Discussion: Clears the wallpaper bitmap in the currently active Comet window to its original state. That is, it will be re-tiled to eliminate any drawing that had been previously done.
(Wallpaper Color)
Mnemonic: (WallpaperColor = Red,Green,Blue)
Discussion: Creates a wallpaper (background) bitmap using the specified RGB colors to fit the currently active Comet window.
Colors are represented by 3 (Red, Green, Blue) color intensity values, each ranging in value from 0 (no color - black) to 255 (max color - white).
Red ! Specifies the amount of RED
Green ! Specifies the amount of GREEN
Blue ! Specifies the amount of BLUE
(Wallpaper Remove)
Mnemonic: (WallpaperRemove)
Discussion: Removes the wallpaper bitmap in the currently active Comet window, restoring the window to its normal QCRT operation.
Mnemonic: (WC)
Hex equivalent: "@0E07@"
Discussion: The (WC) control code writes to the control line (a.k.a. "message line") of the controlling terminal. Subsequent data on the current write is displayed on the control line at the bottom of the screen display.
Typically, the control line is used to display special messages and/or warnings.
Note: The (WC) control code sends messages to the controlling device only, not to other terminals or devices. To send a message to another terminal, you must use the DOSRW function, explained in the DOS Function Calls section.
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (WC);"This is a message."
PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (WC);"This is a message."
(Who Has File)
Mnemonic: (Who Has File=server-number, filename, directory)
(Window Title Background)
Mnemonic: (Window Title Background=ARG1$,ARG2)
Hex equivalent: --
Discussion: This control code displays text on the top border line of the current Comet window.
ARG1$ is string (constant or variable) containing the text to be displayed in background characters on the top border line of the current Comet window.
ARG2 is a number (constant or variable) containing the horizontal starting position where the title text will be displayed (position 0 is the left-hand column).
Also see (Window Title Foreground).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Window Title Background="Title line",5)
PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Window Title Background="Title line",5)
(Window Title Foreground)
Mnemonic: (Window Title Foreground=ARG1$,ARG2)
Hex equivalent: --
Discussion: This control code displays text on the top border line of the current Comet window.
ARG1$ is string (constant or variable) containing the text to be displayed in foreground characters on the top border line of the current Comet window.
ARG2 is a number (constant or variable) containing the horizontal starting position where the title text will be displayed (position 0 is the left-hand column).
Also see (Window Title Background).
Example: a. 100 FORMAT (Window Title Foreground="Title line",5)
PRINT (0,100)
b. PRINT (0) (Window Title Foreground="Title line",5)
Windows file mnemonics
Windows printer mnemonics
Text and font functions
Mnemonic Description
(GetBkColor) Returns the current background color
(GetBkMode) Returns the current background mode
(GetFontInfo = item-code) Returns font information
(GetFuncResult) Requests the 4-byte result of the last printer function
(GetTextAlign) Returns the current text alignment mode
(GetTextColor) Returns the current text color
(GetTextExtent); printable-text Measures the size (width and height) of the specified text
(Pop Font)
(Push Font)
(Rectangle=left, top, right, bottom) Draws a rectangle
(RoundRect=left, top, right, bottom, corner-width, corner-height) Draws a rectangle with rounded corners
(SelectFont); log-font-data Selects the specified font
(SelectSysFont=font-number) Selects the specified SYSTEM font
(SetBkColor=red, green, blue) Sets the current background color
(SetBkMode=mode) Sets the background mode
(SetTextAlign=flags) Sets the text alignment mode
(SetTextColor=red, green, blue) Sets the current text color
(TextOut = X, Y); printable-text Prints the specified text at the specified location
Graphics and drawing functions
Mnemonic Description
(Draw Bit Map=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags); filename Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors
(Draw Image=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags, filename) Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors
(Draw Text=left, top, right, bottom, flags); printable-text Prints the specified text into the rectangle at the specified location, using the specified format codes
(Ellipse=left, top, right, bottom) Draws an ellipse
(Line To = X, Y) Draws a line using the currently selected pen from the current location pointer to the location specified
(Move To = X, Y) Moves the current location pointer to the specified location
(SelectHatchBrush=style, red, green, blue) Selects the hatched brush
(SelectPen=style, width, red, green, blue) Selects the specified pen
(SelectSolidBrush=red, green, blue) Selects the solid brush
Printer control functions
Mnemonic Description
(GetPageInfo = item-code) Returns page information
(SetOrientation=mode) Sets the paper orientation
(SetPaperSize) Sets the paper size
(SetPrinterInfo) Sets printer information
(LineSpacing=LinesPerInch) Overrides the default font-based line spacing to the desired lines-per-inch
(AutoCrOn) Turns on extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).
(AutoCrOff) Turns off extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).