CometAnywhere Mobile Changelog

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Revision as of 20:31, 5 July 2012 by Skrach (Talk | contribs)
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Added mButtonWithData proc that allows you to create a button and associate a data string with it. In this manner you can create multiple buttons that fire the same action, but with different data. See m9.ibs for an example.

Added mMasterListClear proc which clears the master list on the left side. You can then rebuild the list using mMasterList or mMasterListUnindexed.


List defaults to a section & index style list. Entries in the list are grouped into sections based on the first letter of the display text (see note). There is an index on the right side of the list that corresponds to these letters and tapping/sliding your finger along the index allows you to fast-scroll to and through the sections.

NOTE: The sections built in the order that the entries are sent to the app. The index is dynamically generated by adding each value to an existing section, or creating a new one if necessary. Order your list before sending it to the iPad!

Also added mMasterUnindexedList which corresponds to to the old list building proc. Use this proc if you want a list without sections in the same way it was done before this version of the app.


Added version number and CAID display to the connect dialog.

Started using new distribution method to deliver app and procs here.


Original version. lots of stuff

Build 3

Added auto contentSize specification

- When a view is added, the content size is automatically adjusted if necessary. This means if you add a view outside the bounds of the screen window, the app should automatically add scrolling functionality to incorporate the new view.

Added ability to clear detail view - mDetailClear()

- Clears all user-added views from the right side detail view

Build 2

Added scrolling - mContentSize(width, height)

- sets the scrollable size to the width and height listed. This manually adds scrolling functionality with a width and height specified.

Added pdf/html/txt file view - mDisplayPdf( label$, filename$ )

- Transfers the file specified (full path name) to the mobile device and displays it in a separate view.