Minimal INI file

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The very minimum INI file is composed of about 10 lines and looks like this:


  01 = L,.\REL\;


  Name = MIN;


  First Partition = P00;
  # of Partitions = 1;


  Session = T00, P00, 5, F0,80,FF,F0,B0;


This INI file, when processed, creates a configuration file named MIN.CFG (for the node named MIN), containing one directory (REL), one partition (P00), and one foreground terminal session (T00). No other devices or services are configured.

A more realistic INI file includes more items as shown in the following example. (Note: This example contains some real and some fictitious data. The syntax and comments are correct, but may not represent a real live system.)



  Server = N01, NLM, L, Comet_server_1;        Novell server1


  Name = MIN;          Node name is MIN
  Server = N01,SF;     Get security and files from N01


  01 = L   , .\REL\;
  02 = L   , .\SPL\;


  Printer = LPW, W, N,, HP DeskJet 890C Series:RAW,,;


  Spool = SP1, .\SPL\;


  First Partition = P00;
  First Terminal  = T00;
  # of Partitions = 9;


  Session = T00-005, P00, 5, F0,80,FF,F0,B0;


  Gateway = 2,0;    Sort gateway
  Gateway = 3,0;    XAP gateway
  Gateway = 4,0;    Winsock gateway
  Gateway = 5,0;    ODBC gateway
  Gateway = 6,0;    Universal gateway (fax)


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